badtaste 3 motherfuckers!
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More noise, more crap, standards have once again been lowered to bring you the next part in this never-ending saga:
Badtaste3 baby!
Tracklisting will follow, as usual.
More noise, more crap, standards have once again been lowered to bring you the next part in this never-ending saga:
Badtaste3 baby!
Tracklisting will follow, as usual.
oh yes, i've been waiting for this ! :panic:
And this is supposed to compete with our soon-to-come live recording from roska? ;) well, let's see..
armotontaa menoaa.... :D
tee nyt oikeesti breakcore-noisecore-noise miksaus. :excellent:
tee nyt oikeesti breakcore-noisecore-noise miksaus. :excellent:
yeah it'll happen sooner or later, I just gotta get some working turntables again first, till then it's badtaste and more badtaste :D
En nyt osaa päättää kumpi on viime vuosien paras trilogia; Taru sormusten herrasta vai Bad taste 123, mutta ratkaisu löytyisi varmasti kokoillan elokuvasta jossa soisi vaan Bad taste setit. Vois toimii. Ihan tosi. :roll:
Okei, alku kuulosti hiukan tekemällä tehdyltä, mutta kun noi kantri western hc päräyttelyt lähtivät liikkeelle niin saatiin vaihde silmään. Sitten tuli taas tuollainen suvantovaihe. Sitten Sepiä ja Benny Hilliä :) Hyvin mentiin taas hc/noise/särö paukuttelulla. Vesa-Matti Loiri - Pimpeli Pom on kyllä aina takuuvarma floorfillah. Tästä mennäänkin sitten samaa rataa loppuun asti vaihdellen menevimpien kohtien ja suvantokohtien kesken.
Ehdottomasti tiputtavimmat kohdat:
Rockyn tunnari sotkettuna SkeeLo - I Wish vokaaleihin (mikä ironia!) :) :) :) :) :)
Bangels - Eternal Flame (hyvä biisi... tällaisena kuin se tässä miksauksessa nyt on, ehdoton illan viimeinen hidas)
Mulle tuli hiukan sellainen maku että tämä oli vähän tekemällä tehty. Ei niin huonoa laatua kuin aiemmat osat. Tai sitten tämä vaatii vain sulattelua ennen kuin aukeaa kunnolla.
yeps, aiemmat on imutettu ja kuunneltu puhki, oli jo aikakin saada uutta huonoa musaa! \o/
Mulle tuli hiukan sellainen maku että tämä oli vähän tekemällä tehty. Ei niin huonoa laatua kuin aiemmat osat. Tai sitten tämä vaatii vain sulattelua ennen kuin aukeaa kunnolla.
Dang people listen close to my mixes :)
One thing that was a problem in the last two mixes for me was that at some point I stood behind the turntables sweating, not knowing what in the fuck to play next, usually just blindly grabbing around on the floor for something I had thrown there earlier - I was not 100% satisfied with some choices in the past, so I decided to write myself a loose tracklisting ahead of time.
Of course at around 25 minutes I had gone through that tracklisting and I started the ol' floor-selectah technique again...
Viimeisen biisin kohdalla tipuin jo tuolilta.
Sairasta paskaa. :panic:
Ihan kipeetä!.. mutta toisaalta sehän on vaan hyvä asia.
Viimeisen biisin kohdalla tipuin jo tuolilta.
Viimeiset pari minuuttia olivat kyllä niin herkkää, että silmät kostuivat.
Hyvää shittii.
yes this work of art definitely has it's moments, esp. the eye of the tiger vs. skee-lo track and of course that fucked-up-beyond-recognition-nickelback thingie.. not to forget the mandatory johnny cash and speeded-up bluegrass parts that i always have a soft spot for. nice.
in overall, maybe not quite as groundshaking as it's predecessors but still (shit)loads better than most of the other "bad selectah" mixes out there=)
OMG!! \,,/ "THE RIPPER" \,,/
don't know how the hell i managed to miss that one on the first listen.. sweet
espoo, dix points.
