Miss Jarea: Scandinavia`s leading female Dj of UK HardStyles
No niin siskot ja veljet! Eiköhän jätetä tämä Jarean topiikin flodaaminen tähän. :heart:
sanoinko joskus että tää on ees paheksuttavaa, saati sitten jotenkin kiellettyä?? hellno. käytyin adjektiivejä kuten naurettava, turha tai lapsellinen.
Eiks noiden adjektiivien käyttäminen ole arkikielessä paheksumista?
Hmm. Just heard your "missing you" track recently.
I just wonder, you've got 30.000 e worth of studio equipment, and can't produce anything better than this? I've heard tracks made with way under 1000 es worth of gear, that beat your songs ten - nil.
I'm not saying that the quality of the track itself (mixing, and it did stay in rhythym :hah: ..) would be too crappy, but I at least didn't find anything personal, intresting, catchy, like anything at all that would've made my head nod to the beat or think 'wow', 'nice', 'cool' etc. And the fucking soul/gospel vocal was god-awful. Yuck.
I did also hear the other track, "no control". It started off a bit more promising than "missing you", but it all went crashing down the first time the female vocal sample came in moaning something like 'put all your trust in me'. The horror of it was so abrupt i nearly threw up my lunch. I mean, where on earth did you find anyone who's able to sound that fucking corny and try-to-be-theatrical? (Don't tell me it's by you :D )
I've heard quite many lousy female vocal samples, and have also listened to a lot of black metal, and even in the most vampires and dark castles- oriented songs of that genre have I not heard anything that would sound so badly like a cheap porn star ho' who want's to be an actress and is paid five euros to whine a line like that for some song.This easily reaches the 1st place on my 'worst ever vocal samples' list.
Now, my comments may sound pretty rough, but after all the hype, a praising biography the lenght of an average novel and the way you talk of yourself in third person (eg. "MissJarea will be playing there and then..." whereas a person with a normal sized ego, I think, would say "I will be playing there and then..." for example) and the advertising of your mind-blowing studio, my expectations were set pretty damn high.
And they came down about as hard and fast as a bowling ball dropped from the Eifel tower.
What a waste of money and studio gear.
I suggest you think again of the way you boast about yourself.
Thye gear is old and kept for the sake of the cool of having it :)
The track is made using cubase SX and shitloads of pluggins. Nothing more, the equipment is too big to hook up. also if the track was that bad, it wouldn't be listed in international Dj magazine as one of 5 top tracks to get and in upfront magazine. It would also not have been in the dutch megadance top 20 charts for 5-6weeks... so aparently it wasn't that bad ;)
But every person has his or herown taste ;) I hate lots of top rated tracks , not to mentioning all the crap released on MTV... :roll: :happyroll: :roll:
The times the posts are written in third person is when i copy from my website or CV. I'm not replying to u in 3rd person do I? Seriously mate , chill out...I'm just a normal chick :D
Jeans are just fine :D
Hello MissJarea,
Are you really good plya or just a fantasy in my dream??
Jussi Lius
maybe a bit of both ? :D
mun pointti olikin toi ylimäärästen pisteiden kalastelu joka on todella naurettavaa imho.
Mut täytyyhän sitä nyt jotain olla millä pärjää :confused:
jos ei muulla niin sit niillä...
Where can i find Jareas new mixtape? Most recent was from Jan 2004... thats way too old.
new mixtape should be up soon, it will be very different, presenting nrg/techno and hardstyle :D patience.... I'm in the middle of exams, master thesis writing and weding planning.... :happyroll:
weding planning....
Ooh... it's nice to know, but when it's our date? I can't wait our wedding night.. :hearts:
New updates on my website!
Compilation, EP and new Demo out soon :D
Hi guys, here are the new previews of my upcoming EP
Miss Jarea - Over Your Head - Carnal Records
Over Your Head Original Mix
Over Your Heaad Straight Mix
Evil Seeds
Hi all, hope you have had a great yar so far... My latest EP 'Move Ya Head' is rocking the charts all over the world and finally my first official Compilation has been released.
Miss Jarea - Evolution Of Kaos
Full tracklist and preview of the CD can be obtained on
type: Jarea in the search box and choose World Series Presents Miss Jarea
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year and we'll see eachother in 2006 when I will be spinning in Finalnd again!
Hi all, hope you have had a great yar so far...
Yeah, we've had a great YARRR, but there be no grog left anymore :D
Hi all, hope you have had a great yar so far...
Yeah, we've had a great YARRR, but there be no grog left anymore :D
ye be plunderin' sumthin' again, ain't ye lad! avast, ye drank ol' rum by yerself, me picaroon.
we still love you :hearts: :heart:
hehe, me and spelling errors, hehe :D How have u ppl been? I'm all stressed with Xmas preparations... sorry for not have been around for a while, but i have been very busy in the studio, moving again, building and opening another buisnes...the year has been insane! :happyroll:
what have u ppl been up to?
lol i cast fireballs
I just ahev to say that Finland definetly has the best clubbers ever! I recently came back from a fantastic gig in Oulu and i have one thign to say; Oh My GOD!!! This is defiently the highlight of the year and I would like to thank all who came for a blasted evening! I love you!
My bio in this post, the first page of it that is, hehe, is updated.
Also my website http://www.miss-jarea.com has some new stuff on it ;)
I promise to be more around, just been so busy with my aster thesis and work and music.
Kisses and Hugs!
jarea :happyroll:
Last track spun is when u ehar masterblade with Blade.
The full set will be released for download within 2 weeks due to exam period.
Kisses and hugs