Shame this forum is in Finnish.
Hey, i don't speak finnish! ... its a shame, i know, but i want to read what you guys post, so please can some of you do it in english ?
You can always start new topics in Enlish and usually people also reply in Englsih.
now at 20.50 the Other Chat -forums consisted of following topics (poor translations follow):
TV sarjat jotka on pakko katsoa... = TV-series you just have to watch
Hurjimmat teknoskeneen liittyvät huhut? = Wildest rumors in finnish techno scene?
Juhannus? = Your midsummer plans?
Laskuvarjohyppy = Parachute jumping
Onnen täyttämä Hetki = A moment filled with happiness
Kämppikset = Roommates
Kofeiinia! - 26.5. TV2 19.25 = TV-program about caffeine
Mikä plattarissa nyppii? = What's wrong with this forum?
Veroehdotukset: Mätkyjä vai palautusta? = Taxes: getting money back or getting more taxes?
Korvatulpat TILAUS = Earplugs - group order
Opiskelijoiden niksinurkka = Students gimmicks/dodges to ease your life
Dyyni = The Dune (TV miniseries)
viikon linkki = Link of the week
sanasto: suomi - klubb - suomi = Dictionary: Finnish -Clubbing - Finnish
...toisaalta ehkä LIIKAA bileitä, toisaalta tietysti... = too much parties but on the other hand...
Parhaat elokuvat.. = Best movies
Jääkiekon MM-kisat = Icehockey world cup
Virallinen huumetopikki = the ONLY allowed topic about drugs and paraphernalia
Viikon vitsi = Joke of the week
Kuningas Krapula "Kunkku" = the king of hangovers
menetetyt mahdollisuudet = Lost opportunities
Paras ruokaohjeesi...? = Your best recipe for cooking
yhteiskuntaetiikka & Yksilönvalinta :oikein ja väärin? = Social ethics and individual choices :right and wrong?
Weird stuff to find from a forum concentrated on electronic music Unfortunately there are too few foreigners on this forum so it is not suitable to radically change the language from finnish to english, although what FM said about starting topics is true, people here are actually quite nice and friendly so don't hesitate to start a new topic. Just don't spam, or we will make you eat it
welcome to Platinum.
edit: typos
[ 14 May 2002: Message edited by: jUSSi ]
Originally posted by FM:
You can always start new topics in Enlish and usually people also reply in Englsih.
Yes, right..., the rest is in Finlis
And some peple try to type too fst..
Weird threads you guys have ... but i guess finnish guys are weird by nature, anyways