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Breivikin neuvot motivaation kohottamis musiikiksi:
[q]I will now show you several music tracks you should acquire as soon as possible which are ideal for the purpose of maintaining a high level of motivation and confidence:
Claudia Cazacu feat. Audrey Gallagher – Freefalling
Audrey Gallagher – Holding Onto Nothing -
Armin Van Buuren feat. Audrey Gallagher – Hold On To Me (Extended Mix)
Lange Ft. Sarah Howells – Fireworks (Club Mix)
Lasgo, Milk Inc, Sylver – Faithless: Insomnia (Live) –
Knut Avenstroup Haugen – ‘Age of Conan’ Soundtrack Tracks 1, 25, 6
Helene Bøksle – The Dreaming “Ere the World crumbles” (Age of Conan Theme song)
Armin van Buuren – Sound Of Goodbye (Official Music Video) -
*John O’Callaghan – Big Sky (Agnelli & Nelson remix)
(*Anders Behring Breivik Comment: “Audrey Gallagher is amazing. Myfavourite vocal trance track”)
Lange feat. Sarah Howells “Let It All Out”
Delerium Feat Jael – After All (Svenson And Gielen Remix)
*Lange feat. Sarah Howells – Out of the Sky (Original mix)
(*Anders Behring Breivik Comment: “Forward to 01.10″)
Lange Ft. Sarah Howells – Fireworks (Club Mix)[/q]
Yhh...juustoista tranaa. Pitihän se arvata.
"I have woken. I can't sleep anymore. I'm sitting in the livingroom. Feel pain, anger, happiness, God knows what. There are too many emotions. There are too many thoughts. I'm scared. I react to every little sound. I will write about what happened on Utøya. What my eyes saw, what I felt, what I did. The words come from my heart, but I will make many names anonymous out of respect for my friends.
We had had a crisis meeting in the main building after the explosions in Oslo. We comforted ourselves with that we were safe on the island. Nobody knew that all Hell would break loose here too.
I was in the main corridor when the panic broke out. I heard gunshots. I saw him shooting. Everyone started running. My first thought was: why is the police shooting at us? What the hell?! I ran into the small hall. People ran. Screamed. I was scared. I reached one of the backmost rooms. We were many in there. We were all on the floor. We heard more shots. Became more afraid. I wept. I didn't understand anything. I saw my best friend through the window and wondered if I should go fetch him. I couldn't. I saw the fear in his eyes.
We remained on the floor in the room for some minutes. We agreed not to let in more in case the murderer came. We heard more shots and decided to jump out the window. Panic struck among us.
Everyone in the room rushed to the window and tried to jump out. I was the last and thought: now I'll die. I threw my bag out the window. Tried to climb down, but lost my grip. I landed roughly, on my left side. A guy helped me up. We ran into the wood. I looked around.
- Is he here? Is he shooting at me? Is he watching me?
A girl had broken her ankle. Another was badly injured. I tried to help a bit before I continued towards the water. I took cover behind some sort of wall. We were many. I prayed, prayed, prayed. I hoped that God was watching me. I called my mum and said that it wasn't certain that we'd meet again, but that I'd do everything I could to make it. I said that I loved her, several times. I heard the fear in her voice. She cried. It hurt. I sent a message to my dad, told him that I loved him. I sent a text my best friend. He didn't reply.
We heard more shots. Curled up. Did everything we could to stay warm. There were so many thoughts. I was so afraid. My father called me. I cried, told him that I loved him. He said that he was coming with my brother to take care of me when I got to the shore or they got to the island. There were so many emotions. So many thoughts. I prayed all I could. Some time passed. The others called their parents, but after a while everyone started sending texts out of fear that the murderer would hear us.
I thought of my sister, who is traveling. How would I tell her what was going on? What was happening? I updated on Twitter and Facebook that I was alive so far. I wrote that I was waiting for the police. People jumped into the water and started swimming.
I remained lying.
I decided that if he came I would play dead. I wouldn't run or swim. I cannot describe the fear, all the thoughts, what I felt.
A man came.
- I'm from the police.
I remained lying. Someone yelled for him to prove it.
I don't remember exactly what he said, but the murderer started shooting. He reloaded. Shot some more. He shot those who laid around me.
I remained lying. I thought: now it's over. He's here. He'll take me. Now I die.
People screamed. I heard that others got shot. Others jumped into the water. I laid there. The phone in my hand. I laid on top of a girl's legs. Two others were on my legs. I remained lying. Texts kept ticking in. My phone rang several times. I remained lying. I feigned death. I laid there for at least one hour. It was completely silent. I carefully turned my head to see if I could spot any survivors. I saw corpses. I saw blood. Fear.
I decided to stand up. I had laid on top of someone who was dead. Two other dead were on top of me. An angel had kept me safe.
I didn't know if he would come back. I hurried down to the water. Dragged my shirt off. It was large. I thought that it would be difficult to swim while wearing it. I pondered if I should bring my phone or leave it. I put it in my back pocket and jumped into the water.
I saw several people in the water. They had swum far. I saw that someone had gathered around an inflatable or a similar object. There were many who picked up the swimmers. I swam, swam and swam towards the inflatable. I screamed. Cried. Became cold. Thought that I would drown. It became harder and harder. I prayed. I continued. My arms tired. Decided to turn onto my back and only use my legs to swim onwards. I sank. I started swimming normally again.
For a moment I thought that those around the inflatable were moving away. I screamed. Begged them to wait for me. I must have hallucinated. In either case, I swam several hundred meters before I got there. We spoke a bit. Told our names and where we were from. We screamed for help, but the boats kept picking other people up.
