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tässä nyt on jotain kutinaa ollu parina päivänä jottaettä alkaisko taas pelaamaan wowia.. työttömänä on aikaa niinku ja muutenkin rl == boretus
Peli on nyt "läpi" siinämielessä että 10 tyyppiä @ 80, jokaista rotua ja luokkaa on 1kpl :)
sitten kattoo jaksaako enää noita gearata.. ei hirveesti nappaa juosta instoi 50kpl joka päivä :D
Alkaakohan RP-servuil olee liivi-jengei? x)
Ja kyl tulee olee nättejä mestoja taas!
[q]epicuros, 14.11.2009 01:41:
nätti UI -> linkki
Ei toi UI mutta toi kullan määrä! O_O
Ite oon huomattavasti minimalistisemman UI:n fani. Tässä pitäs vielä action barit skinnata, vaihtaa minimappi simppelimpään jne. jne. pikkusäätöä, mutta koneenvaihdon ja totaaliformatin mukana meni kaikki configit, niin alusta rakentaen. Ja kyseinen lehmä on vaan altti, ei itketä siitä gearista! :D
lisäri tulos ja tää vitun kilta tahtoo alkaa raidaa jo ti hohhoijaa kiirusta pukkaa jos aikoo ensimmäisiin tappoihin ehtiä... katsotaan jännittää :P
[q]Epicuros, 23.3.2009 16:04:
wanha samantapainen:
Mä oon levelil 50jotain, enkä tajunnu koko jutusta hevon helvettiä :D
tos on kasa oringinaali wowin lvl 60 insta / raidi bossei jotka chättää ^^ sitku ne on tappanu ja nähny ni sen tajuaa ehkä ;)
[q]RiD, 1.4.2008 11:10:
Wohoa. Toi molten coren traileri on rules <3
[size=18]HAS SOUND![/size]
aivan loistava :D
Jokaisella servulla on omat "goodbye"-postauksensa forumeilla. Täs on mun ekalta servulta erään core-pvp/pve pelaajan postaus, mis Anqallakin oli warru joskus ja ehkä joillekin muille tuttu servu. Muutama suomalainen löytyy ja varmaan tuttuja nimiäkin, jos pelaatte/pelasitte Shadowsongilla. Eikä siis tosiaan mikään lyhyt postaus, mut todella mukavaa ja nostalgista luettavaa oli servun vanhoille parroille :)
"So, End of an era, huh? How pretentious is that? Just in case it wasnt obvious, its the end of an era for me. I dont think the server will be different in anyway. Not for strangers, not for people that know me and not even for my own guild. Ive lost friends in the game. People have quit or moved on. I miss them as long as it takes me to log on the next time. Online friends can be good and close, but when they leave, the game keeps going as if they were never there.
I started writing this post the summer 2008, 3-4 weeks after we killed Muru the second time. Things looked bad and I wasnt enjoying the game at all. I should have left after Illidan anyway, that pretty much meant game over for my part. I had done everything I ever wanted to do in the game, both PvE and PvP.
(Consider that the TLDR version. The rest of the post, up to the mentions, is just me bragging about myself, so if that doesnt do it for you, skip further down or to some other post)
Heres my in game life:
So, what did I do in PvE and PvP? I had the best alliance WSG premade. Ever. Theres no joke here (or humility). I didnt make it, that was Turiel, but I took over (with Sinar, Magnar, Ycon and Yin) and formed it into what it became. Then I did the same on horde side. Mostly because of Cassina. Yin, more than me, made the team, but I told her who sucked or not. I will never know which team was the best, but they were both the best in their peak, with quite some margin. The Pele and Maradona of Shadowsong BG history. There were two ways from there. Quit or make the best PvE team.
We used the same approach as when we formed the horde PvP team. Talk to great players and ask them to form a great guild. Our goal, even before we had left our current guilds, was server firsts. And thats what we got. Illidan being our ultimate goal, I felt the game was over when we killed him. But because of in game friends and that the guild was stronger and better than ever, we kept going for one more conquest. And at our peak, it almost felt worth it. We killed Muru as 24th guild in the world (or 27th or 31st, depending on what site you trust) and I felt pretty good about it. Then Yin had a baby, Serhiy became gay (Khlysti: The gay kind of gay, not the cool kind) and Saha went Emo. That stopped our raid progress for a long time.
In the arena I had the servers best 5v5 team for two and a half seasons. Best 3v3 in S2 (2nd in S1) and half of S3. Thats when SWP came and arena turned into I didnt bother to respec, lets just do 10 games for points on Tuesday nights.
As a DPS warrior I usually topped in Swarm raids, something Stabstalker and Asura mocked me for. They stopped the mockery when we started raiding together. The first week of SWP, I had the best result for a warrior in the world. Amongst those using WWS, obviously. But if you dont, youre a chicken and dont count. There are a couple of reasons for that, but what matters is that when DPS actually did mean something in that fight, the first kill, no one beat me. Like everyone else, I improved it a lot later, and ended up with the third highest warrior result before patch 3.0 (the two ahead, one from Inner Sanctum, both had double bloodlust and imp EA. So there.)
Heres my real life.
[q] Originally Posted by Meri:
So basically: Tsarina, Ashemn, Khlyti, and a few other fucktars high on game accomplishments, look in the mirror, and STFU. you are NOBODIES outside of wow. Get your priaorigties sorte out and by a bit more civil against the random lvl 60 or lowbie.[/q]
Well, thanks for considering me a somebody in the game. There will be much bragging, but you were already warned. In my defense, there are no lies here. Or even exaggerations.
Ive always been good at everything I tried. Sometimes great. I had the best grades in all of the 4 school classes Ive been in. I was the topscorer in my football team and probably my league (at least the last season I played). I was the best sprinter in my club and one of the best in my area at my age. I even won a money prize in a longjump competition once. Not many Norwegian 17 year olds have. Ive never lost during sparring or matches in Martial Arts. Whether it was jiu-jitsu, thai-boxing or shootfighting. I have tapped out once in my life (except training scenarios such as when I start in a perfect armbar). That was to August Wallén during a seminar he held. In all honesty, I dont think I would if I didnt feel uncomfortable because it was his seminar. Anyway, he became world champion heavy weight shootfighter 2 months later, so I dont feel too bad about it either way ( but dont tell Stabstalker hes a swede). I benchpress 170kg (and 7X140) and I can almost guarantee thats more than anyone else that run 3.000 meters in 10 minutes. I was slalom skiing at 3, thats early even for a Norwegian, and by the time I was 14, there were no steep or long enough hills.
I worked as an account manager in what was Norways 4th biggest company at the time (Telenor). I got there by being a salesman. Not only was I the best seller they ever had, they had to change the way their commission system worked. It followed a progressive scale, the more you sold the more you made. I went so far beyond all expectations that I reached a point where the company gave me more money than I made for them. The next month the directors had a meeting and changed the salary system. I made lots of money here, but more than a moneymaker, Im a caring person. I started working in nursing homes and hospitals when I was 18 and in the army I got educated as a paramedic at a civilian school. Ive saved dozens of lives in the ambulance and at hospitals and even twice by randomly being first to arrive at an accident. If I never did anything else with my life, this would be more than enough for me to not feel like a nobody outside of WoW.
I also have 2 beautiful children, the youngest seems to have way more talent than me (and most babies Ive heard of) in everything. He could crawl at 6 months and play the drums at 7 months (perhaps not like Nicko McBrain, but Im sure hed get a spot in Nirvana).
So, is there a point to all this bragging? Except to brag, that is. And yes, there is.
Achieving things is a question of attitude. Not of being a nolifer or not, like underachievers in WoW like to think. I wanted to be a good DPS warrior and worked hard to accomplish that. I wanted to be a good sprinter and trained 14 times per week. Its about winner instinct and work ethics, not about being fat and living at home without a girlfriend. This goes for pretty much every in game achiever I have met. They are hardly ever nobodies in real life.
I had done everything I could do. I could have done it better, like best guild rather than 24th. Or Merciless/Brutal(whatever it is now) Gladiator instead of Gladiator, but other than slight improvements, Ive done everything I set out to do. Theres nothing left except doing it over again. Im glad for the time I spent here and the people I got to know. I had a great time while I was here and thats all that matters. (Well, not really. But it matters a lot.)
My girlfriend. (Yin, Amélie, Amaia, Lilya)
What kind of girlfriend does a RL nobody like myself get?
Like me, she used to compete in athletics, just middle/long distance and not sprint. She moved over to swimming, something she took to a very high level in England. Those of you that have seen her picture, know shes cute. Her body is as great as youd expect from a competitive sprinter and she has the best ass anyone ever saw. Maybe rivaled by a couple of black female sprinters. She could read when she was 2 and could walk at something equally silly. It looks like my son takes after her in that.
She worked as a teacher for 7 years before she started her own restaurant in Poole. The money from selling that restaurant is what gave us the opportunity to be nolifers for a couple of years playing WoW. Dont pretend you wouldnt want to have loads of money and do whatever you feel like for a while.
While I consider myself a better player, I know a lot of people that would disagree. Especially as healer. Those that have had both me and her healing in a BG or arena, generally prefers Yin. I guess Ill settle for; were different kinds of players. She was rank 14 twice and was in most of my arena teams. She even did better than me in 2v2.
I like to take credit for a lot of things that was good with Wrath. I worked behind the scenes and no one except Yin (and I guess eventually Crash and Saha) knew what I did and did not do, but it was probably a whole lot more than most people think. Having said that, Wrath could have happened without me. It could not have happened without Yin.
For my 30th birthday, she called one of my ex girlfriends and arranged a threesome. How cool is that? I have a hot GF that made me a guild in WoW, helped me rank and make arena teams, sponsor my gaming for three years, gave me an amazingly great baby and a threesome. Good luck finding something better.
