13.3.2009 Colors presents No.1 DJ on the planet for the second year running.. Armin van Buuren
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tapahtuukohan tääl jotain mielenkiintosta
lisäinfoa odotellessa... pitäis synttäreitä juhlia meinaan just siinä hollilla, että joskos sitä vaikka tänne lähtis
[q]mardis, 10.1.2009 18:20:
Armin! *sydän* Olin ajatellut mennä cruiselle mutta nythän voisi vetää tuplat!
Mutta koska molempiin tuskin ehtii niin taidankin jäädä Helsingin keikalle! vai voiko siitä laivasta tosiaan hypätä keskenkaiken pois?
Voi hypätä turussa pois.
[q]mikke, 8.1.2009 18:40:
Wolverine, 8.1.2009 18:20:
Armin on yhtä nähty kun pornoleffojen perinteinen vika kohtaus missä heitetään lastit muijan naamalle.
mutta silti siitä haaveillaan...
Kukahan tois PVD:n seuraavan kerran Suomeen? Ei varmastikaan ole hintalapultaan yhtään sen isompi, kuin Tiesto tai Buuren, luulisin.
Sen verran vaatimaton kaveri joo et tommosta hintaa pyydetään 3h setistä.
Eipä Voimala halvin mahdollinen paikka ole, mutta silti. Herrajumala :)
[q]Individual, 12.1.2009 11:24:
Kukahan tois PVD:n seuraavan kerran Suomeen? Ei varmastikaan ole hintalapultaan yhtään sen isompi, kuin Tiesto tai Buuren, luulisin.
aivan. tätä olen itsekin odottanut jo vuosia.
[q]Jake, 12.1.2009 01:01:
mikke, 8.1.2009 18:40:
Wolverine, 8.1.2009 18:20:
Armin on yhtä nähty kun pornoleffojen perinteinen vika kohtaus missä heitetään lastit muijan naamalle.
mutta silti siitä haaveillaan...
haaveileeko oikeesti joku tommosesta? en ainakaan itse ole koskaan tajunnut sitä, enkä soveltanut luonnossakaan :)
Joo kyl toi Armin on oikeesti aika nähty ja se edellinen keikka helsingis oli kyl niiiiin huono et en tiiä tekeekö mieli nähdä enää...ainakaan Suomessa...*eiei*
[q]Wolverine, 12.1.2009 12:17:
Jake, 12.1.2009 01:01:
mikke, 8.1.2009 18:40:
Wolverine, 8.1.2009 18:20:
Armin on yhtä nähty kun pornoleffojen perinteinen vika kohtaus missä heitetään lastit muijan naamalle.
mutta silti siitä haaveillaan...
haaveileeko oikeesti joku tommosesta? en ainakaan itse ole koskaan tajunnut sitä, enkä soveltanut luonnossakaan :)
Puhuinkin Arminista :D
[q]phAntominE, 12.1.2009 12:02:
Sen verran vaatimaton kaveri joo et tommosta hintaa pyydetään 3h setistä.
Eipä Voimala halvin mahdollinen paikka ole, mutta silti. Herrajumala :)
Olet oikeassa enemmän kuin arvaatkaan.. Ilman sitä jotta hän on käynyt Colorseissa muutamia kertoja sekä pitää teitä yhtenä parhaimpana yleisönään emme todellakaan voisi häntä tänne edes saada.. Kannattaa tsekata Armin Only 2008 tupla DVD befind the scenes.. voit vaikka löytää itsesi sieltä.. on muuten ainoa "muu"paikka mistä on koko Armin Only 2008 DVDllä.
Armin + Tiësto heidän ei tarvitse todellakaan vierailla maassamme.. he vain pitävät siitä millainen meno täällä aina on. Paikat ovat pieniä heille ja emme voi kilpailla samalla viivalla muiden isojen mestojen kanssa.. Tuon kärkipään soittajien palkkiot liikkuvat, jos jollain ei ole mitään hajua niin ne eivät ole salaisuuksia 25 000 - 50 000eur välillä joten siitä voi jokainen päätellä onko kannattaa bisnestä vai enemmänkin halua tehdä tässä maassa jotain. Tuohon päälle viellä kaikki muut kulut.. : )
Voimala on meille uusi paikka tilana. Tulemme sen toteuttamaan samaan tyyliin kuin Colors Festival 2008 oli joten lipun 30 euroinen hinta on enemmän kuin kohdallaan.. tai sanotaanko näin päin hieman liian edullinen kuin kuitenkaan teitä ei mahdu kyytiin kuin 1000 ensimmäistä.
[q]phAntominE, 12.1.2009 12:02:
Sen verran vaatimaton kaveri joo et tommosta hintaa pyydetään 3h setistä.
