Miss Jarea: Scandinavia`s leading female Dj of UK HardStyles
edit: mmh, nuthin
wtf? if u really had a strong opinion on this one you wouldn't wear a pitiful skirt like that haha. face it. u're a techno tool. u're not showing the crowd the real thing. sure u can make peeps dance but then again anyone who plays the samekind of music than u do can.
you're popular because of your looks, love. if u were butt-ugly or male they wouldn't want u. sorry.
and if you weren't jealous and would respect other people, you'd keep your mouth shut instead of complaining in other people's topics.
she's got gigs, you don't, face the fact and stop whining.
and if you weren't jealous and would respect other people, you'd keep your mouth shut instead of complaining in other people's topics.
she's got gigs, you don't, face the fact and stop whining.
i don't rate djs by quantity of gigs but you seem to. nice going but what can u expect. i have a good point there and u must admit it: if she was top-grade-talented she wouldn't have to dress like an attention*****. :roll:
chill. i ain't jealous. i don't even share the same music genre. i'm a tablist. i just laughed at this childish nonsense like first hating girls who use their sex as an advantage and then doin it herself.
you're true about one fact though: i have zero respect for femaledjs who behave such way. they're giving a bad impression.
Uups! I did'nt know that a skirt is the thing that defines dj-skills and personality. So does it have to be over the knees or to ankles to be a good dj? How about the guys? What clothes are on the NO-list in case they want to find the right records, promote themselves into right places and get the crowd dancing?
Uups! I did'nt know that a skirt is the thing that defines dj-skills and personality. So does it have to be over the knees or to ankles to be a good dj? How about the guys? What clothes are on the NO-list in case they want to find the right records, promote themselves into right places and get the crowd dancing?
That's a good point :)
The fact is: girls want to look good when they go to a party (and it doesn't necessarely mean anything), but guys usually don't really give a shit what they look like.
Why should this be any different among dj's and artists?
and if you weren't jealous and would respect other people....
Mutta tähän on kyllä pakko kommentoida, että KATEUS VIE KALATKIN VEDESTÄ! :king: Vittu mikä Digital Beat -argumentti :D
Hmm. Just heard your "missing you" track recently.
I just wonder, you've got 30.000 e worth of studio equipment, and can't produce anything better than this? I've heard tracks made with way under 1000 es worth of gear, that beat your songs ten - nil.
I'm not saying that the quality of the track itself (mixing, and it did stay in rhythym :hah: ..) would be too crappy, but I at least didn't find anything personal, intresting, catchy, like anything at all that would've made my head nod to the beat or think 'wow', 'nice', 'cool' etc. And the fucking soul/gospel vocal was god-awful. Yuck.
I did also hear the other track, "no control". It started off a bit more promising than "missing you", but it all went crashing down the first time the female vocal sample came in moaning something like 'put all your trust in me'. The horror of it was so abrupt i nearly threw up my lunch. I mean, where on earth did you find anyone who's able to sound that fucking corny and try-to-be-theatrical? (Don't tell me it's by you :D )
I've heard quite many lousy female vocal samples, and have also listened to a lot of black metal, and even in the most vampires and dark castles- oriented songs of that genre have I not heard anything that would sound so badly like a cheap porn star ho' who want's to be an actress and is paid five euros to whine a line like that for some song.This easily reaches the 1st place on my 'worst ever vocal samples' list.
Now, my comments may sound pretty rough, but after all the hype, a praising biography the lenght of an average novel and the way you talk of yourself in third person (eg. "MissJarea will be playing there and then..." whereas a person with a normal sized ego, I think, would say "I will be playing there and then..." for example) and the advertising of your mind-blowing studio, my expectations were set pretty damn high.
And they came down about as hard and fast as a bowling ball dropped from the Eifel tower.
What a waste of money and studio gear.
I suggest you think again of the way you boast about yourself.
^ hahahha! miss jarea, u actually managed to stay en the rhythm?? WOW DUDE!! you deseve a big pat in the back.
or ..? isn't that just a basic-fucking-routine you're expected to do?!! hahahh pitiful.
that text above pretty much tells it all.
