Needless & Shuffle - Ruutana [house,deep]

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Uutta miksausta ilmoilla, sekoitesetinä herrat needless sekä shuffle. Housen eri olomuodot mukana.
acid, deep, house, soul


Intro Omar S - Look Hear Watch [FXHE]
01. Omar S - I Hate [FXHE]
02. Newworldaquarium - Trespassers [Delsin]
03. Ebb & Flow - Feel [Roundabout Sounds]
04. Moodymann - Track Four [Planet E]
05. Bailey Jemille - Gettin' Heavy [Sound Black]
06. The Scene - Seak [Terpsiton]
07. Aybee - Steps [Deepblak]
08. Legowelt - Dx Days [Clone]
09. John Swing - Play Records [Relative]
10. Ricochet - Forever Mono [RZ]
11. Stefan Goldmann - Shimmer [Ovum]
12. Callisto - Resistance [Guidance]
13. Donnacha Costello - It's What We Do [Poker Flat]
14. Murphy Jax - Smoodrama [Clone]
15. Sasse - Cassopolis [Pokerflat]
16. Soulphiction - Freerotation [Philpot]
17. Boo williams - Eternal Mind [Rush Hour]
18. Quiet Daze - Being Quiet [Transmat]
19. Mr Fingers - Stars [MFR]
20. Alex Smith - Stop Running Around [FXHE]
21. Theo Parrish - Falling Up [Syncrophone]
22. Theo Parrish - Dellwood II [Sound Signature]
23. Loosefingers - Lamentation [Alleviated]

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