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Sir Elwoodin hiljaiset värit: neiti kevät *sydän*

James Blunt: I really want you

Setrak: takassim orge

Ofra Haza: love song (northern light mix). Kuvaa hyvin todellista rakkautta.*sydän*

moby: run on

beloved: the sun rising ( tom´s drum & bass mix)

todd terry: somthing´s going on

banco de gaia: chingiz

Chateau flight: Lola Rastaquoare

ATB: here with me*sydän*

Peace orchestra: Who I am

The Japanese Popstars - Pump Power (Marino Canal Remix)

delerium: daylight

eurythmics: here comes the rain again

Four Tet: Everything is alright*sydän*

Peak: sunset

kraftwerk: spacelab

Cascada - a neverending dream

Faithless - The man in you

Sade: like a tattoo