The mentions:
The highlight of any goodbye post is being mentioned. It's a confirmation that you meant something to someone in the WoW universe. I wanted to skip this part to not forget anyone. But I know it means something to me to get a final goodbye, so I'll mention as many as I remember. In alphabetical order, no less. In some cases the mentions are nothing but a mention. At least you are remembered.
A nice guy and a good player. He didn't raid much with Wrath, but I never saw a negative word either on forums, guild or raidchat.
I didn't like the way you solved a RL problem you had, but I was very sympathetic for the issue and you as a person. All the best to you and your family.
(Adakurt makes some strange gestures)
You meant a lot to us in a difficult TK time and helped out with excellent playing and reliability. Fantasy-like main changing after that, though.
Decent rogue raider and PvPer. Soulshift's GF or something... Also was rogue CL in some guild or raid alliance.
The AV hero. Stop pestering him to come back to lead you again.
One of the weirdest and most enthusiastic players around. I've played both with you and against you. It's remarkable. Take that as you wish.
Ashen heal bot.
At his best, probably the second best DPS warrior on Shadowsong. We wanted him in Wrath and he wanted to join, but it didn't work out because of "other stuff".
I only know him from SSE and what started out as the third most annoying thread on the forums. Eventually the "What are you listening to" thread developed into something really nice and I started checking it as people started putting links and videos in it. I even discovered some new good bands I didn't already know there. Like Eluveitie, Disarmonia Mundi and Van Canto (did I find Van Canto there?). Sadly the OP is still going on with his meaningless listings.
Thanks for handing us some of the finest players on Shadowsong on a silver platter. And thanks for numerous applications. We would probably have accepted you if it wasnt for the invite my mother too or Im not joining ultimatum.
A legendary warrior that spread Havoc in AB with his hammer. Could have been famous with more appearances and a healer harem. I had the pleasure of following and healing a couple of times.
Actually a very good paladin. Crash and Yin were too harsh in their posh English requirements. Thanks for serving the blondest excuse ever for being late to a raid.
Another old friend that we liked having in our pres, but eventually ditched us for SotF pre. Or something. Still feeding us with nice SSE posts from time to time.
A very good raid leader and a good feral when he has time to raid. Through him, at least indirectly, I got my first raid (server first Azuregos) and UBRS experience. I had high hopes for him as a raid leader and officer of Wrath, and the few raids he lead were also good. Sadly he suck at priorities and keeps working or some rubbish when he should be raiding and tanking.
He never did.
A KB hoarding frost mage that I halfway suspected of timing his frostbolts til my targets were on 25%. But he was a skilled player that we wanted in Wrath. Because of "politics" a situation arose where we had to choose between him and Asura. We chose Asura. For what it's worth, you were a close second choice. We just knew Asura better and longer.
I had the pleasure of meeting you in the arena once upon a time when you were good. You beat my main, but lost to my alt. Very odd. I blame combo.
I really should remember this, but I'm getting old. I think this was the warrior we took in our team after the remains of Bergrar's team fell apart. At least it we had one of the warriors for two weeks to help get from rank 12 to 13. I didn't see his best teams many times my self, so I'll just trust Sloth on this:
[q]Originally Posted by Sloth:
tbfh your team sucks monkeyballs, your indivual skill is pretty damn low[/q]
One of the server's best hunters. We've dueled twice, I lost both times. I'm not really a fan of your "chicken" WSG/AV tactics, but you sure rack up some crazy damage and kills. Yin talked to you about joining CoI once and you told her to write an application. I said "lol no, screw that" and we made our own guild instead, changing the raiding landscape on Shadowsong quite a bit. So thanks a lot for that.
One of the two most sexy rogues on Shadowsong. And a very nice caring guy. I've always liked Ante. He's a really good and loyal person. I wish we had him in Wrath, but I know he wouldn't leave CoI before he literally was the last guy left there.
One of our best WSG healers. According to Yin, the one she preferred having with her in the flagroom keeping a flagcarrier up.
One of the first druids to 60 and an important part in much of the pioneer raiding on the server.
He deserved rank 14 because he owned a cornershop and had several prostitutes. Did I get that right? Famous for taking the 3minute mage concept to extremes.
The best warlock. Nothing less. And contrary to popular belief, also a friendly and helpful guy. He knows the mechanics of every class as if he designed them. He's much like Khlysti in this regard. Both in knowledge and being helpful. Ask either of them a valid, thought through serious question, and you'll get a good answer telling you all you need to know. Not a patient person, sure. He lets it rip when people suck. But he has earned that right through own perfection. To quote Trupi "u canot beat whot is machin". Seeing Ashen DPS in raids was a proper eye opener. I didn't know you could be so much better than your "peers".
The first time I met him, he struck me as incredibly rude. But eventually I learned to like him and he was a permanent member of "the premade" for a very long time and playing excellent. Even if he didn't play very long in TBC, he did some great stuff in the arena too. Like being in the server's best 2v2 for a short while and beating some very good teams when he played with Yin's priest (Amaia). Like Goza/Chriztian that ended up at the very top of 2v2 (Gosa was also Merciless and Brutal Gladiator, afair (I'm certain of the first one)). Then he left to team up with Auril, which I thought would be the most awesome team ever. They had 1 loss, argued and never teamed again. That was the end of Ashen's arena career. Not that I need to explain this to anyone here. As he put it him self:
[q] Originally Posted by Ashen:
(Also, wtf is up with this? Now I can't even lose a 2v1 without it ending up on the forums.)[/q]
A good player of an easy class.
A great duelist and solo PvPer. With a bit better overview, he could have been the best paladin on horde side. But at least he has the potential.
From what I heard a good player and leader, but did some odd decisions with loot. Not to mention what happened during the final stretch of BT.
I wanted to be nice to people here. But really... Stop the whine and self pity. There's no end to it.
EDIT: As mentioned, I wrote this post a long time ago. Things have changed since then. We're back to talking and I'm back to liking him again. I'm leaving the original part, because it's a bit true. He's a good player and one of the people we always wanted in our pres. Every time he logged on, he got invited to AB or WSG pre. I picked him for the 5v5 tournament in STV and my first 5v5 arena team. If you were a bit less self destructive you'd take that as an indication of something nice. Indirectly he also helped us get Wrath going. When we had barely enough members to sign the charter, it helped getting new members by mentioning that Asura had joined. Don't ask me why, because I don't know, but a lot of people like him. Even me.
Auril/Malison/Lac - Grand Marshal - Gladiator
Easy the best mage on the server. One of few old school big PvP names that also did good in the arena. Not to mention he's a flawless raider. He's been in the server best 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 teams and not only doing good in a server context (that's not really that great), but also in the battlegroup. Together with Morreh, probably the most famous person off server in TBC. He used to be my best in game friend, but we're a bit too alike. Bad losers with horrible temper. We're fairly good at getting over things, but we don't talk that much anymore.
To quote Tau: "This guy fell in a barrel of attitude when he was a baby"
Not meaning to be rude to anyone, but with Miw and Rob not raiding, he's our best healing paladin.
A great healing priest. At an educated guess; best or second best horde side.
Steady and decent Hive shaman.
Azurouse and Klaw
Another hunter RL couple. These trolls were the best horde hunters in the first XR generation.
Founder of the highly respected guild Friends of Murad.
Barcus - Grand Marshal
A person that's always been nice to my face. However, I have contacts pretty much everywhere on the server. We gave you a piggyback ride to rank 14. Just being in our team was a guaranteed title if you spent enough time. From my "grats on rank 14 post": You're welcome.
[q]Originally Posted by Tsarina:
7th GM from the premade. My first meet with Barcus was in the STV arena. I was last person standing when he blinked in and attacked. From the GY, he sent me a tell asking if he could join the team. Of course such courage should be rewarded[/q]
Afair, the first priest to 60. And an impressive WSG healer. I mostly fought against you and your 9 def teams, but I also teamed with you some times. You're very good at what you do, no doubt.
The best looking guy on SSE that sadly adopted some of the infamous cocky CoI attitude after he joined. I think I preferred the friendly "no name" Beatus. (Just to be clear, not many CoI people actually have the "cocky CoI attitude". It's a stereotype created by very few people.)
Belfer - High Warlord
The guy that came closest to soloing rank 14, no one truly did. And also our most reliable and long term shadowpriest. A good raider that doesn't mess up. Also one of two players we ever got from recruitment threads on SSE. So much posting and bumping for nothing.
One of our server's most famous players. He took the Crossroad PvPing to the next level by forming 40man raids every single day to wipe the town out. Then move to Orgrimmar, wipe and reform and repeat the next day. Sometimes the same day. While being an awful player himself, he actually did make a pretty decent PvP team. He deserves respect for all he achieved. He never made it past rank 13, my own PvP team being the sole reason for that. And I would be lying if I said I wasn't pleased with that. He's disliked by a whole lot of people, mostly for no good reason. I dislike him because he, according to himself and a couple of his teammates, talked to a lawyer to get me banned for cheating. Sent tickets about me on a daily basis and phoned Blizzard regularly. When he told me this, to my priest alt, he also said that he still liked Tsarina, not knowing it was the same person. So yeah, I dont really like him, but at least I have a good reason.
I noticed this guy early because of his remarkably annoying name paired with an equally annoying look. But I've done both arena and WSG with this guy, and he's a very solid player. Kind of like his name. Even if annoying, there's something solid and good about it.
A rogue that impressed in the early days. But then again, most rogues did. Deserves a mention for the "oldschool factor".
Another person I don't know at all, but no-one addressed Chonar better on these forums.
Second most stupid name on the server. What were you thinking? A great flagrunner and could have been one of the really good players on the server if it wasn't for all the "karsk".
