how is this guy president?

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Siinä teille natseista....

make luv not war.jne.
peace,luv,understanding!!why drink&drive when you can smoke bud and fly???

ei ollu tässä taas mitään järkee...


ei ollu tässä taas mitään järkee...


Do you wanna know what doesn't make any sense? Well, that avatar of yours which size is over 400k. (!!!)

kuilu:[q]Well dunno bout that 400 k…[/q]

Jea... though that'd be funny to see a 400 k plant... tsk tsk

come here and see..*vink*

[q]Lenni pieni lokinpoikanen, 8.4.2003 19:54:
Jea... though that'd be funny to see a 400 k plant... tsk tsk
Hmm.. now what would those nice dudes at the customs say about that?

[q]JussiS, 4.2.2003 11:02:
niin ja tietenkin se että G.W.Hitler on hyvin lähellä aloittaa WW3....öljyn takia....

Ah, Hitler-keissi saatiin jo threadin toisessa postauksessa käyttöön. Tämän topikin voi siis sulkea :)

Ja huomaa et kans Bushin pahuudesta käytettiin heti kättelyssä lähdeviitteenä "cannabisculture"-saittia..

[q]mkuisma, Hmm.. now what would those nice dudes at the customs say about that?

They'd be all like: "Man, u smokin' all that shit by urself? dude"


This is definitely my personal favourite:

"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully"
— Saginaw, Michigan, Sept. 29, 2000

Good to know!

my wife just bought me that "bushism book"..

hilarious staff!!

[q]hardikaveri, 9.11.2005 17:19:
my wife just bought me that "bushism book"..

hilarious staff!!

how nice, that the staff is hilarious*hymy*

bush quotes:

Hey... Maybe I could become the next president of the USA....*justjoo*

[q]Jone, 6.4.2003 06:17:
Do you wanna know what doesn't make any sense? Well, that avatar of yours which size is over 400k. (!!!)

from an .at domain, good bandwith stealing...

Blair pats Bush on the shoulder and says: "What did
I tell you? Nobody's gonna ask about the Muslims."

who would miss them?
what a relief for the world if they should just (mysteriously) vanish .. from the face of earth..

[q]lumen, 9.4.2006 12:54:
who would miss them?
what a relief for the world if they should just (mysteriously) vanish .. from the face of earth..

Have you tought that if all the humans would vanish, who would miss them?*ding*
I have and I am quite sure that in that day, nature and animals have a party.
"WEE!!! Idiots are gone!!! WEE!!!" *tanssittel**jiihaa**aplodit*