Uups! I did'nt know that a skirt is the thing that defines dj-skills and personality. So does it have to be over the knees or to ankles to be a good dj? How about the guys? What clothes are on the NO-list in case they want to find the right records, promote themselves into right places and get the crowd dancing?
ha-ha. u must be the funniest girl around. i can't be bothered to set your silly words straight because every wise person understands my point. to quote myself, she wouldn't NEED to wear that shit. i think it actually does tell something about personality if a girl chooses thatkind of skirt instead of .. well pair of normal jeans? to make it simple: it screams loud and clear 'i'm trying my hardest to be very sexy, please look at meeee' ! you know, stuff that teenagers do. (or is that the comfiest skirt around? ha don't think so) afterall you're there to play the records and show your skills. it's just funny that first this chic is upset over some people's behaviour and then she acts just as ridiculously.
edit: and to get the crowd dancing is not a skill. at least not in your parties. those e-heads would move anyway.
ja maijalle vielä suomeks:
haen sitä, että minkä ihmeen takia pitää tehä itestään jonkinlainen seksiobjekti kun on tullu soittamaan musaa? kerronpa: ylimääräsiä itsetuntopisteitä epävarmalle ihmiselle. pukeutumisellahan ei TIETYSTIKÄÄN ole mitään tekemistä djskilssien kanssa (mutta ymmärrän että sulle tuli heti ekaks noin naurettava johtopäätös mieleen). mun pointti olikin toi ylimäärästen pisteiden kalastelu joka on todella naurettavaa imho. mutta saatte olla aivan vapaasti erimieltä, ei mun sanomiset oo mitään yksoikosia totuuksia vaan mielipiteitä.
ja jäbille vielä, ette sitten keksi mitään vanhempaa kun ton kateus-kortin? hassua että just toi kateusjuttu liitetään aina mukaan tän tyylisiin keskusteluihin. vielä kerran, MISTÄ IHMEESTÄ mun pitäis olla kateellinen? :D
let this crap about clothes be over. go practise.
i think it actually does tell something about personality if a girl chooses thatkind of skirt instead of .. well pair of normal jeans?
Tells what? That she has a sense of fashion? That she does like to dress up as she goes partying?
to make it simple: it screams loud and clear 'i'm trying my hardest to be very sexy, please look at meeee' ! you know, stuff that teenagers do. (or is that the comfiest skirt around? ha don't think so) afterall you're there to play the records and show your skills. it's just funny that first this chic is upset over some people's behaviour and then she acts just as ridiculously.
edit: and to get the crowd dancing is not a skill. at least not in your parties. those e-heads would move anyway.
Welcome to the 2005. In here people are allowed to dress as an individual, and the lenght of the skirt hasn't been much of a shocker since the 60's.
But I won't even bother myself to answer to your troll in here, your "edit"-part of the message just shows the level I'm supposed to dwell to, and I don't even want to go there :(
mun pointti olikin toi ylimäärästen pisteiden kalastelu joka on todella naurettavaa imho
edit: ei jaksa...
The fact is: girls want to look good when they go to a party (and it doesn't necessarely mean anything), but guys usually don't really give a shit what they look like.
Why should this be any different among dj's and artists?
That's just a total load of bullshit. Guys are just as shallow as girls when it comes to the way they look. The fact that you like to wear a black t-thirt and jeans and be very "techno and UG" doesn't mean other men are like you.
Majority of clubbers like to dress up (although the trend has moved to a more street-look IMHO). I find that a bit worrying (makes clubs look dull and grey), but whatever makes them feel good and dance their ass off is good.
ha! p's yall.
jos te ymmärrätte mun tekstin noin niin en voi kun toivoa positiivisempaa elämää teille jatkossa :)
Olis mahtavaa kuulla ne sun skillssit, kun kerta pystyt itse tekemään noin tarkkoja analyysejä niistä bileistä missä Mayah soittaa. Olet sä kyllä yksi elitistinen idiootti.
haha. oonki ettiny järkevää syytä miks mun pitäis todistaa stygepäille mitään, koska ei olla hirveen samoilla ääniaaltopituuksilla, u knoe ;p mutta toi oli haaste eli saattasin vaikka tehdäkin jonkun pienen ääninäytteen. (ois kiva jos mayah vois olla messissä koska sehän on aika höhlää jos mun 3 min turntablismi-fileä verrataan maijan esim. 30min miksaukseen.)
vaikkakin munmielestä tollanen 'no tee sä sit paremmin' ajattelu on sellasta opet vs kakarat juttuu. ei oo juuri intoa ruveta säätään tänne mitään miksausfilei koska a) mä en ees tiedä miten niitä sais nettiin, ei oo kotisivuu tms. ps. help anyone? b) mun omassa topikissa on jotain playlistei josta saa edes pientä vihiä mun soittamasta musiikista.