A regular part of our premade at one point and did her job well, but we had a fallout because of a third person you thought spoke for everyone. We got that straightened out after a year or more, but then something similar and equally misunderstood happened. We worked that out too eventually and I think we're friends again now, but I never know for sure.
The hardest to kill shadowpriest I've met. I have no clue what he wanted with his weird forum.
One of many old school druids. At first I loved meeting him in AB in his getting 1-2 shot mooncloth gear, but at some point he became really good.
One of the two russian orc warriors. Made a name for himself during early AB days. And he was my pet a couple of times during the MC bug (If you died during MC, you couldn't ress and was treated as a friendly player on the opposing team)
He ran some really good dragon kill groups before TBC and had ambitions in Lastara. Ambitions they nearly managed to live up to. He was nagging Yin frequently over a 2 year period to get into Wrath. When we finally let him in, he disappeared after a couple of months without having done anything worthwhile. Time well spent.
My old WSG nemesis. He was one of the deadliest rogues before when everyone had rubbish gear. He never geared up properly and was stuck as a player with skills without the gear to match. One of the many people I thought always went for me. Good thing I'm not paranoid in every case.
[q]Originally Posted by Caliban:
my favorite target is good old Tsarina. Always has been, always will[/q]
Captain Picard
A solid raidhealer except when he's giving his parents tips on online stock broking. At least he's making us laugh.
A proper nerd and a good rogue. Once a regular in our WSG team, but he faded out like so many others.
Ycon's apprentice. Ycon was a better player than judge of druid skill.
He usually got mocked for what he said, but he was actually on to something a lot of the time.
Yet another WSG rogue that left us for raiding. Something he did good from what I heard.
One of the annoying NE warriors that knew his job in WSG. We've talked a couple of times on horde side lately.
He actually ran a decent pre and was a good flagrunner even if his "fame" comes from exploiting. I think he had some old main that I should remember, but I don't.
The guy that brought us deaththreats and turkish fucking style to the forum. He was going to hit us in the head when he got his rank 14 staff.
Another person I don't know at all, but he impressed me lately on these boards by not beeing an idiot (Yes, sometimes not being stupid is impressive).
This warlock knew how to play his class. And was too aware of it. One of the few that had his "CoI attitude" even before he joined. I actually liked him, though. And for some time he was daily in our WSG team.
Chonar - Alterac Valley General
What can I say about this guy that not everyone already knows? Not much, but I can say that I like him. He's a clever guy with a 4chan humour I don't follow at all. He's the most famous player on the server and for a good reason. He has a remarkable ability to annoy me. Usually on purpose I'm sure. He's the person I love to hate. Not much pleases me more than seeing a bad DPS parse from him. But he wouldn't have meant so much to me if he wasn't an important person. And in Shadowsong Europe context, he is. I loved mocking him for his weird "fun" spec, but I hated it when more people jumped the, granted highly temporary, mock Chonar bandwagon. He's not one to be mocked. Chonar is better than you. We had him several times in our old pre, and it was always a treat. Hordies died left and right and he entertained us while killing. I don't think anyone has made me smile as much during PvP.
She was, without my knowledge, a rival back when the honor system got implemented. A very good hunter that wasn't afraid of going toe to toe with anyone and much like me, thrived in the frontline. The times we had her in our WSG team, she liked to skulk off in a corner of the map and do her thing. And she did it good. I also had the pleasure of doing arena with her and we even managed to cross the magical 2K barrier with the very hard druid/warrior combo. Sadly she kept pressuring my old bones to play late at night and we had many late and long losing streaks. While one of Shadowsong's finest hunters before TBC, I don't really know how to "rate" her on the server post TBC since I no longer meet everyone. All I can say is that when I met her warrior in WSG (wthout knowing who it was), I was very impressed. The second warrior ever to make me think "Now that's a good warrior!".
When he makes an effort, he writes some very fine posts with good arguments. Meeting him in AV he's a flock animal (you're Minibel, right?).
The most vulgar nazi (hopefully the only) on this forum. I tried to tease him into a ban once in game and it turned out he was a really pleasant guy and not at all as stupid as I thought. But then again, I'm sure people said that about Hitler too.
Get your imp back out.
I had some nice, but serious, chats with him and his friend Worak back when they were ranking. There were some issues I was unable to help out with even if I wanted to. You shouldn't have joined up with Toshiro when you had a good thing going already.
Probably our most stable and loyal rogue. While he for obvious reasons can't compete with our glaive rogues in certain DPS encounters, he's a really good guy there's never any fuss with. And he does his job flawlessly. It's a treat exchanging Stabs with this guy when Stabs is having one of his many bad days.
This serious rogue had some serious damage output when he joined us in WSG, but I think I annoyed him when I camped him beneath alliance GY with my rogue just to prove that rank 14 daggers were better than TF.
One of our transfer raiders and a great resto druid. He's been a great asset to Wrath from his very first raid.
A silent guy that's always been around. One of the co-founders of Sanctuary (or at least first members) and a very good player. Both as holy paladin and cow hunter he impressed.
Without having any way of measuring it, I'll risk a: The best tank on the server. Not only is he good at playing it, he's also a great theorycrafter that has been a very important part of figuring out strats for us together with Yin. Specially in SWP he's been important where we've had little to no information about the encounters before we tried them the first time. He's also a great PvPer. I knew him long before I joined horde as one of the fiercest horde warriors. We've duelled once ever. He won. (Not that it means a lot, even Hearst and Jybcrusader have beaten me in duels, but I still mention it). We grabbed him for our horde WSG pre as often as we could because he's an amazingly skilled player. Also as a DPS warrior he knows his stuff. He was my idol and (without his knowledge) mentor for a long time. Even when I had better DPS gear he beat me once on Chromaggus. I still cry a little thinking about it. His 70s BBC voice is a treat to listen to and he's a very funny guy when he's in the mood.
(For the record: I didn't copy his looks for my warrior. There's really only one viable orc female look and I had it already in closed US beta. So there!)
Croazil Gladiator
A good PvP warrior and according to his teammates, a good arena team leader.
I've never had any reason to dislike this person that so many have a problem with. I don't even know why he seems to be so disliked. He was a good hunter and is a good and aggressive shaman. Oh, and grats on AR! Good for Raptor Strikes.
The cutest female rank 14 cow ever. The cuddliest person I did WSG with. Having him in the flagroom usually meant 3 or more were needed to get it out. He owned at the classic hunter flagroom defence I've never liked doing myself.
One of the two classic horde warlocks. Dan was probably the first hordie I got to know. He started out as a bit of a silly person in rubbish gear. I didn't really see any difference from when he was in his real gear making an effort or when he was fooling around in his wedding dress. But that changed. He turned into one of the deadliest locks on the server and started 1-2 shotting me on a regular basis. When we made our horde WSG team, he was the guy I considered my MVP. I cannot give anyone a better compliment than that. He was on top of our wish list when we formed Wrath and has been one of our top raiders since he joined.
A person I've learned to like from his SSE posts. I hope things work out for you where you are now.
I was brutally honest with you when you left Wrath (the third time...) and I wish I had been earlier. Having said that, you did a good job for us for a very long time. If I were to feel sorry for anything, it would be not doing something when I saw how "someone" treated you.
I didn't like you sticking to rules and principles at the time, but looking back you probably did the right thing considering how things worked. The rules are another matter.
A very capable lock that found his name on a couple of "best of" lists when they were deliberately trying to think of new names.
Death Shero
You're no hero, but a funny guy in the crazy hair trio.
A polite guy with a remarkable ability to annoy people. Solkaner in particular. We had some good games.
Another warlock... I might be confusing which is which of this one and Eternity. One of them were great, the other was ok.
The first and most famous ninja. He took the sword Typhoon from the server first Azuregos kill, logged off and according to rumours deleted his character. The other one was equally soon forgotten.
The only thing he talked about was cars. And I really don't care about cars. He did some good things for Sentinels of Shadowsong and at the same time was part of putting the nail in the coffin for Sanctuary raiding. I think I'm glad he did.
All encounters are easy with a warlock. Shame you weren't around in TBC long enough to prove you actually knew the encounters you hadn't seen.
Deadly mage with good balance of CC and DPS in WSG. He was a great asset to all pres he was in, whether Stinky's team or Yin's team. He's been raiding as druid in Wrath and done so very well, even if not as regularly as we hoped, being away pretending to have an interesting RL with his emo hair.
Do you remember this guy? I do. And he really was a dwarf killer. One that made a name in the short lasting pre-battleground era.
One of my two brothers playing this game. He's a bit like Ming. He knows everything. He gets a bit frustrated when his theories don't work out, which thankfully isn't often because he's an even worse loser than I am. He's a very skilled and creative player with excellent reactions and timing. He was the one that invented the shadowstep back to a charging warrior move. No, really he was.
Zulferas brother that joined us as tank. A pretty good player, but didnt stay with us very long.
Elean/Fake Kzuhl
The guy that took over for Kzuhl. A very good tank that managed to fill Kzuhl's boots surprisingly well.
A bit too proud of being able to solo kill warriors, but he was one of the mages I didn't like meeting in Thrasy's team.
The forum moderator and troll. You've deleted several of my posts over the years, and one in particular still annoys me. The one directed and some Chineese guy saying that the term "chineese farmer" was insulting to all Chinese people. Not to mention infraction and warning for baiting members into an argument. Who the hell came up with that crap anyway? The forum was never the same after that boring carebear regime started.
As a player I always liked you. Very selfless and reliable PvP healer. Something you kept up in raids.
Great healer and flagrunner. I actually saw him solo cap flags before Kathra. He joined Sanctuary about 5 minutes before he quit the game (or left the server or something).
I've never played with Elog, but we've had some talks. His forum posts don't at all match the nice soft personality when chatting.
Elvaling - Grand Marshal
An MCO mage. The last one to get the rank.
