IF there's life on Mars...
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kertokkaa lissää. ja lähdettä kehiin:)
Avaruuden tutkimista ja "amatöörifysiikkaa"-topicissa oli jo juttua tuosta.
Olisi mielestäni muutenkin sopipvampi topic tälle keskustelulle. ;)
Jos mars:issa tai jollain muulla planeetalla OLISI elämää, USA:n reaktio olisi aika selvä....Ensin USA tiputtaisi pari satelliittia ja yhden avaruussukkulan ja syyttäisi sen jälkeen avaruusolioita vihamielisyydestä... Ihan sama olisivatko nämä "vihamieliset avaruusoliot" bakteereita tai mitä tahansa....se ei varmaankaan estäisi USA:ta pommittamaan muutamaa vetypommia mars:siin...... :)
Tätä asiaa sivuuttaen löytyi mielenkiintoinen flash-pätkä NASA:n tulevaisuudenprojekteista: http://planetquest.jpl.nasa.gov/overview/overview26.html
Eikös nyt kuitenkin ole niin, että vaikka tuolla kiertoradalla kuinka kuntoilisi päivittäin niin silti se lihasmassa ja voima katoaa vähitellen. Muistan nähneeni sellasen dokumentin missä noita pisimpään avaruudessa olleita kosmonautteja kannetaan ulos kapselista kun on normaalista painovoimasta johtuen ihan voimat loppu. Sama pätee pidemmillä avaruuslennoilla, esim. just matkalla Marsiin.
Eikös nyt kuitenkin ole niin, että vaikka tuolla kiertoradalla kuinka kuntoilisi päivittäin niin silti se lihasmassa ja voima katoaa vähitellen. Muistan nähneeni sellasen dokumentin missä noita pisimpään avaruudessa olleita kosmonautteja kannetaan ulos kapselista kun on normaalista painovoimasta johtuen ihan voimat loppu. Sama pätee pidemmillä avaruuslennoilla, esim. just matkalla Marsiin.
Keskustelua avaruusmatkailusta, joka hieman käsittelee kysymystäsi:
Ja tässä ESA Suomen tutkimusta liittyen pitkiin matkoihin:
Lopuksi englanninkielinen tietopaketti avaruusmatkailusta ja ravinnosta ym:
Juuri tulleen tiedon mukaan NASAlla on luultavasti todisteita veden olemassaolosta Marsin pinnalla jossain muodossa. Linkki: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/mars/main/index.html
Trip to Mars in Three Hours
by Ian Johnston
An extraordinary "hyperspace" engine that could make interstellar space travel a reality by flying into other dimensions is being investigated by the United States government.
The hypothetical device, which has been outlined in principle but is based on a controversial theory about the fabric of the universe, could potentially allow a spacecraft to travel to Mars in three hours and journey to a star 11 light years away in just 80 days, according to a report in today's New Scientist magazine.
The theoretical engine works by creating an intense magnetic field that, according to ideas first developed by the late scientist Burkhard Heim in the 1950s, would produce a gravitational field and result in thrust for a spacecraft.
Also, if a large enough magnetic field was created, the craft would slip into a different dimension, where the speed of light is faster, allowing incredible speeds to be reached. Switching off the magnetic field would result in the engine reappearing in our current dimension.
The US air force has expressed an interest in the idea and scientists working for the American Department of Energy - which has a device known as the Z Machine that could generate the kind of magnetic fields required to drive the engine - say they may carry out a test if the theory withstands further scrutiny.
Professor Jochem Hauser, one of the scientists who put forward the idea, told The Scotsman that if everything went well a working engine could be tested in about five years.
However, Prof Hauser, a physicist at the Applied Sciences University in Salzgitter, Germany, and a former chief of aerodynamics at the European Space Agency, cautioned it was based on a highly controversial theory that would require a significant change in the current understanding of the laws of physics.
"It would be amazing. I have been working on propulsion systems for quite a while and it would be the most amazing thing. The benefits would be almost unlimited," he said.
"But this thing is not around the corner; we first have to prove the basic science is correct and there are quite a few physicists who have a different opinion.
"It's our job to prove we are right and we are working on that."
He said the engine would enable spaceships to travel to different solar systems. "If the theory is correct then this is not science fiction, it is science fact," Prof Hauser said.
"NASA have contacted me and next week I'm going to see someone from the [US] air force to talk about it further, but it is at a very early stage. I think the best-case scenario would be within the next five years [to build a test device] if the technology works."
The US authorities' attention was attracted after Prof Hauser and an Austrian colleague, Walter Droscher, wrote a paper called "Guidelines for a space propulsion device based on Heim's quantum theory".
Trip to Mars in Three Hours
by Ian Johnston
An extraordinary "hyperspace" engine that could make interstellar space travel a reality by flying into other dimensions is being investigated by the United States government.
Jaahas, jaahas, mielenkiintoista.. salaliittoteoriat saavat lisää vahvistusta. Jenkeillä on tosiaankin käytössään ulkoavaruudesta saapuneiden olioiden teknologiaa... nyt kaikki foliohatut päähän ja äkkiä!
Niin tai ehkä ne saksalaiset oikeasti keksivät ufon jo silloin WW2 aikoihin ja jenkit pöllivät sodan päätteeksi teknologian itselleen. Aiheesta on pari ihan ok dokkariakin:
Johan pomppas
DRAMATIC pictures suggest Mars has flowing water on its surface, significantly increasing the possibility of life on the planet.
Before-and-after images of gullies taken by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor show liquid has flowed on the Red Planet in the past five years.
The discovery is unexpected because the planet's temperatures and atmospheric pressure are too low to allow water to exist in liquid form for long.
It suggests that geological activity could be heating water beneath the surface so that it is warm enough to flow for long enough to leave deposits, an exciting possibility because water and a stable heat source are key precursors for life.
Dr Andrew Coates, of the Mullard Space Science Laboratory at University College London, said: "This means there could be life on Mars now."
The Open University's Colin Pillinger, who led the British-led Beagle 2 mission to Mars in 2003, said: "Water is a precursor of life. On Earth, wherever there is water there is life. This is really significant. It means we now know where to look for life."
The most likely form of life would be microbes surviving in reservoirs of liquid water beneath the Martian surface.
Two gullies, each hundreds of metres long, that were photographed in 1999 and 2001 and again in 2004 and 2005, show changes consistent with water flowing down the walls, according to results published in the journal Science.
In both cases, scientists found light-coloured deposits in the gullies that were not present in the original photos. They concluded that the deposits - possibly mud, salt or frost - were left behind when water cascaded through the channels.
Announcing the results, Professor Philip Christensen, of Arizona State University, said: "The evidence for this recent water is compelling. Ten years ago scientists were talking about water having existed on Mars billions of years ago. Five years ago we were taking about it existing millions of years ago.
"Now we are talking about liquid water on the surface today. That is a revolution in how we see Mars and how we talk about exploring Mars."
..Ten years ago scientists were talking about water having existed on Mars billions of years ago. Five years ago we were taking about it existing millions of years ago.
Äärimmäisen mielenkiintoista. Uskoakseni olemme lähellä ihmiskunnan historian taitekohtaa, jossa olettamus elämästä muualla muuttuu faktaksi ja maailmankuva menee isolla osalla ihmisiä uusiksi. Vai meneekö sittenkään.
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