01 Ludacris - Coming 2 America - Def Jam South [rumpshaker edit]
02a Ensemble Petit & Screenland Orchestra - The Alfred Hitchcock Theme
02b Freeway feat. Peedi Crack - Flipside - Roc-a-fella
03a Nihil Fist - A1 - Praxis
03b Ensemble Petit & Screenland Orchestra - Cheynne Theme
04 Giorgio Marauder - To Hell With Everyone - Mirex
05 Cutout - Knucklescraper - Ugly Funk 4
06a Sepi Kumpulainen - Armatonta Menoa - Fennica
06b Sepi Kumpulainen - Armatonta Menoa - Fennica
07 Anal Penetration - Pus Vomiting Rectums - Little Brutal Ravebastards 3
08a E-de Cologne - A1 - Monotone
08b Biz Markie - Country (Interlude) - Grooveattack [rumpshaker edit]
09 Deacon Boombastardizer - Not For That Ladies (Bastardized Oldstylin' v3.0) - Irritant
10 Matti Louhivuori - Minä soitan sulle illalla
11 Isnasakenai Douji - Sticklebrick - V/Vm Test Records
12a Housewrecka - Booty Shaker - Hallucin8 Trax
12b MC Hammer - Too Legit To Quit - Capitol
13a Extreme II - More Than Words - A&M Records
13b Xanopticon - Loop - Mutant Sniper Adventure
14 Crazy Leggs - Get 'em Down (Dirty Mix) - Pandisc [rumpshaker edit]
15 Tyyne - Pimpeli Pom - Flamingo
16a Barom One - Chiko's Song - Gagarin
16b DJ Shabu Shabu - Ah-Lo-High - Fix
17 Gold Chains - I Treat Your Cootchie Like A Maze - Tigerbeat6
18 noodles 5 - great with new recipe
19a Venetian Snares - Einstein-Rosen Bridge - Planet Mµ
19b The Eagles - Hotel California - WEA
20 Ghidorah The Three Headed Monster - Monsters Appear In Yokohama - Simply Vinyl
21 Soulwax - Wish I Was A Tiger - Gema 01
22 Soulwax - Wish I Was A Cannonball - Gema 01
23 Mr.T - The Toughest Man In The World - Columbia
24 Rank Sinatra - Eternal Flame (7" Pop Edit) - V/Vm Test Records
vieläkös ykkösen ja kakkosen saa jostain? :)
This is something you cannot describe with words...
Pimpeli pom!
well done! this has got to be the worst one of the badtaste saga so far...
this time I liked only one tune in the set (hotel california), but the rest is utterly tasteless crap. maybe you could have spiced it up a bit with not-so-good mixing, although I enjoyded some of those smooth blends and tricks (which is actually a bad thing in a mix like this ;))
there were many horrible tracks I've never heard before, as well as some infamous classics. I preferred those finnish ones (sepi, tyyne and matti louhivuori) the most and the mix ends perfectly with the ever-so-terrifying eternal flame.. but isn't the "minä soitan sinulle illalla" actually performed by tapio rautavaara? afaik he was the one starring in the same-titled movie.
still, this isn't quite perfect, but not too far from it. perhaps you could cut down the usage of those hardcore-based tracks or something.
keep up the bad work!
ps. did you check out the roskamix yet?
well done! this has got to be the worst one of the badtaste saga so far...
cheers! ;)
but isn't the "minä soitan sinulle illalla" actually performed by tapio rautavaara? afaik he was the one starring in the same-titled movie.
well I didn't know about the movie, but I'm quite sure about this one, it's from a Tango compilation on Sävel, full listing:
Minä Soitan Sulle Illalla (Säv. Kari Aava, san. Tatu Pekkarinen-Reino Helismaa) - Matti Loihivuori
still, this isn't quite perfect, but not too far from it. perhaps you could cut down the usage of those hardcore-based tracks or something.
:) well personally it's also meant as a bit of a statement against some of these tracks... but anyhow I think my next mix will be something completely different(tm), just need to get my decks into shape...
ps. did you check out the roskamix yet?
not yet, the tracklisting looks horrifying enough though :)
:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
Hehe.. tuli kuunneltua. Päätä särkee, mutta hymyilyttää :laugh: Epätodellista tavaraa. Loppuosuus oli kyllä melko hellyyttävä...
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