Mostly Ycon's girlfriend, but she actually developed into a good hunter that did her part in various WSG teams.
A very skilled mage, even if usually not too focused on playing the game. He was great in AB days when he went off in a corner to solo groups of people over and over.
A great oldschool warlock that beat Ashen in a duel once. I loved it because I couldn't stand Ashen (who can?). Then they did a rematch and Eternity got owned. And another and owned again. I was sad. A bit later it was 10-1 Ashen. I guess this was a rubbish example to prove someone was good, but... He really was.
I got a really good impression of him through SSE and even better during a couple of PMs. This was the guy (after Val) I thought would take CoI back to former glory. Sadly it didn't happen, but little Lycien has the chance now.
For some reason I keep confusing this guy with Danzig. Both are people I don't know in game, but I tend to like their forum posts. Maybe it's the hair. Or tattoos.
A hunter that really hurt. He 2 and 3 shotted my priest on a regular basis.
Other than giving one of our members a druid, you're the guy I hope I won't turn into. Some dramaseeker that hangs around on the forum dedicated to a game he no longer plays to write random drama seeking posts.
They all look the same to me... It's a healer shaman. I remember him. That's about it.
Failhorn - Gladiator
Probably the best arena druid on the server. Transferred off as soon as he could go to a PvP server.
Fanta was my favourite WSG healer together with Fithvael. At least til I rolled horde. With Fantasy with me I did some amazing flagreturns and midfield wipes you wouldn't believe if I didn't fraps it. Sadly he developed a manic main change fetish after TBC and never really became of any use even if he's a very skilled player.
Fazh - High Warlord (off server)
One of Wrath's current MTs and doing so remarkably well. We've always had amazing tanks in Wrath, and with him joining, we still do. Friendly, active, knowledgeable, skilled. All you'd ever want in a player.
Both characters and names have been played by several people. The one I'm talking about here, is the original Fearless that was one of the first shamans to 60. I mention "beat me in a duel" several times here, as if that's a great thing. It really isn't. I've lost loads of duels and to some really poor players. But when it comes to shamans, it actually means something. As a hunter, I never, and that is literally never, lost a duel or a 1on1 to a shaman. It never happened during countless hours of PvP. And I met every single shaman on the server that was anything. I'm not particularly proud of this, it was a class imbalance thing. (Same with priests, druids, warriors and rogues for a long time even if there were some exceptions from time to time with those classes). But to the point: Fearless did beat me. And that's the only shaman ever to do that. We had him in Wrath at some point too. Obviously. I made sure we got the good PvPers there.
I don't remember ever talking to you directly and like many people I'm mentioning here you probably won't ever read this. But you gave me the best compliment I ever got from a player on Shadowsong.
The first horde warlock I met. PvP enabled in Redridge. I don't really know why, but he made a lasting impression. I didn't see him much since.
Not surprisingly, Fithvael was my favourite WSG healer together with Fantasy. As a priest he had self preservation instincts only matched by Khlysti. And he was amazing at keeping everything up. Also one of the people I enjoyed most talking to during our many hours in Ashenvale camping the WSG entrance.
Fitterguff/Parazite - High Warlord
A player I didn't think much of when I played on alliance side, but proved to be a very valuable teammate when I rerolled. At least the real one.
As much of a clown on these boards as in RL. I don't mean that in a very bad way.
RL couple, friends of Yin and Crash. One of them is funny. I think both were good rogues, but I didnt see much gameplay when they were in Wrath.
The second of the deadly shadowpriests. And a troll at that. I don't think he lasted long, but I remember him well.
There's no end to the WSG rogues. Another capable rogue that I only talked about various associations of his name with.
Gave me a great race to 70 and was ahead most of the time. He had lots of drive and inspiration before TBC and some good ideas for his guild Tempest that never happened.
Got very offended a couple of times when we established our horde team, which is a shame because it's a nice guy and a decent player.
This was supposed to be Talsin's heir in WSG, but it didn't really happen. Not enough practice.
Gobbleduck - High Warlord
Priest from Stink/Freak team.
Another great shaman. There were so many great shamans that I wonder if they were just imba and easy to play. Either way, this is one that stood out as above the rest.
You've always been nice to me, but not so much to people that care about you. I hope you'll sort that out. Thanks for the sharpening stones!
The other of the two Russian orcs. I've talked a lot to this one. A smart guy that should have been in a better place. Unfortunately you can only have so many DPS warriors in a balanced raid.
The master duelist that for some reason stopped shining after TBC launch. We spent many hours together in the early days and you always kept me on my toes during our thousands of duels. Little known fact: The first GM of CoI (the recreated and current one)
Like Hitler and Chronolink, you're a nice guy when we talk, but you're weird too. I never got over seeing you link Dirge in trade. (You're off ignore again now, btw)
The cuddle tank. /hug
Part of the original WSG team. I guess it was my fault you got squeezed out. What I said about you was true, though. Even if you're a good hunter when "present".
Harr/Purgator - Technoviking
This is the guy I worked hardest to ninja from another guild. Having played both with him and against him I knew exactly how good he was in PvP. And he did not disappoint us in PvE. One of our most skilled players even if also one of the weirdest. Not many other enhancement shamans do 400 DPS on Mother Sharaz because they got stuck in healingstream gear on the pull (Healingstream gear! wtf?). Or has an enchanted Brutalizer for tanking purposes... But he has plenty of skill, reaction speed and game understanding to make up for his sometimes odd ideas.
The priest CL of Sentinels of Shadowsong. A sometimes too nice guy that was a big part of the reason they ever got anywhere.
Epicsed out CoI rogue we hired for WSG killings from time to time. I heard he's back, that should be a good thing for CoI. If you get back to this forum, remind me again what was in your signature about Trupi.
The guy I thought would be the Ycon of horde, but he kept disappearing to other servers and other games. He started out as a healer in Spawn. A great hunter target mostly in cloth and healing everyone but himself.
A mace warrior. I'd like to see what the mace spec change does to him.
My second biggest competition in Hive raids. Sadly he was kept on a very tight leash and could never unfold his true potential. He would have shone in a guild where DPS was a priority.
My brother's cousin (not mine, mind you) who's less annoying than his brother Imigrid. His favourite WoW activity seems to be trying to kill me. Fortunately for my self esteem he usually fails.
The angry warlock that Chonar once described as his horde equivalent, whatever that means. I'm guessing it was a compliment. He proved his worth by taking horde to their first, and for a very long time only, victory in AV.
Dressed up in imba CoI epics, this was one mage that truly hurt back in the day.
One of many former Sanctuary that aspired to greatness elsewhere. I recruited many great players, in my humble opinion I'm good at spotting talent, but I got this one for free after I talked Thrane into joining. He even joined us in Wrath for a brief period and there was much happiness. He's one of those guys that are just totally nice through and through.
The first to reach 60 and with a good margin too. While my guild old guild (Sanctuary) often started crossroad raids, he was the one that single handedly ended them. When he showed up, raid was over. His rogue for some reason never geared up properly and his Crossroads supremacy didn't last many days. He did a good run for server first 70 too, but had different competition this time around.
One of our most hardcore raiders. "I'm here to kill bosses, not to make friends". Oddly enough, he's also rather friendly. He's in many ways the opposite of me in raids. Where I have enchanting to improve my DPS, he has LW to improve team DPS. I have Unbridled Wrath, he has improved demo shout so the tank doesn't have to. Pretty much the perfect raider. We should have snagged him earlier, but at least he joined eventually and he is the only warrior I have no problems letting take my place.
My oldest online friend, co-founder and GM of Sanctuary. We met in Anarchy-Online many many years ago, and have kept in touch since. He took part in our Crossroads raids as prot pala and was never taken down solo. Like so many other ancient PvP heroes, he felt the introduction of the honorsystem took the fun out of PvP and he hardly ever did any after that. He's the founder of the immortal phrase: Everyone's a guy til I see tits.
Out of the blue, he suddenly became very close to both me and Yin. Unfortunately he transferred shortly after. When he came back, we didn't manage to pick up where we left it.
"Hoxilato spits on Yin." Almost two years later I get his application to join Wrath. I love it when karma kicks people in the ass.
As I mentioned in another post, the only one we wanted in Wrath that we never got. One of the server's finest shamans, but so chatty it can do your head in.
Another NE rogue that terrorised crossroads day and night with good help from his wife. One of the earliest Sanctuary members, one that I sadly had to kick. I probably shouldn't mention RL names here, but this one amused me. It's Hung. Cunningly disguised in his nick.
An important player in Maggi's "harem of warriors" team. Running around with his Ashkandi, he really hurt. Good at picking the right targets and ended up on top of damage and KB in nearly every game I saw him in.
The first time I met him, he was 30ish in STV. I told him "You're not". And he said "huh?". I said "Illuminatus, maybe. But you're not Illuminati." He said "huh?" again and I left it. It was one of the mages I wanted in our WSG team and I got him sometimes. Apparently Chonsette had something better to offer him since he rarely joined. I had a one day experience doing 5v5 arena with him. He was just as good as I remembered and I thought the team had the potential to be server best (beating the top team which happened to be my own horde 5v5 at the time). That didn't happen because some people wanted too much too fast.
This is the only guy I ignored on the SSE forum and the only guy I've threatened to hit in RL. He's the master of annoyance and stupidity. My brother insists he's really a nice guy, but I'm not so sure. I actually took him off ignore recently to dig up the quote I pasted further up.
The highest DPS shadowpriest of early raiding (obviously after Khlysti).
The server's best Danish warrior. Amazingly good player, considering how silly he seems. The master of KBs and GY camping.
You got your rank 11 mount and you seemed to be happy with that. I never liked the way you joined us, but at least you were honest about it from the start. I guess that's something. And admittedly you pulled your weight when we played. At least I think you did. Not easy to say considering the level of resistance we had in that period. We both remember what happened when Stinky and Semi finally gave us some hard WSG matches. I never got over that.