A man in a boat came to us. He threw out some life jacket. I caught hold of one. Got it on. The man came back to pick us up. Everyone got into the boat. He started sailing towards the shore. After a while his small boat started leaking. I did whatever I could to get the water overboard. I used a scoop. I became tired. Another girl in the boat took over.
We reached shore. We got blankets. Tears were pushing. I cried again. A woman gave me a hug. It was so good. I cried loudly. I sobbed. A man lent me his phone. I called my father: I'm alive. I made it. I'm safe now. I hang up. Wept some more.
We had to walk a small distance. Strangers drove us to the Sundvollen Hotel. I ran in to see if I could spot my best friend. I didn't see him anywhere. I saw a female friend. I cried loudly. We hugged for long. It was good. I walked around, looking for friends. My heart was pounding. I wept again. I registered myself with the police, looked through their lists. I didn't know if my best friend was alive. I couldn't find his name anywhere. I was afraid. I was given a blanket. Took off my wet socks. I was half naked. Got a jacket.
I tried to collect myself and contacted my parents again. My dad and older brother were coming to get me. I sat down, saw more friends, hugged them. Thought. Wept. Borrowed a computer and updated on Facebook and Twitter that I was safe. I was in the hotel for hours before my familly arrived. I talked to a priest. Told him what I had seen. It was a good conversation. A man from Red Cross cleansed my wounds. Time passed.
I asked several people if they'd seen my best friend. Nobody had seen him. I got scared. Thought that it was my fault because we hadn't stuck together. A female friend got the key to a hotelroom. We sat there, watched the news. There was anger, sorrow, so many emtions. My parents came. I cried loudly. My brother cried. It was a good moment.
I saw a guy who looked like my best friend. I cried his name. He turned around. It was him.
Some hours have passed since all of this happened. I'm still in shock. Haven't taken in everything yet. I've seen the corpses of my friends. Several of my friends are missing. I'm happy that I can swim. I'm happy that I'm alive. That God watched over me. There are so many emotions, so many thoughts. I think of all the relatives. Of everyone I've lost. Of the hell that is and was on the island.
The summer's most beautiful adventure has become Norway's worst nightmare. "
Terror Attack in Norway
18:26 | Anders Breivik has acknowledged that he has been on Utøya and that he has shot on the island
18:25 | Anders Behring Breivik car in which he drove from Oslo to Utøya is sent to technical studies
18:20 | Police have had contact with parts of Anders Breivik family
18:19 | There are still four to five missing people after the shooting at Utøya
18:17 | Anders Breivik has not yet told anything about his motive
18:17 | Anders Breivik has been given a lawyer, as he wanted
18:16 | The first death is sent to the hospital to be autopsied
18:14 | The number of dead people is now updated to 98, police said at a press
18:10 | The 32_årige Anders Breivik surrendered immediately when police came to Utøya, police said
18:02 | They have now finished searching for bodies in the water at Utøya
17:39 | Anders Behring Breivik, who is arrested and charged with terrorist attacks in Oslo and at Utøya, has since 2009 been active in a Nazi netforum
says the Swedish online newspaper Expo.se
"Psychiatrist says that Anders Behring Breivik is an extreme fanatic and: "The man behind the massacre lives in a black / white world where it's not wrong to destroy his enemies."
edit: manifestoes
"terveisiä Australiasta!"
Nasa ilmoitti, että Marsissa on mahdollisesti juoksevaa vettä.. ja siellä missä vettä niin tarkoittaa jonkinlaista elämää?
edit: tossa lisää http://www.tekniikkatalous.fi/tk/avaruus/nasan+luotaimen+loyto+virtaavatko+marsissa+suolaiset+kevatpurot/a663112
Dodi! Vähän kissaa pöydälle :)
[q]lostgone, 18.12.2006 23:10:
Näyttelijä Esko Nikkari on kuollut.
[/q] R.I.P.
Loistava näyttelijä. Aika moni suomi-leffa ja -sarja ei olis ollu paljon mitään ilman häntä.
[q]Zenni, 25.2.2009 13:10:
"Homo" ja "lesbo" sensuroitiin Oscar-puheista aasialaisella tv-kanavalla
Ei todellakaan mikään naurun asia mut ei voi kyl muuta ku
[q]Android, 8.10.2007 21:20:
Tuhoisa tsunami iski Japaniin
edit: joo, kyllähän tästä varmaan kaikki jo tässä vaiheessa päivää on kuulleet, mut laitoin nyt kuitenkin. Näillä näppäimillä sen pitäis iskeä sitten Havaijille.
Kiinalaiset tekee helvetin turvallisia autoja
edit: no ei tää nyt ihan tän päivän oo mutta menköön nyt, eipä oo kai tääl aiemmin ollu
"Eduskunta hyväksyi kauppojen uudet aukiolot"
[q]Lyylikki, 16.10.2007 13:35:
Yleensä tuo käytäntö on yrityksissä, joissa niitä krapulapoissaoloja ei tule niin paljon. Eli aloilla, joilla ihmiset ovat koulutettuja ja työntekijöiden keski-ikä yli 30 vuotta.
Heh, no meillä ei ole kovin koulutettua jengiä ja keski-ikäkin on varmaan alle sen 30 :) Mut poikkeus vahvistaa säännön :D Ite kyllä tykkään kovastikin tosta säännöstä, ei tartte lähtä aina valumaan mihinkään lääkäriin kun tietää että on ihan "normaalisti" kipeä. Etenkään rankassa flunssassa sitä ei kyllä ees jaksais mihinkään lähteä.
[q]Lauruska, 9.10.2008 11:48:
Tsemppiä kaikille Islantilaisille korkotileille säästöjään laittaneille.
http://tinyurl.com/3gjrhj :'D "me teemme monia asioita toisin kuin muut"