Eipä Voimala halvin mahdollinen paikka ole, mutta silti. Herrajumala :)
Suomessa on totuttu halpoihin lippuihin, tommonen hinta on halvasta päästä jos mennään bileisiin vaiks Nykissä tai Lontoossa. Hki ei tietysti oo mikään NYC, mut eipä Arminkaan täällä ihan koko aikaa hyppää...
Enkä sanonut tätä nyt tosiaankaan sillä, että bileiden lippujen pitäis olla ton hintaisia aina, mut ymmärrän kyl hyvin miks megastaran keikasta pitää maksaa enemmän kuin kolmen "normi-dj:n", jos näin voi ketään loukkaamatta sanoa.
Suomessa on totuttu halpoihin lippuihin, tommonen hinta on halvasta päästä jos mennään bileisiin vaiks Nykissä tai Lontoossa. Hki ei tietysti oo mikään NYC, mut eipä Arminkaan täällä ihan koko aikaa hyppää...
Sen enempää näiden bileiden hintaan kantaa ottamatta, ainakin Lontoossa pääsee hyviin bileisiin kyl huomattavasti halvemmalla. Et en menis yleistämään, että Lontoossa kaikki bileet maksaa 30+ euroa.
[q]Leppäkerttu, 12.1.2009 15:00:
Suomessa on totuttu halpoihin lippuihin, tommonen hinta on halvasta päästä jos mennään bileisiin vaiks Nykissä tai Lontoossa. Hki ei tietysti oo mikään NYC, mut eipä Arminkaan täällä ihan koko aikaa hyppää...
Sen enempää näiden bileiden hintaan kantaa ottamatta, ainakin Lontoossa pääsee hyviin bileisiin kyl huomattavasti halvemmalla. Et en menis yleistämään, että Lontoossa kaikki bileet maksaa 30+ euroa.
Nojaa, jossain Fabricissa taitaa normi-iltoinakin olla entry about 20, tosin siellä soittaa niin kovia nimiä ihan normi-iltoinakin on regular basis, että ei sinänsä kovin kallista.
Hmm. Lipun hinta on ok. Esim. Hong Kongissa pelkkä Alan Braxe plus mestan paikalliset residentit makso viiden kybän hujakoilla.
Vaikea kyl silti uskoa et ainoostaan 1000 ihmistä sinne otettais. Ensinnäkin siksi että sinne mahtuu enemmän ja on joka bileissä ollut ja toiseksi siksi että Colorssin bileet on aina tungettu täydemmäksi kuin on sanottu, tai vaikka ei olisikaan niin kaikki haluaa kuitenkin nähdä vaan sen yhen starbun ja sit kaikki tukehtuu sinne lattialle. PLääh. Noh, on ollu kovia kemuja Colorssit aina, kattellaan riittääkö rahat vai meenkö Hullua Noppaa komppaa kutoselle..
agrh.... perjantai 13:ta ei oikeen sovi voiskos siirtää viikolla eteenpäin*hih*
Ihan huippuu et maailman paras dj saadaan jälleen tänne! Kiitos Colors!
Jahas, Armin vois ottaa vielä sitten broidinsa mukaan soittelee http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANapOktZeFQ&feature=related
[q]moksu, 12.1.2009 17:43:
Jahas, Armin vois ottaa vielä sitten broidinsa mukaan soittelee http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANapOktZeFQ&feature=related
Riki Sorsan veli.
[q]Leppäkerttu, 12.1.2009 15:00:
Suomessa on totuttu halpoihin lippuihin, tommonen hinta on halvasta päästä jos mennään bileisiin vaiks Nykissä tai Lontoossa. Hki ei tietysti oo mikään NYC, mut eipä Arminkaan täällä ihan koko aikaa hyppää...
Sen enempää näiden bileiden hintaan kantaa ottamatta, ainakin Lontoossa pääsee hyviin bileisiin kyl huomattavasti halvemmalla. Et en menis yleistämään, että Lontoossa kaikki bileet maksaa 30+ euroa.
Joo no ei kaikki bileet, mut Nykissä Crobariin makso [o]huomattavasti[/o] enemmän kun oli Armin / Ferry / Tiësto. Lontoossa tosin näyttäis olevan aika halpojakin kovia bileitä nyt kun pitkästä aikaa tsekkasin, Ferryä pääsee kattoon 12,5 punnan ennakkolipulla jne.
Riippuu toki klubista, mut tohon ekaan statementtiini en laskenutkaan mitään kellariklubeja, vaan just tämmöset 1000 (+) kapasiteetin mestat.
EDIT : aika kultaa muistot, ei se nyt huomattavasti enempää ollut Crobariin, mutta about saman verran. Nyt näyttäis pääsevän jenkeissäkin bileisiin halvemmalla, esim.tuolta osviittaa..