mutta ennen kun rupeet käyttämään niin hienoja sanoja että tuskin itsekään ymmärrät, suosittelisin kuuntelemaan ensin ja tuomitsemaan sitten. later soon.
ja nyt en enää mielelläni osallistuis tähän keskusteluun. avataan vaikka oma aihe tälle niin ei tarvii toisten topikeissa vääntää jooko.
jos te ymmärrätte mun tekstin noin niin en voi kun toivoa positiivisempaa elämää teille jatkossa :)
Miten se olis sit pitäny ymmärtää? :eek:
I :heart: Miss Jarea
edit. koska mode whinee
First of all, sorry miss J, I'm going to answer in my own language..
Parahin djanis!
Mä kyllä ymmärsin sun pointtis mut ymmärsitkö sä mun? Tottakai aina löytyy ihmisiä, jotka pukeutuu saadakseen huomiota, mut voitko sä muka vetää automaattisesti sen johtopäätöksen, et jos joku käyttää keikalla hametta, se hakee sillä huomiota? WTF? Ihan siinä missä sä kiskaset ne farkut ja t-paidan päälle, mulla tai ihan kenellä tahansa muulla on oikeus kiskasta toppi ja minari. Tottakai pukeutuminen aina kertoo jotain ihmisestä, mut en mä ainakaan jaksa uskoa, et jos mä menisin keikalle farkuissa ja poolopaidassa et jengi buuais mua sieltä ulos, ku ne on kuitenki tullu sinne katsomaan mun uskomattoman ihanaa vartaloa. Pukeudu sä niinku sä tahdot, niin muut ihmiset pukeutuu niin ku ne tahtoo.
Jos et sä pidä sen tyylisestä musasta mitä mä soitan, niin mikä sä olet arvostelemaan niitä ihmisiä, jotka siitä pitää? e-heads? Niinpä niin. Kaikkihan ne on aina kamoissa. Mäkin olen, eihän sitä musiikkia muuten kestä.
Sä saat tehdä sun omaa juttua, se on tosi jees, et teet sitä. Mut älä käy mulle avautumaan mun musiikkimausta, mun pukeutumisen syistä tai niistä ihmisistä, ketkä käy mun keikkoja kuuntelemassa ja tanssimassa. En mäkään arvostele sun musiikkimakua, sun pukeutumista tai niitä ihmisiä, jotka sun soundistas tykkää.
Nii joo, mä tosiaan oon Maija, ja sun nimi oli....?
If girls get gigs by laying with promoters, why can't men get? Why am I lacking of gigs myself is because
A) there are so few female promoters
B) I can't get to sleep with them :crybaby:
Okay peace, let's gasp some air now :) Props for Jarea for having gained such a nice status and career on her genre :)
Mä kyllä ymmärsin sun pointtis mut ymmärsitkö sä mun? Tottakai aina löytyy ihmisiä, jotka pukeutuu saadakseen huomiota, mut voitko sä muka vetää automaattisesti sen johtopäätöksen, et jos joku käyttää keikalla hametta, se hakee sillä huomiota? WTF? Ihan siinä missä sä kiskaset ne farkut ja t-paidan päälle, mulla tai ihan kenellä tahansa muulla on oikeus kiskasta toppi ja minari.
sanoinko joskus että tää on ees paheksuttavaa, saati sitten jotenkin kiellettyä?? hellno. käytyin adjektiivejä kuten naurettava, turha tai lapsellinen.
Jos et sä pidä sen tyylisestä musasta mitä mä soitan, niin mikä sä olet arvostelemaan niitä ihmisiä, jotka siitä pitää? e-heads?
puhun vaan kokemuksesta. ja tuskin edes arvostelin. kalahtiko?
Mut älä käy mulle avautumaan mun musiikkimausta, mun pukeutumisen syistä tai niistä ihmisistä, ketkä käy mun keikkoja kuuntelemassa ja tanssimassa.
näinkö tein? huoh.
Nii joo, mä tosiaan oon Maija, ja sun nimi oli....?
oon tarkotuksella valinnu itelleni taiteilijanimen josta ei välittömästi paista läpi mun oikea nimi.
edit. mut jos oot oikeen TODELLA kiinnostunu, nii shoot a lil research maybe?
maija, sanon nyt vielä erikseen sullekin: etsi tuolta nappula jossa lukee pm. tää jauhanta on sun ystävättärenkin kannalta jo hieman raivostuttavaa.