Made an early impression by beating my hunter in a duel back when Sethanon was the only paladin I couldn't beat easy with drain kiting. Also made a good figure with Magnar when CoI still made good WSG teams.
A warrior we knew from Bergrar's team. He got to rank 13, but because of some other pre, that's where it stopped. He applied to Wrath as warlock once, but left out who his old alliance main was. He thought maybe he wouldn't get invited if we knew. And he was right. But I'm glad he kept that a secret, because we invited him and he's one of our best players like he was one of the best in his PvP teams.
Performed very well for OTD and has continued to do good in Wrath.
Jonneh/Dynatos - Never Forgotten
Probably the most complete warrior on the server. From the beginning to the definite end. We had some great nights together in Southshore/Tarren Mill that I won't forget any time soon. He's the one that taught me fury worked in PvP and he was a very likeable person that always had time to talk and explain.
The loudest pottymouth I've met online, but at the same time a very likeable guy. For some reason Toshiro worked long and hard on getting him with us from Hive and I'm not really sure why. By that I don't mean Jurgan isn't good enough for Wrath, but we already had our hunters lined up and Jurgan liked it in Hive. I've always felt bad because of that and I know Talsin has too. And Jurgan on more than one occasion. Obviously I'm glad he's in Wrath, but I'm not sure that's where he'd rather be. Being full on hunters and only having 1 raidspot for DPS warriors that I hogged 100% of the raids didn't give him as much raid time as he should have. He's more of a mascot now than anything. Surprisingly, he's also a pretty good writer.
A very well geared and probably skilled tank with TF. He as good as two manned Azuregos with Robinvi at level 60.
One of Wraths best warlocks and the first to reach 80, carrying the torch from Wraths first to 70. A very dedicated guy that currently goes to an internet cafe to raid.
Ultraquick flaggrabber and flagcarrier killer. One of the many people that was suspected to have a flaggrabber mod. There never was a mod, so that's a compliment.
Every second time I speak to you you're a jerk or a nice guy. It would be great if you could make up your mind so people could treat you accordingly and not wonder if they are talking with the jerk until 2-3 sentences into the conversation.
A calm person and a good player. I made him an officer in Wrath to counter balance me (well, for more reasons. But that was the trigger). Where I'm impulsive and hotheaded, he's cool and reasonable. He's a good theory crafter that seems to know everything about castercrafting. (Stop the nonsense with suggesting farm runs before progress runs)
The original WSG flagrunner. A bit like Christiano Ronaldo. Lots of skills, but seemingly thinking he's better than the team. So he went off and made his own that of course sucked. So he came back. And left and came back. Then he went horde and joined OTD and then Wrath, but not to raid. I don't know what he's doing, but he sure is a good player.
One of the healing shamans. To be honest, I can't always remember who is who of you. "All cats are grey in the dark". But I have nightmares about this one standing behind Stinky healing and surviving.
The first of the many and dreaded UD rogues. That is when he got to 60 and took over after Hohenheim. If you went to Crossroads and were PvP enabled at any time of the day, you could be sure he was on you in not too long.
Young body and a younger soul. Appears to be an ok raider.
Probably the second best oldschool rogue. At least in duels. He had a perfect stunlock and could kill pretty much anything during it. Also best alliance raid DPS before rolling ignites.
One of Wrath's 3 great hunters. They were any guild master's dream. They sorted their own raid rotation and were all amazingly good players. It's hard to stand out as a hunter when you're teamed up with Sloth and Ruoste, but he fully deserved his place in the perfect trio and impressed over and over with off the charts DPS.
Khlysti (Kabhanda)
This is a fantastic faggot. Reading his arrogant and often rude posts, you'd expect some amazing gameplay and knowledge to match it. And you wouldn't be disappointed. He is probably the most flawless player I've ever met. I've only teamed with him in PvP, so I don't know how he is as a raider except from some shaman DPS parses (that are seriously impressive), but I expect it's the same level of perfection also there. I don't think you'll find him dying to flamepatches very often. In WSG, he never messes up or makes a mistake. Never. I don't think I can say that about anyone else. Not even Sinar or Morreh. Trying to kill him as a warrior is a waste of time. I'd pick a feral druid or paladin to take down any day. He's by far the hardest to kill priest I ever met. That's including Hydra, Zeksy and Sammyj, to mention some famous priests I've met and killed in the arena. As I mentioned earlier, he's also a very helpful guy if you don't come with stupid questions. In fact, the first time I heard about him, he was on his hunter in STV teaching Waywatcher some tips and tricks of the trade. Actually spending a lot of time and energy helping out. Fortunately he spends less time on SSE now, so that makes it much easier for me to stay away.
I got a 2 for 1 when I recruited Waywatcher to Sanctuary, and he proved to be almost as good as his friend. Also a very nice guy. Joined CoI when WW did, but I think he had too few online hours to make much of it.
The nicest and cutest (personality wise) priest we had in WSG. She joined when I was ranking as priest and contributed with great healing skills and much creativity. Joined me and Fantasy in several triple MC mayhem stunts.
The first of the killadins. The first proper ret on Shadowsong. At least the first doing it really well. He had guts and creativity.
The second best tank on Shadowsong. Again, I don't have any evidence to back my claims, but I'm never wrong about people so I must obviously be right. He has a dry and sometimes dangerous humour that comes totally out of the blue and cracks me up. And he's always been very loyal to us. When he wanted out, not only did he stick around til we got a decent replacement, he also donated his character to the guild so the replacement (coming from alliance) could use it. That's a generosity you don't see very often. After a long time, he came back to help us finish up TBC. There was much happiness.
Hive's best DPSer pre TBC. She usually beat me in MC, but I blame having to tank adds at Magmadar, Garr, Sulfuron and Majordomo. She left raiding for the same reason Yin did and that's a shame, for I would have snagged her for Wrath.
The pre TBC duel shaman. Throughout TBC raiding you seemed to have something against Wrath. You were quick to put us down when we got server firsts and even quicker to dub Automatic the best guild on the server when they got Kael'thas first. I know why. Yin knows why. And you know why. I wish we got some respect and appreciation for never sharing the reason for your obvious anti-Wrath sentiment.
As a player, lots of people said you were the best shaman on the server (pre TBC). Well... Easy top 5.
A decent gnome that was annoying to play against (and with).
Liliana and Eriandor
A RL couple I recruited to Sanctuary because of my amazing talent spotting abilities (no, I'm not joking). Both good players that played an important part in MCO pioneer days. Back when it was a good raiding alliance.
The name says it all, really. Already from level 20 or something he stood out as a fearless defender of Crossroads. The first time I saw him, I chuckled and thought the name was very suiting. I was proven right on every meet since.
The third I remember of the shadow priests from early WSG days. One that understood you could DPS out of shadowform and heal your team when needed.
One of the best Swarm mages. Skilled, hard working and with a deathwish on BWL AoE packs.
A mage that stood out with high damage because of OTD raiding in a time when not many horde mages had very good gear.
Even if you're all grown up now and GM of CoI, you'll always be the little weird fanboy to me. The one running in circles around Chonar in IF to get a pat on the back and logging over to horde side to get a glimpse of the big mean orcs and cows that chopped you up in WSG. But I wish you all the best in your new position and I hope you'll do as good job as I think you'll do. You certainly have the personal skill and game knowledge to make it happen.
Lyx - Grand Marshal
I never figured out if he was healing or killing. I don't think he did either.
At his best, one of our best mages and druids. At his worst, a sneaky bastard.
The best randomer in the world. A couple of times he joined our team as randomer and I was pleased with what I saw and made him join us for when he did PvP. And he did regularly for a short period.
Wins on server's second most funny recruitment post and aggressive PvP style. Both in WSG and arena.
Second highest TPS in Swarm (after Crash, obviously) before Zvijer got TF. One of the few tanks I trusted to keep aggro after DPS call on trash (those were the days).
Magnar - Grand Marshal
A great healer and killer. The last of the 5 in the "core" of the original premade to get rank 14. When I went horde I soon found out he had build up quite a reputation. "Magnar is at the BS, let's go mill". He shined in WSG with BoF left and right, game winning LoHs and always being at the right place at the right time. My favourite WSG paladin ever and a good and loyal friend through hard times in the old World of Rankingcraft.
Sentinels of Shadowsong's main tank and by far their best player. I don't know where he is today, but I hope he got picked up by some big and good guild at some point. He was a great player, a great guy and taught me loads about tanking and raidmotivation. He earned my admiration through tireless working towards personal and raidgroup goals.
Maggi/Magnus - Grand Marshal
The last of the "Sanctuary team" rank 14s. He joined late and at one point lost most of us and only had the "leftovers" in the team. Fortunately he inherited some of our strongest CoI regulars and with them he kept going in what essentially turned into "Maggi's team".
The best shadowpriest before Belfer suddenly appeared. Playing a 4 button class in the early days, I don't know how good he actually would have been if he kept on playing til people started mastering their classes, but he sure was a dreaded sight back in his short lasting prime.
We recruited him to play a priest, but suddenly needed him as warrior. Something he did really well, MTing the first 4 Karazhan bosses with me (/flex). But he couldn't handle the overpowered druids and the poor state of warriors early on and left the game.
Part of the first WSG premade team and a frequent poster in the early days. Sadly he had time to create the word association thread before he left.
Maur - High Warlord
By many people named the best PvP warrior on horde, and I understand why. He has all the characteristics of a great warrior, both in game and in RL. He was probably the one working longest to get rank 14 and it was a pleasure to give him the final push in our fresh horde PvP team.
He made some good AB pres and gave Yin a couple of ideas she developed further when she started making and leading horde AB teams.