Ps. Noihin hintoihin tulee muistaakseni verot päälle.
Colors presents No.1 DJ on the planet for the second year running.. Armin van Buuren
Ennakkomyynti alkaa pe 16.1.2009 Tiketeissä sekä Street Beatissa. Tiketti.fi sivuilta voit ostaa lipun suoraan käymättä toimipisteessä. Vain 1000 ennakkolippua tarjolla joten kannattaa olla nopea..
Line up:
Armin van Buuren (Armada, NL)
Blake Jarrell (Armada Music, USA)
Alex Kunnari (Colors)
Käpä (Colors)
Soitto ajat:
0100 - 0330 Armin van Buuren
2330 - 0100 Blake Jarrell
2200 - 2330 Alex Kunnari
2100 - 2200 Käpä
Päivä: perjantai 13.3.2009
Aukiolo: 2100 - 0400
Sörnäisten rantatie 22, Helsinki
Voimalaan on lyhyt matka sekä Sörnäisten että Kalasataman metroasemilta.
Voimalan postiosoite on Parrukatu 2 Käyntiosoite on Sörnäisten rantatie 22
Raitiolinjat 6, 7 A, 7 B ja 8
Bussilinjat 62, 67, 68, 70 V, 71
Etsi oma reittisi Reittioppaasta Alueella parkkipaikkoja.
Kapasiteetti: 1000 henkeä
Ikäraja: 18
Liput ennakkoon: 30 eur + bf
Liput ovelta: 40 eur(mikäli jää jotain jäljelle ennakoista)
Tiketin toimipisteet ympäri maata
0600 - 11616(0,98eur/min + pvm)
Street Beat
Mikonkatu 8 (Aikatalo), Helsinki
+358 9 632 630
No.1 DJ on the planet for the second year running.. Armin van Buuren
from DJmag.com
"It's insane," beams Armin Van Buuren when we tell him that the world's dance music fans have voted him the No.1 DJ on the planet for the second year running. "I don't know what I've done to deserve it." He's got to be kidding, surely. When he won last year his crowning seemed more than worthy. But after the past 12 months the Dutchman has enjoyed, 2007 now looks like a mere warm-up. With immense solo gigs, records charting across Europe, a great Ibiza residence, awards as the most important recording artist in his homeland and a radio show listened to by - wait for it - 27
million listeners, it's enough to make the rest of the Top 100 DJs hang up their headphones as underachievers. And everyone who voted for him in 2007 should be proud of the part they played in this amazing annum - his DJmag victory in 2007 has helped massively in Armin's über-year. "It's only affected me in a positive way," he says of his win 12 months ago. "It's opened doors that weren't open before. On the one hand, I'm still doing the same thing - I was already working with the best promoters in the best clubs around the world. But the whole No.1 thing is magical for me - everyone looks at the DJmag list. It's a really, really good feeling."
That good feeling started all the way back at the Top 100 DJs party last year when Armin played the winner's set to a rapturous reception and he had some very special guests watch him accept his award. Ben Liebrand - amassive influence on Armin - was there, as was his parents, who he'd flownin all the way from Australia. "It was one of the highlights of my life,"he grins. "I thought, 'That's it, I can die happy now.'"
But things just got better. When Armin bagged the top spot last year he was surprised that he was able to do it without finishing his artist album, 'Imagine', an opus he'd been working on for two years. There's no such worry this time around. It exploded in Holland, shooting straight to No.1 - the first time a dance album has ever achieved the feat. Since then singles like 'In And Out Of Love' have been clogging up the charts in many European countries. That track features Sharon den Adel, the lead singer of Goth outfit Within Temptation, a band who have themselves sold around 10 million albums, making them the European answer to Evanescence. Armin admits to being starstruck when the project came together. "I saw her on TV and I called her the day after with shivering knees because she's like a diva in Holland," he confesses. The very next day she was knocking on his door. "This big rock star was standing on my doorstep," Armin exclaims, as if still surprised that Sharon wanted to work with him. "I've been making dance music for 15 years but producing for an artist like that is a real challenge. When she was in the vocal booth singing I got shivers all over my body."
There were plenty more shivers when Sharon and many of the other guest vocalists came together for the latest in his Armin Only concerts, flying in from all over the world. Tying in with the album launch, all the cameras brought in to film the event for the live DVD were put to good use when Holland's equivalent of the BBC decided they'd like to broadcast Armin Only: Imagine live, another first for the country. Around 250,000 people watched from their living rooms, while another 18,000 went crazy in the venue for Van Buuren's extended session behind the decks. "What I really enjoy is playing nine-hour sets because I get to show the people that I also love more progressive records," he says. "I love so many dance tunes but when I do a two or three hour set usually what I do - and what every DJ does - is play the big tracks that are out there at the moment. When I play nine hours I can play the records that I want to play but I can't when I play a festival or something." Armin stresses that the big
concerts he plays are not a way of raking in the cash. "To be honest, it doesn't make me a lot more money when I play a nine-hour set," he claims. "It's not like I want to play to 15,000 people to just show off that I can play for nine hours. It's really that I save up all these records that I know I can't play normally. It gives me a lot of satisfaction. It's a lot of hard work but it's also very rewarding once I've done it."
