E-mu tulee omistamaan big time?
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tuolla sp1200 topikissä puhuttiin siitä mahdollisesta sp1600 vehkeestä, jota on suunniteltu... mutta ehkäpä jotain isompaakin on tiedossa?
"I am a SoundFont developer contracted to Emu for rom board development. My credits include the soundsets, presets and arps for the Audity 2000, Xl1 and Xl7. I have 2 new products that are to be released with Emu, for Emu, this year. "
"To add to that: the keyboard range was made in China as opposed to Scotts Valley thus the lightness of the keys and the subsequent costs. There is another product on the way but NDAs do not allow me to talk about it, keep your ears peeled tho'."
tää on siis sama jamppa joka kertoi tosta sp1600:sta.
arvailu alkakoon. uber VA-syna?
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