Miss Jarea: Scandinavia`s leading female Dj of UK HardStyles

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Quote by Ante

Lemme correct ya:

Iz it all 'coz I iz black?

Thanks man, I was a bit off...

Quote by Elwira

Hello to everybody!!!!! I have flu and don't feel so good... Miss Jarea. MY TUNE IS NOT HERE BECOUSE I DO MY TUNE TO CD'S AND GIVE HERE TO THE PEOPLE. About half year and my tune is here... I don't have time to put my tune here... and i don't have that kind computer here in work even that i can put my tune here.
And i'm not BITCHING!!!!!! You don't understand that don't use that FUCKING WORD TO ME OR I GET VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERY ANGRY. I'm not BITCH!!!!!!!!!! Don't you get that? Ok now i go to sleep and don't want to see this fucking shit here.
:o :o :o :o :o :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

shut it, BITCH!

Quote by genki


- eazy-e

suck on these nuts, motherfucker, suck on these nuts

Eeze-E ROXX0R :001:

"only the real deal gees can chill wid me" :rolleyes:

Kytkönen pitää vaan turpansa kiinni jos et halua että suutun? :mad:

Quote by Elwira

Kytkönen pitää vaan turpansa kiinni jos et halua että suutun? :mad:

suutu mulle, pliis muru! :004:

Quote by kytkönen

suutu mulle, pliis muru! :004:

Enkä suutu :p Mutta jos olisit sanonut kasvotusten saman. Olisit saanut köniin kyllä samantein. :o


Studentradio in TrondheimFrekvensene er:
FM 100.5 - FM 102.2 - FM 104.6

Dessuten streamer vi radio'n som mp3 24 timer i døgnet. Bruk winamp eller lignende, og adressen eller for henholdsvis bredbånd/ISDN kvalitet.

DnB set from 24-24.15 1,5h, then 1,5 HardHouse set


Quote by Elwira

Enkä suutu :p Mutta jos olisit sanonut kasvotusten saman. Olisit saanut köniin kyllä samantein. :o

Girl power! Hit em high, hit em low...go girl. But remember,In these days of equality,guys just don't turn their cheek and take hits,it is almost COOL to punch back. :002:

Quote by Timce

Girl power! Hit em high, hit em low...go girl. But remember,In these days of equality,guys just don't turn their cheek and take hits,it is almost COOL to punch back. :002:

Really? I know that i'm little, but i don't scare that some guy hit me back. Then i hit him you know where :003: Hih i don't scare so much. When i get angry better watch out. :p

Quote by Elwira

Really? I know that i'm little, but i don't scare that some guy hit me back. Then i hit him you know where :003: Hih i don't scare so much. When i get angry better watch out. :p

I think I have a clue,where your fist is goin to land after slapping you in the face.Let's NOT go down there:I still want to be a daddy some day.Maybe it's better we don't step on each others way.. :)

Quote by Timce

I think I have a clue,where your fist is goin to land after slapping you in the face.Let's NOT go down there:I still want to be a daddy some day.Maybe it's better we don't step on each others way.. :)

Oh! You cute one :) It's snowing today. Wau!:D


BTW, i had the time of my life on the radio last night! People started to call the station and wanted me to play more! So i will :)

Quote by MissJarea


BTW, i had the time of my life on the radio last night! People started to call the station and wanted me to play more! So i will :)

Yep! But here is not so cold... so snow was in the morning but noup anymore. Sad. That's nice... How long did you play last nigth?

Hyvä peba, ihan sama mitä se soittaa. Ei tolle sen "uralle" oikein muuta perustelua noita miksauksia kuunnellessa keksi.

Ihan vitun hyvä peba.

Quote by Kosmokula

I am not a juttis :(
I'm a... What do they call it..? Well, I have a SAMISK brain :D
So that makes me a little finnish, doesn't it...?! *ROFL!* :p

Just out of curiosity: Hálatgo Sámegiela? Gos don lea? Man jagis don lea?

I can not believe this thread has over 15,000 views...

Elwira: I played 3h, 2g b2b with a mate, then the last hour alone ;)

I have a Q for u, but DO NOT be angry, as i'm just wondering: In UK there allready is a Producer/Dj called Elvira, why have u copyed her name and not got yourself something more originaly?
This is just a Q, so please dont jump at me ;) *hug*

Miss jarea i know that. So that's why my name is not Elvira it's ELWIRA do you now understand? My name is come from... Well my mum was always call me Elwira holl my life time and not Elvi... Because my real name is Elvi so i want to take Elwira name. The another Elvira is making songs and shes not dj if i know right. WE HAVE DIFFEREND NAME AND I DON'T NEVER COPY ANYBODY.Elvira and Elwira is different..... Understand? :D

Quote by Elwira

Miss jarea i know that. So that's why my name is not Elvira it's ELWIRA do you now understand? My name is come from... Well my mum was always call me Elwira holl my life time and not Elvi... Because my real name is Elvi so i want to take Elwira name. The another Elvira is making songs and shes not dj if i know right. WE HAVE DIFFEREND NAME AND I DON'T NEVER COPY ANYBODY.Elvira and Elwira is different..... Understand? :D and i play Psychedelic trance and i'm not that famous i guess. Just play my own fun. I don't take everything so searous. Love to play pychedelick music becouse i am Psychedelick Witch!!!!

Quote by Elwira

Uh sorry my computer using is not that good. uuuups!:p