One of his most rewarding concerts came in an unlikely form this year. Romania is fairly consistent in its lack of rain so Armin thought that an open-air concert would be a pretty fine idea. But the heavens opened and the only thing heavier than the beats was the fall of water from the sky. But the crowd refused to be dampened and raved hard and happy until three hours of downpour finally eased and the stars came out. "It was
incredible," he recalls. "I'm not talking about light rain - it rained cats and dogs but the crowd just stayed." Other gig highlights saw two more Armin Only gigs in Australia, a great night at Global Gathering and another eight-hour set at one of his Amnesia residency sessions, where he also played a house set with new mate Mark Knight.
But if you add up every dancer at every club, concert and festival for the whole of the year it still doesn't touch the audience that listens to A State Of Trance every week. According to the figures, 27 million listeners tune in to Armin's radio show. "That's what the radio department tell me,"he says sceptically. "In May we signed a deal with a big radio station in Brazil. We ask every station after a few months what their ratings are,
how many people actually tune in. They told us that they were having 20 million listeners on a Saturday night when my show is broadcast. I find it hard to believe but they swear it's true." It's not bad for a show that Armin sometimes does in his underwear from hotel rooms across the globe. But as a round-up of everything that's happening in trance it's second-to-none. Armin points out that many shows don't include his own tracks or those from his Armada group of labels, but when that umbrella organisation has grown to 21 imprints those tracks are getting everywhere.
No longer just a trance company, artists like Simon & Shaker, Markus Schulz and Stonebridge all contribute labels, making Armada Holland's Ministry of Sound.
It's clear that Armin is doing great things not only for the Dutch economy but also for the music scene, something that was recognised at the highest level this year. The person who has had the most impact on Dutch music each year is given a BUMA Award by the national copyright organisation. "It was an incredible honour," Armin says with pride. "I thought it was a really big step towards the acceptance of dance music in Holland." It'll sit rather nicely with his recent Beatport award for Best Trance DJ, his
Top 100 DJs award for 2007, and now his second confirmation as the No.1 DJ in the World, something he's characteristically modest about. "I don't see it as a contest," he says. "I don't see it that I'm better than this DJ or that DJ, it's just a really big honour to be in this position. "I'm such a big fan of a lot of the DJs that are in the Top 100. I'm still shy to talk to guys like Sasha and John Digweed and Sven Väth and Carl Cox. It makes me very humble to be in a list with these guys. I'm thrilled, you know. I
don't know what to say." You don't have to say anything, Armin - the clubbers have spoken.
Blake Jarrell
Aged just 23, Blake Jarrell has had a rollercoaster of a ride to date. Tipped by John Digweed as definitely someone to look out for in the future," Blake carved himself a niche in the underground dance music scene in his hometown of New Orleans. At 16, he started to DJ and became a resident at local clubs like Ampersand, 735, and the House of Blues where he crafted his progressive housesound. Not satisfied with only DJing, Blake soon began to produce, releasing singles and remixes on various progressive labels co-produced with the late Adam "Starkid" Spears.
But in August 2005, disaster struck Hurricane Katrina wreaked havoc on New Orleans, turning Blakes life upside down. Packing his car with whatever he could, Blake wound up in Chicago where he fell in love with the booming house, techno and trance scene, which further helped shape his sound. It also brought a chance meeting with Armin van Buuren, who Blake passed along a CD of his productions. "Its bittersweet that I had to lose my hometown to Hurricane Katrina to find such a musically nurturing city as Chicago," says Blake who claims the storm as "simultaneously the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me."
Armin soon contacted Blake and invited him on tour as an opener. Now, following a slew of successful gigs, production work, and remixes (winning him fans in the form of Tiesto, Pete Tong, and Gabriel & Dresden among others) Blake has compiled this debut mix CD for Armada. Its a CD that you can listen to in the car or at home its laid back enough to relax on the couch with but still has its pumping moments to listen to on the way out to the club, says Blake. It comprises of tracks of producers Ive loved and labels Ive been into over the past year shaped into 2 CDs that both progress and intensify in their own unique way."
As well as Blakes worldwide DJing schedule, you can also catch a slew of his new productionwork out this year on Armada. But for now, kick back with what Blake feels is his own "personal time capsule of the sound Im into at the moment and programming that is an allegorical snapshot of how my personal and professional life has grown over the pastfew years.
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