Bizita Q: Amusia (Täyspitkä levy)

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Lopsteri Produktio presents:

Bizita Q: Amusia

Hieman funkkia, hieman ambienttia, hieman raskaampaa kitaraa, hieman noisea, hieman melankoliaa, hieman vähän kaikkea sujuvasti yhdessä...
n. 45 minuuttinen, glassmasterlevy, jossa on painetut kannet...

Amusia: The inability to recognize musical tones or to reproduce them.

Tulossa kauppoihin, mutta sen saa helpommin ja halvemmalla meilaamalla:

Hinta ei päätä huimaa 2 e, + postikulut mikäli haluaa postitettavan.

Edelliseen levyyn voi tutustua...

Bizita Q: Exitus

Tätä muuten saa lifesaverista, digeliuksesta, hmmm spinestä, jne.... muutamasta muusta kaupasta...

tämähän kuulostaa mielenkiintoselta matskulta. :)

Levyjä on vielä jonkin verran jälellä... mutta omillaan on. Joten tiputan hintaa 4 euroon... tai mikäli haluaa niin voin myydä telamurskan platan yhteyteen 2 egeen....

No niin levyjä on vielä jälellä... joten laitan uusia arvosteluja tähän...


Bizita Q - Exitus

Bizita Q makes freeform music that travels somewhere between jazz,
progressive rock and post-industrial. The opening track, Dancing in the
Desert at Noon, represents this extremely well: just as one has been
hooked on the light, groovy Love Boat -style melodies, the whole thing
is broken into noise, and then re-constructed back - in a strangely
natural-seeming manner - back into that same melody.

Some moments on Exitus are like those of Alamaailman Vasarat, at other
times it's like Ektroverde, and some times it's something completely
individual and extremely weird. Here and there are immensely irritating
squeals, yet those too have been worked into the melodies. Even when
making pure noise the band is using jazz sound, thus making it
impossible to categorize. There are times where the material doesn't
function at all, such as on the track Inhaling the Infinite Sadness.
It's made out of too heavy instrumentation, a light secondary melody and
some extra pieces, in a piecemeal manner that creates just confusion
instead of forming a complete composition. The same goes for the long,
dissonant track The Worst Misery Ever.

The definite strength of the material on Exitus is its controlled
surprise effect, the feel that at any moment anything may happen, but it
will always work as a part of the whole. The irritatingly catchy
melodies make it even stronger. The problems, however, are also related
to the same things: without a definite style it's hard to provide a
holistic listening experience. Thus for material like this, no good
categories or any ready audience exists - something that may be a matter
of pride, but will certainly not help the musical career of the artists.

There's a lot of good stuff here, and immense potential, but also some
definite need of further polish.

-Jiituomas, Kuolleen Musiikin Yhdistys

Bizita Q - Amusia

This project by Mr. Luukkonen and Mr. Toivanen has clearly refined its
style after their demo cd-r Exitus (2002). At first it might be easy to
think that they've just gone more towards progressive rock, but the
album unfolds like an onion. Into the midst of beautiful, melancholic
melodies slowly appear screams, distortions, saturated sonic dissonance
and even harsh noise. In everything there is an incredible feel of
control, transforming everything, including the worst disturbances, into
essential parts of the compositions instead of them being breaks in
structure. The concept is at its best on the track Paljon sun luonasi

Sometimes the contrast between content and definitions is utterly
chaotic, especially in the not-completely-finished seeming track
Mustalaistango. In the funk-rhythm piece the tango is still
recognizable, but it's been broken down to a new pacing, and at the end
there's a small noisy section that definitely flips the scale towards
confusion. Luckily it's the only truly weak song on the album. In
contrast, there are several strong tracks, the best of them all being
the Godspeed You Black Emperor -spirited Niin kauan haaveilin.

On one hand, it's very nice to see that the band has been able to
clarify their style towards more functionality and easier appreciation.
On the other hand, I must say I preferred the free-spirited weirdness of
Exitus to the often almost mainstream-like sound of Amusia. There are so
few planned breaks and distortions left that it must be asked why there
aren't either more - or why the band doesn't just decide to do pure-form
easy listening music. With the level of skill presented here, they'd
easily be able to go either way. The dominant feel left be Amusia is
confusion. It's at the same time very entertaining, strange, weird, and

A good album, especially if one happens to like both funk and noise, but
it's simply not possible to make any sense out of it whatsoever.

-Jiituomas, Kuolleen Musiikin Yhdistys


Varmaan keikkaakin on luvassa tuossa helmikuus...

LOPUT LEVYT 2:lla eurolla...

PISTÄ PRIVAA MULLE tai klubeilla

18.5. @ beetroot

1.7. @ hima & sali, missä myös Bizita Q ensimmäistä kertaa livenä.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

uutta materiialia tiedossa piakkoin.

boistakaa loput... joku 20 lättyy jälel!!!!