Idiot proof guide needed: 'uploading mixes'

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I need someone to write me an idiot proof guide on how to setup a mix so that when a person clicks on a 'click here for mix' the mix loads and plays in windows media player. Its probably veasy, but me and computers never seem to get along. thanks

[q]Opulent, 31.3.2007 18:46:
I need someone to write me an idiot proof guide on how to setup a mix so that when a person clicks on a 'click here for mix' the mix loads and plays in windows media player. Its probably veasy, but me and computers never seem to get along. thanks

There's no bullet proof way to setup a mix on the
server side in that way. It is totally dependant
of the properties set on the client side on
the user's OS and browser.

And there are as many sites to upload your mixes to as there are DJ's :)

u need to give some information of what u can use.
do you have "homepage" or web hotel or something like that where u can upload your mixes?

if you have u need somekind of ftp program to upload your mix.

then u make link

all sorted thx