1 lippu The Road la 31.10. 23:45 näytökseen

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The Road follows an unnamed father and son journeying together toward the sea across a post-apocalyptic landscape, some years after a great, unexplained cataclysm has destroyed civilization and almost all life on Earth. The setting is extremely bleak: the sun is obscured by a layer of ash so thick that the pair must breathe through masks, and plants do not grow. The surviving remnants of humanity have been largely reduced to thoughtless violence and cannibalism. Realizing that they will not survive another winter in their present location, the father leads them through this desolate landscape towards the sea, sustained by a vague hope of finding other "good people" like them.

Tää ei oo mikään iloinen tarina, kirja on loistava, enkä oikein odota vähempää elokuvaltakaan.

Jos Cormac McCarthyn No Country for Old Men kirjana taikka elokuvasovituksena toimi, niin myös tää kannattaa ehdottomasti tsekata.


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