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[size=24]MARC KIRKBRIDE (BERLIN, DE)[/size]


[size=12]Ladies & Gents...

Saturday, May 30th 2009 will see LCS host an underground Techno talent "MARC KIRKBRIDE". Marc will be bringing the Old Skool vibe alive as he plans to bring back those nostalgic musical moments.

Residing in Germany's capital Berlin, MarcKirkbride will be jetting over to slam out some legendary Old Skool, Hardcore, Techno and darker energetic sounds! Expect a real show as this guy not only beat-matches, but sample's, scratches and uses the mixer to it's full potential!

Support comes from Finnish Techno extraordinaire: 'SASHA F' and British born Breakbeat specialist 'JAYWINK'.

This 'Hot-off the press' super-mini Promo Quick Mix has been mixed specifically for Liquid Crystal Sounds by MARC KIRKBRIDE. At a little over 5 minutes long, Marc has squeezed in 11 tracks!

This mix gives a glance into the type of cutting, chopping and quick mixing that he is able to achieve on vinyl and CDJ1000's. Expect the unexpected as Marc is certainly a man for all genres. From pumping Hardcore to tech driven techno to some drum n' bass riffs...

Download, sit back and enjoy the sounds of the underground!"

Cheers. LCS Crew :)


01] TBA.... :)

Genres: disco, freeform, funk, hiphop, techno

Details - Listen


[color=yellow]CLICK "HERE" to see full information on the upcoming
"RECOLLECTION" event in Klubi (ILTA), TKU (30.05.2009)


nice one ;)

more magic from Marc

very nice!


It's a pleasure to hear Techno in a club or in a good mix. This LCS Recollection "Pre-Taster" mix from Marc fulfills all my expectations. Fast transitions (mmm, 11 in 5mins!) and a few nice tricks. Good tunes! I'll certainly be looking forward to hearing him play live on Saturday May 30th in Klubi's Ilta

Bring it on! :)