Kompleksi vs Club Telex Noise Ensemble

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Listen to Kompleksi vs Club Telex Noise Ensemble.

One track of ours called

Kompleksi vs Club Telex Noise Ensemble - 'Kompleksi'
(originally titled 'CTNE')

is now downloadable both as mp3:

and ogg vorbis:

It's music of my mind, as brought to this world with the kind
assistance of Mike Not; an exp.eclectro sonic psychodrama both
on a common and individual level, concerning some pivotal issues of
geopolitical and economic nature. Warning: not for the weak nerves.


PS. Kompleksi's first 7", "(I Ain't No Lovechild), soon out on Finnish
Lal Lal Lal label...

Totally not my cuppa tea. Almost broke my headphones. Are all of those overdrives planned or mistakes!?

Only way to make me listen this track again is to feed me with truck load of weed... As I said before, not my cuppa tea....