More Senex wife than anything else, but also a really nice and generous person.
My forum nemesis, but give her some wine and her affectionate nature comes forward. At least in game. We're really the best friends in the world.
For not racing, he sure cared a lot about racing. At least he's there for his friends, that's a good thing even when I disagree with him.
The angry moonfire and /spit spammer. I hinted that he perhaps wasn't the best druid in the world, and he has emote spammed me ever since. He proved me wrong later with his outstanding arena rating.
I see this guy regularly on the forum and near the battlemasters. A lot of his posts make me smile. A couple of others make me think "Isn't he a father?"
Another good warrior. I think he almost joined Wrath because of rumoured skills and relatives, but it never came to anything.
Miw/Agares/Janchen/Franchen/Miwi - Grand Marshal
Miw was the only player we ever recruited to the alliance premade that was recruited because of skills alone. I'm not saying he was the only skilled player there. I doubt anyone will dispute that Ashen, Sinar, Fithvael or Ycon, to mention some obvious ones, were amazingly skilled players. Just that everyone we recruited til that point had been either a friend or a friend of a friend. I pride my self in being able to spot player skills, but this one was actually Yin's discovery. And if you look at what Miwi became, she struck gold with that one. A key player in both AB and WSG and also our by far best paladin in Wrath while he was still raiding regularly. He took our 5v5 to the server top in season 1.
A CoI tank that took the patented Ogg force run to alliance side.
The other of my two brothers in the game. He's 14, but plays and types like someone way older. Same as our middle brother, Flogra, he excels at pace. He has very quick reactions and make creative gameplay changes in the blink of an eye. When you think he's pillar kiting, he's suddenly back in your face killing you.
He made the name when he was high. I don't know what his excuse was when he made "Mewnbasher". He showed up early on the Wrath shopping list and he proved he was everything we thought when TBC raiding started. Unfortunately he wasn't very good at balancing raiding and RL and one had to give. Turned out that he messed up both. Then got back on track in both areas and has been struggling to balance it since. And still is.
The angry Swarm tank with a vent server. Contrary to what some may believe, he didn't play any part in the creation of Wrath. Just a little bit when it came to the timing. Everything was already set by then.
One of the best resto shamans from the Stinkfoot era. He was great both before and after, but he really shone in that period and games with him was always much harder than without him. And of course the other way around the few games I had the pleasure of playing with him.
Made a /fart macro in my honour. It got spammed on every meet because I mocked his team's 9 def tactic. He told me I was the only one ever to feel his macro. I guess I should feel special. Either way, we talked a bit later on and it turned out, like with so many other people once you talk, that he's a really nice guy.
Morithil/Morreh - Gladiator
I didn't think much of him after he lost to Muley in a duel and then knelt naked, but he was the first druid that beat my hunter in a duel. I know... There's that duel thing again. I've lost tons of duels over the years, but this was back in the days when druids were one of the classes that couldn't out damage Spirit Bond. But somehow he figured me out. He did great in the WSG matches I did with him, but back then I did much WSG with Kathra and Ycon who also were "perfect", so he didn't stand as much out as he did later when he rejoined the server and Wrath as rogue. He was Wrath's best DPS in most encounters (at least til the server's most sexy warrior got glaives) and proved himself as a first class PvPer. Teamed up with Auril and not having quite the same name from old days, he was rumoured to be carried in the arena. A reasonable assumption til he made his own film and had success also in other teams. As mentioned earlier, the server's most famous player outside Shadowsong in TBC. And for good reason. He plays rogue to a perfection only matched by Sinar. They are real life friends, oddly enough.
A forum guy from the +rep crew. I don't think they would still be around if it wasn't for this forum. And that actually was true for me too at some point.
A capable enhancement shaman we considered recruiting. I did some raid with her in Cachero's "gank squad" and she performed ok, but we were never fans of recruiting for benching and we already had our roster ready.
The original Arcanite Reaper reaper. He owned hard, but not very long. One of the most memorable warriors from a time where it didn't take much to impress. His WSG guide is still viable.
Probably the nicest warlock I've talked to. This class seems to attract the angry ones. Maybe except Dan (allthough he has a temper). One of the most solid OTD warlocks in TBC and Tau's GF, so no flirting if you want to stay healthy.
The coward. No one ever ran away more than this guy. He's well known by both factions for his remarkable skills in fleeing. I'm sure he invented the Feign Death/Mount in combat trick.
One glaived Hive rogue. At least he was good at asking questions to the right people.
The second best alliance warlock in vanilla WoW. Realistically, that's as good as it gets. Also a great guy that matched the Ashenvale chat nicely.
Concerned Sentinels of Shadowsong druid.
Nabun - Grand Marshal
Pretty good priest that did a decent job in the arena on horde side, despite never getting geared up properly.
Some of the first ret posts impressed me. The last ones did not.
The guy that proved gear doesn't make you skilled.
[q]Originally Posted by Kabhanda:
naikon has alot of epix, yet he has less skills than a dying foetus.[/q]
Seriously, though. He was a really good warrior. And the second person I didn't want in Sanctuary because he was too silly, but got accepted into CoI instead. After Muley, he was our main and best warrior in the alliance pre.
He disagreed with me on WSG tactic once, and I called him an idiot. Which anyone disagreeing with me obviously is. He said "Fuck you tbh" and I've disliked him ever since. According to Original people I've talked to, he's mostly a nice person.
This guy kept sending me tells after I rerolled horde. Mostly with "NERF" or "NARF" or linking the Helm of Narv. He wrote some concerned forum posts that I guess showed he had his heart in the right place, but I still think he misunderstood the topic.
An NE hunter that I might be confusing with Narayan. I dislike one of them and the other is a friend of a friend. They are both good players.
"Def is fun for us"
Netzz had a falling out with Bergrar or someone in that team so he asked if he could join us. Which he did. He did a good job in AB days, but then disappeared for a long time. When he came back, he joined the all def Russian team.
I remember him and Syranndyr as the best rogues when people first started duelling outside WSG and IF. Being another latenight creature, we had some nice talks during the long Ashenvale nights. There was not enough deodorant for our conversations.
The guy with the hair. I met this guy frequently in battlegrounds while levelling up on horde side, not knowing he was Slash' brother. Those without flag carrier target mods really hated when he grabbed the flag. I don't know if he got more known for camping Orgrimmar or for being the alt 165 guy. Either way, a really nice and funny guy.
Together with Auril, my favourite WSG mage. He had it all. CC when and where he should, DPS on the right target to the right time. Also a great personality that made our PvP team a great place to be. It was really about the friends more than the ranks. Friends like Nimbus.
Old friend of Hoodling that started Sanctuary with us. He was after more serious gaming than we could offer there (unless you did PvP), so he joined CoI and did his part there. He later joined us in Wrath as mage, doing a great job the short time he was with us.
Another guy that's a way better player than you'd think looking at his name.
Very nice guy and a decent PvP shadowpriest.
Out of the millions of NE hunters, this is yet another one I remember for his name alone.
I actually have a whole lot of good things to say about him, the problem is that I don't know who was the best Numb. Either "Real Numb" or Sloth (his brother) was a super priest, both in arena and WSG.
If anyone on SSE had a teleport hack and used it, this guy did.
One of the most important players in early Wrath days. Both as officer, raidleader and amazingly good priest. I knew him first as the shaman Offa, and he played it like he played his priest. Perfect.
One of the best tanks around and a major part of FTH's relative success. He invented the Ogg force run (obviously, given the name) and a couple of tanking tricks. Like the much used "your turn". He joined Wrath as the tankadin Oggo, and did a great job making certain encounters easy. He would probably have been an important player in Wrath if it wasn't for Guitar Hero.
A druid I did much arena with at level 60. He made feral look very viable for 2v2 and 3v3 back then, I wish I could see him do 70 arena.
He killed my warrior in GZ when I was level 40something (him 60 hunter and in blue honor gear). Being true to myself, I relogged and started my furious verbal abuse. Him being equally true to himself, didn't take any crap and we kept going for a while. When I logged back to horde, he followed to continue the argument. Like so many times before, it ended on fairly friendly terms and he's been one of my favourite shamans since. Doing great as elemental both in raids and battlegrounds.
The other enhancement shaman. He joined us in a period when Harr was on a raiding break til he got a new MH weapon (I told you he's weird) and filled the spot very well. He's one of Wrath's most friendly and hard working guild members and a great shaman. Going from enhancement to resto and back again several times on short notice (often mid raid), performing excellent as both.
The brave naked orc. I've had dozens of 15 vs 1 AB games with this guy. Mostly dancing naked, but at least he never ran. A really funny and friendly person.
If it wasn't for his name, he would probably be in Wrath (yes, I'm serious). He was wanted by all the former Lastara players and said to be a very good player. Skill only takes you so far.
The naked tank from Finland. There's something about those guys. I can't think of any bad Finish players. In fact, they are all remarkably skilled. This was no exception, beating people in duels wearing nothing but a sword.
Decent paladin. Seems to be decent at theorycrafting.
I mostly knew this as Jonneh's shadow and from his great pictures. He started some amusing PvP during world raid encounters.
Probably the best healer in his PvP teams and a good tankadin.
The rainbow cow. I actually mentioned this guy on of the many lists I made back when he was still 50ish doing 51-60 WSG. He was a pretty good player, doing nothing most of his online time.
A funny fanboy and according to himself, the best 60 ret paladin.
Phenom/Torra - Grand Marshal
He ran a pre that was much better than its reputation. A reputation inherited from his predecessor. I talked to him several times in game, and he's a very nice and friendly person.
As he said, he annoyed me a lot, but apologised for that ( We never really talked after that, which is a shame. To be fair, I wasn't exactly very nice to him either.
