MADWAVE NYE 2007 31.12.2006 @ Tampere
Nää kyllä kiinnostais kovasti, jos joulupukki tai edes joku tonttu tois mulle parikymppiä ylimääräistä niin kerrankos ne Tampereen reissuun sijoittais.
[q]shkuroff, 11.12.2006 09:54:
Timetable :
21:00 - 22:30 - xxxxxxx
22:30 - 23:15 - xxxxxxx
23:15 - 00:15 - xxxxxxx
00:15 - 01:00 - xxxxxxx
01:00 - 02:30 - xxxxxxx
02:30 - 03:30 - xxxxxxx
[q]Maailman paras Tapi, 11.12.2006 19:34:
shkuroff, 11.12.2006 09:54:
Timetable :
21:00 - 22:30 - xxxxxxx
22:30 - 23:15 - xxxxxxx
23:15 - 00:15 - xxxxxxx
00:15 - 01:00 - xxxxxxx
01:00 - 02:30 - xxxxxxx
02:30 - 03:30 - xxxxxxx
No ok, jos et malta odottaa, niin tässä sulle lisää teh breaking news:ia...
Timetable :
21:00 - 22:30 - xxxxxxx
22:30 - 23:15 - xxxxxxx
23:15 - 00:15 - xxxxxxx
00:15 - 01:00 - xxxxxxx
01:00 - 02:30 - xxxxxxx
02:30 - 03:30 - Sasha F
Ja ulkomaan yllätysvieraamme tällä kertaa on :
BI4A ( - Latvia )
It was the hard rock sounds of Metallica and Nirvana, which first got Bi4a (read as "Bitcha") into the world of music. He became a big-time music fan, but switched his attention to the world of electronic music in 1996. At that time names like Fatboy Slim and Prodigy were dominating the dance scene, and Bi4a immediately became interested in what is happening around the EDM industry. Aged only 15, he learned how to mix tunes together with various software products, and by 2002 he already delivered a few live performances at famous Salamandra club. Bi4a's canny way of mixing, and artistic approach to track selection brought him great success, and he quickly got his first booking - the two "Trance For Mass" events in Riga.
Residencies at Salamandra, Pulse and Tonuss followed, as well as appearances at various open-air events around the country. His "big break" happened in 2004, when Bi4a participated in a series of Tonuss 2000 people club parties, being in charge of the "Trance Hall", which put him in a spotlight of the Latvian dance scene. Bi4a is not unfamiliar to Finland as well, as he already rocked Turku in early 2006, and played gigs in Riga with such Finnish names as Super 8 & Dj Tab, Alt+F4, Jussi Soro and Sergei Shkuroff. In summer 2006 Bi4a has been invited to perform at 3 day long Sun Dance Music Festival - The Biggest Festival in Estonia!
At the same time, he developed a highly active life apart from just DJing - he became one of the founders of website, which has quickly established itself as a well-known community around the Baltics. His immediately recognizable style, floating from soft progressive and melodic trance to some harder edged tunes, is turning more and more attention from the club promoters and party organizers and by the 2006 Bi4a found himself participating in every single trance party around Latvia. His performances - both musically intriguing and technically brilliant - earned him "The Best Trance DJ in Latvia" title. Himself he never agrees on that, but it's the audience, who makes the choice, and Bi4a is a strong favorite among those, who knows what quality DJing is about.
In September 2006 he started his own successful radio show called "Baltic Global" that airs on Pure.Fm radio station every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. Show lasts 2 hours and consist of 2 parts - 1st hour mix by Bi4a himself and second hour is left for the guestmix.
Now this Latvian trance hero will deliver his twisted beats and euphoric melodies to Tampere, playing peak-time b2b set with Madwave resident Sergei Shkuroff. Happy new year 2007!
Timetable :
21:00 - 22:15 - Flight
22:15 - 23:15 - Galrav
23:15 - 00:15 - Beliar
00:15 - 01:00 - Jussi Soro live!
01:00 - 02:30 - Bi4a b2b Sergei Shkuroff
02:30 - 03:30 - Sasha F
tällä kertaa jopa kokonaan :)
[q]shkuroff, 15.12.2006 08:48:
Timetable :
21:00 - 22:30 - Flight b2b Nemes
22:30 - 23:15 - Galrav
23:15 - 00:15 - Beliar
00:15 - 01:00 - Jussi Soro live!
01:00 - 02:30 - Bi4a b2b Sergei Shkuroff
02:30 - 03:30 - Sasha F
t�ll� kertaa jopa kokonaan :)
Luulin tätä jo joulukalenteriksi kun tapahtuma sivulla on vielä pari xxxxxx näkyvissä alkuillasta...
[q]shkuroff, 15.12.2006 08:48:
Timetable :
23:15 - 00:15 - Beliar
tällä kertaa jopa kokonaan :)
Jaahas... Tällä kertaa taas tältä tulee hieman perinteisempää meininkiä, eli kiksua ja tecciä... *känni*
mun pitänee soitella jotain iisimpaa täällä, mutta pidetään kuitenkin muhkeena saundi ;)
Kunnon LEKAA vain kehiin*pahis**grr**hih*
Tänne sit vissii, jos joku suostuu kuskiks*uuh* aika hiljast on...
Pitää vielä kysellä!*joo*
Hei täähän on sunnuntai! No siinä tapauksessa MÄ OON NIII TÄÄL!!1! OLKAA TEKI!Ysk!
Tanssia saa uutena vuotena! *sydän*
Enää vaivaiset 9 päivää. Ja sitten *jiihaa**aplodit**super**känni**piis**nuotti**sydän*!!!
Paikalla ollaan takuuvarmasti! Lippukin on jo taskussa.... :)
Nemes joutui siirtämään esiintymisensä NYE Madwave:lla henkilökohtaisista syistään. Nemesin keikka siirtyy tuleviin Madwave- tapahtumiin.
Tuore Laserpoint- skaban voittaja Flight soittaa meille siten yksin. Kannattaa tulla jo alkuillasta paikalle!
Videoitekniikka ilmoittautuu. Uutta rautaa testauksessa täällä, jos kaikki toimii kunnolla, luvassa reippaasti efektoitua videoo. Toivotaan vaan että klubin tykki on paremmassa iskussa kuin aijemmin ja että talo ei oo ihan täynnä savua...
Enää 58 tuntia 30 min. tapahtumaan.... Sukat alkaa jo pyörimään jaloissa. *jiihaa**nauru*
Mitäs... Näähän on muuten ihan kohta! *känni*
TÄÄLLÄ ROKATAAN JA KOWAA*tanssittel**pahis**toktok*
Jiihaa eiköhän se uusvuosi vaihdu klubilla! polkka, polkka!!