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Matthew Dekay - If I Could Fly (Madoka Flying Standby Mix) NANNAA!

Deicide - Once upon the cross

The Delta - MJ Error

Kane - Rain down on me (tiesto remix)

Rasmus - Playboys

Marduk - the Black Tormentor of Satan _\\\\,,/

Andy Moor - Halcyon ..voi hyvä jestas sentään! TUNE!

Greed feat. Lesley - Tea In The Sahara (Kasey Taylor & Chris Meehan Remix)

Tää oli SE biisi jota olin etsiny ja jonka Tabi soitti viimeeks Halluissa
Tosin tais olla dubbi

The Mayan Factor - Gosia

Drone Zone

Beckers pres. Space Safari - Rhythm Junk *sydän*


Moby - Lift me up *piis**super*

Stevie Miller Band: winter time

AI JAI......

Dj Tiesto - Live At Disneyland Resort Paris-SAT-16-04-2005

Setä oli pukkaamassa aloituskekkereissä

[q] Info (taken from Tiesto.com)

On April 9th 2005, Disneyland Resort Paris launches Space Mountain : Mission 2. This new mission sends exploronauts to the farthest reaches of space, to go where no one has gone before and discover the mysteries at the edge of the universe. On April 16th, the Best DJ in the World, Tiësto, will celebrate the launch in a spectacular way, with a live concert right at the heart of Disneyland Park. During this unique musical event, Tiësto will perform a unique re-mix of the Space Mountain : Mission 2 soundtrack, as well as a host of his own well-known tunes. [/q]


edit: urli

Dredg - Catch without Arms. *sydän* Tätä kauniimpaa musiikkia on vaikea kuvitella. Sula käsitteellinen mahdottomuus, luulen ma.

Carbon Based - Choice*plur*

Punk Buster - What

A Tribute to ... Tresor

http://www.livesets.com soittaa Tresorin parhaita dj settejä vuosien varrelta. Respect.

mazzy star - into dust*sydän**nyyh*

Tech Coast Tribal - El Reyalto (March 18 2005)