The first time I talked to Platonas, we were both 40 something in Tanaris. My first thought was "omg, reroll RP!". He was a very good raiding priest, setting up strats and rotations for CoI (or so he said).
[q]Originally Posted by Yswr:
the twins plex and rams hit AB hard then disappeared.[/q]
That's the most precise description I can think of, because that's exactly what they did. Of course having Spinal Reaper helped.
Poe - Grand Marshal
A nice warlock that I talked to several times on his horde alt. Got to rank 14 in the last generation.
Joined Sanctuary for PvP, but spent most of his time raiding with Sentinels.
Part of the most annoying guild ever. Swords n Roses. Accused my team for arranging games when she saw horde dance inside AB. I didn't take it very lightly. Knows how to keep her hands warm.
Beloved PvP hunter.
[q]Originally Posted by Naikon :
You're a tard.[/q]
[q]Originally Posted by Ashen:
Fall in a well and die you retard.[/q]
With Morreh temporarily gone and Stabstalker going emo, we would have been stuck on RoS for ages without him. When they got back, he got a bit squeezed out, and I feel bad about that. A good rogue and even better person.
You've always been on a raid to nowhere. About time you start Clash of Egos and get somewhere. You're too good for all the nonsense guilds you've been in.
Worst RL hair ever, but a very capable warrior.
Hive druid, friend of Snowflake.
Part of the mage trio in Thrasy's team that controlled the midfield in WSG better than most mages. Maybe only surpassed by the UD trio in Cutthroats.
An important part in making Hive what it is. One of the MTs pre TBC and trusty fury post. Lost some DPS ongoing fist/sword, but did ok despite that. A very standup guy I always had nice conversations with. Even after our weird departure from Hive.
A hunter I don't know very well personally, but was the one most of our guildies in Wrath wanted in. It didn't happen (until recently) part because we had 3 great hunters that didn't need backups, and part because of Taurusos. We had a "hands off" policy while he was around.
(See Plex)
Wraths current top DPS mage. The guy that sorted our recruitment posts on various sites.
One of the best horde warriors early on. Perhaps before competition got noticeable.
Ravenhead High Warlord
One of few noteworthy melee shamans. He played the spec very well and was one of very few that actually changed targets for ES interrupts before it became mandatory in the arena. He took over Yin's horde pre together with Toshiro and kept it on the top, giving himself, Huga and his wife/GF (Shakahn) rank 14. We kept in touch for some time, but I have no idea where he is now.
A decent priest, nice person. He talked a lot to Yin. I guess he fell in love like young boys often did.
Yet another annoying NE hunter. He played decent enough, but never seemed to gear up. I remember him most for his name.
Rears/Eastpole (He said something was already called north- and southpole and westpole was just stupid...)
The server's best priest in TBC. Not really much contest. Also a great "raidcaller". To clarify a bit, not raidleading, but call out stuff on vent. Like where to move during Felmyst, when to prepare to move during KJ. Things like that. And doing this he has been a great resource for our raiding in addition to being a great priest. I'm confident he'll play a major part in future Wrath greatness.
Late edit: Hes pretty much the only officer in Wrath I didnt appoint and of course that had to go wrong. Turns out hes crap or mia or something these days.
He joined us as mage, but had a ret paladin we were curious about. He brought it to a raid, and we were sold. His main has been his paladin since and he's probably the best ret around these days (Of course, being BE gives him an advantage).
Rey/Corey/Enivien/Enivienn - Grand Marshal (But on some rubbish server, so it doesn't measure up to all the imba ones we've had here).
Rey was my favourite Warlock for a long time. I wasn't even bothered by his constant whining about broken seduce. But he kept moving around, changing mains and servers. He was in both Sanctuary and Wrath, but didn't do anything in either guild. I don't even know where he is these days. Raiding on his druid last I heard. He's a great player, though,and masters every class he plays as if he never played anything else.
OTD troll mage that didn't share my fabulous humour. Every time I saw him, I asked where Ricktwo was. He wasn't amused.
The best 58 priest ever. I don't know if he ever got to 60, but he impressed where he was. Just ask Sloth.
One of the very best shadowpriests in the world, going by WWS parses. With a bit more caster support in our raids he'd reach number one easy. He left us to go casual on his old server after 6 months. It was nice while we had him.
Robinvi/Yakumo - Gladiator
I remember this guy from the early WSG days and he struck me as a silly little brat. He wanted to join our team and I saw no reason to let him in. Then he joined CoI instead and geared up. Gear and experience turned him into an awesome paladin. I remember him as good as duo Azuregos (with Jybcrusader I think) I pulled the shortest straw on that one. We had him with us loads in WSG at a later stage and eventually got him to horde side where he joined me and Sloth in the arena, becoming Cyclone's second highest rated paladin in 3v3 (afair, don't quote me on it). In season 3 he was part of taking our 3v3 and 5v5 til 7th and 9th (or so... At least top 10 in both brackets) in the battlegroup and we stayed there til SWP release.
Rudolito/some other rudos
Good theory crafter, good player and Swarm's second or third best rogue while I was there.
Another from the original premade and Sanctuary team. She was there for a long period, but didn't have time to make it past rank 11. She was one of the reasons having 5+ hunters in WSG was fun. I never saw WSG midfields get wiped quicker than back then. She was a major contributor to making the late nights in Ashenvale one of the best periods I had in this game.
The perfect raider. I can't praise this guy enough from a raid/guild leader perspective (talking a bit on behalf of Yin here). He's always ready. He's always eager to raid longer or start earlier. He's a flawless player. Amazingly good theorycrafter. I don't think I could find anything negative about him even if I tried. Doing a heroic 5 man with him (back when some of them could be annoying) made it seem like you 6 manned it on normal with one extra CC. He's that good. I knew about him long before I met him. He was praised by other hordies as the best hunter on the server. And from a PvE point of view, he certainly is. Not that he's bad in PvP, but not really into the actual battleground. A bit like Angellic, racks up damage and kills seemingly without caring too much about the game.
I called him the worst warlock to ever set foot in a lvl 60 battleground once and it didn't go down very well. The hour long verbal abuse I got from his lvl 1 alt after that was so hilarious I need to mention it again to possibly lure him back for more.
I don't know if I actively tried to recruit him, but I made it very clear that should he want to join Wrath, he would be welcome. And eventually he joined, and he was just as good as I thought. He was a very important raider during Kale-M'uru in SWP. Then he went emo and quit. As punishment I made him officer and raidleader when he came back a couple of months later. To further prolong his misery, he's now co-leading Wrath with Crash. That will teach him.
2 RL friends and I don't know which is which. They did a decent job back in Thrasy's pre and did the same in various horde pres later with Noop/Gym. We talked a lot after they rerolled until I started playing alts too much.
Before the hunter patch (1.7? 1.9?), no priest could beat a BM hunter (no, not even you Tosh. That came later). With viper sting running they just couldn't out damage the BM heals fast enough. This one came closest, being the only one to mana burn hunters in duels.
Another of the good theorycrafters we have in Wrath. I remember her from the forums early on as the spirit/gheal fanatic. She did a decent job as priest, but much better as tankadin and was invaluable for us during M'uru/KJ.
The first alliance to 60 and the server's joint MT for a while. A very friendly and likeable guy.
Official forum VIP and Sentinels hunter. Did a good job taking over Warcraft Weekly, but even better with the pre TBC FAQ.
SL/SL lock that ran the fear circus with Sikki.
I've only ran passed him a couple of times in game, but is well known from the forum. I like most of your forum posts, the ones about fighting in particular. I like your fighting style. You're no chicken. To answer your question: Yes, I fight. Or I did (recent edit: Leaving the game, and more importantly raiding, gave me time to start again, so I'm back to thai-boxing now). Come to Norway some time and I'll show you what 16 years of ju-jitsu and muay-thai does. I'm heavy weight, though. It would be just "for fun".
Probably the best CoI leader and leader of the first cross guild MC raids. CoI was never the same after he left. Khlysti leaving shortly after emphasised that change.
The Ycon of horde. There has been disagreement on who was best. At least he was top 2. Together with Stinkfoot he formed a formidable WSG team that beat us on numerous occassions.
My favourite forum poster. And as such, got promptly invited to Wrath just by asking. While raiding, he did a good job as shadowpriest, but sadly didn't have a lot of time after a while.
One of few decent troll rogues. I guess most horde rogues with interest in PvP went UD.
The guy who's RL I respect the most of all the players I met. He was a firefighter. The most noble profession of all. No one else put their life at stake for the sake of others more often than these guys. Normally I don't care the slightest what people do outside of WoW, but I do in this case. His selfless choice of career was also the reason he never got to rank 14.
One of the few cow shamans that also impressed in TBC PvP, in other words; arena. He was part of taking our 3 healer 5v5 to top 10 in our battlegroup. He did that with great healing and well timed burst assists. He was one of two raidleaders in Wrath, and did his part very well. He thinks Yin wanted him as officer in Wrath, but like in most cases, that was all me. Being both a raidleader and our best healing shaman, it sucked when he couldn't take the heat anymore and emo quit. But it was only because he fell in love with Yin and couldn't handle that she got pregnant.
The original healadin. He got a reputation as unkillable early on, being the first one to actually play the class properly. He taught me tricks during the first months of the server that I used playing my own paladin in the arena years later. We got him to join us as warlock fairly early in TBC, and he played lock almost as good as he played his paladin.
One of two warriors that shocked me in a battleground. Chonsette's alt being the other. I think I've told both of them they are the only one that had that effect on me, so sorry about that. At least there's no third. Obviously I've seen loads of great warriors besides these two, but these are the only ones that made me go "Woah! What the hell was that?".
Shadum - Grand Marshal
Apparently had a playstyle that made 2X swiftblade be optimal for raid DPS. This guy doing arena makes it really hard to argue that rank 14 took skills.
