M: Jamo E800 passiivimonitorikaiuttimet

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"Laadukkaaseen ja hallittuun toistoon suunniteltu todella näyttävä taideteos. Uudelleen suunnitellut elementit tuottavat laadukkaan, säröttömän toiston vaativalle keskialueelle.

    "This speaker is the essence of refined details. E 800 has the same technical solutions as the larger and more expensive Jamo models, providing a quality that immediately reveals a wealth of detail in the sound picture that most systems would be hard pressed to match. One of the reasons for the superb sound reproduction is the newly developed woofer. The mineral fiber-reinforced paper diaphragm provides a very light yet rigid construction that can reproduce the entire important midrange and bass area without break-ups and distortion in a way that seems almost unnatural for a speaker of this size. Also the details in the design set new standards. Special features such as the cone-shaped front grill that merge with the metallic emblem or the elegantly swung top panel can only be found in these Jamo speakers"

    HP 200 euroa tai paras tarjous, kajarit sijaitsevat punavuoressa ja ovat hyvässä kunnossa.

    Kuvia tuolta, kaiuttimien väri on keskiruskea ja kaupan päälle voin heittää laadukkaat kajarikaapelit. http://images.google.fi/images?hl=fi&q=jamo%20e800&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi

    Pistä privaviestiä jos kiinnostaa.