Shakahn - High Warlord
Ravenhead's GF. Decent shadowpriest that managed to heal when needed.
Shala and Brightfang
Yet another hunter duo that's a RL couple. This seems to be a trend. For a short period, Yin and Shala were friends and so were me and Brightfang. But he doesn't like me anymore. It's not that rare for people to dislike me, it's rather common. But I was surprised when I realised he was one, considering a giant favour I did to one of his friends and how (relatively) close we were at one point.
First pala to tank Brutallus on our server (afaik) and a very good rogue pre TBC. My personal Swarm favourite will always be Ladyon, but considering not optimal gear, this guy did an impressive job. Apparently Hive raidleader now and doing it well from what I'm told.
Shara - Scarab Lord Ninja
After the server first Azuregos kill, she took Puissant Cape. She said she was aiming for the money and most people believed her. Including me. So she wasn't a thief, just clumsy and stupid. It was quickly forgiven and forgotten because Diman was the worst anyway. And the server was young and there were few level 60 healers. Then there was head of Broodlord that apparently was meant for Trixa. Yet again she managed to loot something she shouldn't. Not ninjaing, just being clumsy and stupid as usual. Where I come from, that's not a forgiving factor.
Sic and Sorsha. Two people Toshiro wanted to ninja to Wrath. Unfortunately we got the rubbish Stabstalker instead.
First paladin with Ashkandi? At least first I remember. There was much happyness amongst her fellow guildies.
Hive mage that lead some premade teams and even wrote a decent guide to AB.
Well played gnome warlock. Thrasy's team with or without him was a big difference.
Even with Morreh's amazing raid and arena record, this will always be the number one rogue for me. A great friend and a great player. If you were his target in WSG or AB, you died. No if's or buts about it. He played the class perfectly and was the only rogue that could beat my priest (after a certain gear level) 1on1 (actually the only one of any class disregarding a couple of priests and warlocks).
If you have a quote, make sure it's 100% applicable. Did good DPS for CoI in SWP.
Another good rogue we had as regular in the PvP team. One day, riding towards BS in AB, he fell down to the mine. I asked if he was drunk, and he thought I was referring to something he just wrote. Not bothering to explain myself, we got into an argument and he left the team, PvP and for a while, the server. That's a shame, he was the best of the crazy hair brothers and a great guy to be around. I really liked having him in our team.
Possibly the second best alliance flagrunner druid. Don't let his name fool you. Also did a good job as priest on horde side.
[q] Originally Posted by Sloth:
You're my nemesis frostrose, every time I played against you these last weeks I see you coming and I know you're going to fear. But everytime I fuck up or land my scatter shot just 1 sec too late annoys the crap out of me[/q]
I can't believe I let this clumsy guy into my teams.
Hands down the best PvP hunter on the server. Something he has proved both in WSG and being amongst the highest ranked hunters in the battlegroup in all brackets over 3 seasons. And he's equally good in PvE, having done the world's second highest DPS on Brutallus for a long time (amongst WWS users, obviously). The one guy beating him had both improved expose armor and 2 Bloodlusts (heroism). I've had a couple of "best friends" during my time here. This was the last and longest, and one of few I still talk to on msn from time to time. (Not that being the best friend of someone without friends is much to shout about).
A feral druid that did a good job for us when he was there, but decided to leave to focus on other things.
A great warlock that was oddly enough regarded as horde's best warlock by many people. I say "odd" not because he's not very good, but because the best one obviously was:
The Ashen of horde. One of two warlocks my hunter (obviously Lilska owned Ashen loads) never could kill 1 on 1. A warlock too great for words, so I'm not even going to try. But instead point out how important he was in the making of Wrath and all the work he put down before we even bought the guild charter. Most of what he did for Wrath was long before the OTD disband/OS creation, so that incident did not at all have as big impact as I think many believe.
Super leveller and super person. One of the nicest ones I've played with. Extremely generous and very hard working. It's great talking to her whether it's about RL stuff or in game concerns. Also a very good player that has played a key role in many of our first kills.
Souldrago - Gladiator
I did some 2v2 arena with this guy on my warrior, and I finally understood why warrior/druid was so imba in the arena. We played for a while with only one loss (to a reputable high rated team), but he couldn't take my lack of ventrillo (for a period something caused my PC to crash with vent+WoW up at the same time).
Spyeyes - High Warlord
The first to reach rank 14 on our server and arguably the most famous PvPer we ever had. Even people that never played when he was around knows who he is and that if he ever shows up, it's "omg defend!". How he got there has been debated plenty, but at the end of the day; he did what it took to get there. I've always had some degree of respect for means to an end.
Stabs, you're a riot!
There's no person I ever met that I hate and love more than this guy. He takes me from cursing at my PC and banging my hand on the table in anger to literally rolling around laughing within the same raid. I've yelled at Yin over him countless times. Ranging from "why the fuck does Stabs have to be in the raid?" to "why the fuck isn't Stabs in the raid?". He adds a new dimension to ambivalence. He's the funniest and whiniest PvPer. He's the funniest and angriest raider. He's a carnival all alone.
He's a great PvPer and an even better raider. High DPS and great overview. You can be sure he's the last to die in every encounter.
"watching people die here reminds me how fucking godlike i am"
Stinkfoot/Freak - High Warlord (twice)
After months and months (was it 11?) of little to no resistance in WSG, this guy shows up. At first it wasn't much, but he never gave up and his team became great. He invented a new style of WSG. "More heals on Stink". 1 runner, 1 Stinkfoot and loads of healing. And it worked scarily well. I had the pleasure of being regularly in his team towards the end (because he wanted Yin's priest and wouldn't get it without me), giving my horde ranking a flying start and also some very capable players we took with us for when we started making our own team.
"I am the GM of NA and you call me a randomer?" He randomly joined in WSG one day as the 10th in a pre of 9. But clearly there's nothing random about the GM of Nemesis Alliance.
Persistent IF ganker and threat to cloth.
One of the most respected guild masters of one of the most respected guilds.
High DPS, super theorycrafting and maker of great mods. The best being takhud. If you have a lot of timers to monitor, this mod makes that easy. There was a very noticable DPS drop when I raided without this mod. He was an officer in Wrath before he left and did a lot of work there. Amongst other things created our DKP system and a bot to go with it.
There were many reasons for me going horde. Talsin was one of them. I have much respect for this great man and great guild leader. The first time we met, I did (afair) my first and last /spit in game. He promptly relogged and told me what's what. I was very impressed with how he dealt with me. I'm not easy to handle. Eventually he told me to look him up if I ever went horde. And I did. He's the reason I joined Hive and one of the biggest reasons I liked it there. And he's the major reason Hive is such a great place to be.
Another of the druids we had in Wrath that more or less disappeared after he hit 70. Logs on irregularly, does a 5 man and leaves for a while. A nice guy that knows how to play when he's around.
Taurusos - The Raging Bull
"I am Shadowsong Horde!"
He's been mocked a lot for saying that. And similar things like "I am OTD.", but if anyone ever was the incarnation of Shadowsong horde, it was Tau. Tau is a man with more heart than brains. And that's not necesarily saying anything negative about his inellectual capacities, because he has a whole lot of heart. Something he showed over and over bleeding and crying for OTD. Being true emo Italian, he's up and down the emotional scale like a yoyo. Spouting crap in your face one minute to give you a warm hug the next. He was a fairly early member of Wrath, but left after less than a week to revive his true love. I wish he didn't. Even if he had some impressing results, it cost him too much keeping it going. He really was OTD.
Out of everyone I know on the server, Tau is the guy I'd pick to have on my side in a bar brawl. With everything that implies.
"Gome mage is the shit"
A fine priest from good old WSG days.
Meri's bitch and a fine warrior. Probably the best warrior dueller on alliance side of the first generation of 60s.
I ran around a lot with him and Gruze in the early days. Having much fun, back before "serious" stuff made the game boring. One of the really good old old school mages.
The forum guy.
The CoI leader I know least. He seemed to be well liked, but should probably have stepped down earlier when RL started to take too much time.
How can hair in your eyes not be annoying? I'm annoyed just looking at it. I'm bringing scissors for our RL meeting. And speaking of annoying, I'm still annoyed with that MC off the bridge stunt in Halaa. I never set my foot there again with any character after that.
After asking for a tank for Sunken Temple in trade, I got this guy. And he was great. And he was funny. By far the funniest ST run I've had. Not to mention the only funny ST run. He kept morale up with random jokes in /p and /yell. A bit like doing WSG with Chonar. After the run, I made him join Sanctuary. Sadly we couldn't offer what he wanted (we couldn't really offer anything since the PvP team, which was all we ever had, wasn't guild only) so he moved on to greater glory like so many others of the amazing group of people that are former Sanctuary members.
He started a really good pre that gave us some great games in both WSG and AB. He's the most polite PvPer I've ever talked to and happens to also be a very good mage. He was, obviously to most people I think, also part of the best WSG mage trio Shadowsong ever had. As mentioned earlier.
Angry shaman that took his horde vs alliance war to the official forums.
Much like Hevn in regards to all over niceness and a capable druid.
Probably the second best Swarm tank during late BWL and AQ40. We wanted to have him in Wrath, and eventually got him, but had a brief stop in Lastara first.
One guy that stood out because of his name. Whenever we met him in horde pres, there was much joy and happiness.
See Tompif. A bit too long name gave him less "omg it's Tompif!" reactions.
Gnome warlock I met frequently as horde player. Annoying to play against and even more annoying to look at.
Toshiro/Spikeey - High Warlord
[q] Originally Posted by Toshiro:
Makes me sad that my English as a native is worse than people for whom it is a second or even third language. I blame it on a Geordie education[/q]
I don't mind his writing, but his accent is horrible.
I've never met anyone working harder for his guild than Toshiro. He could spend days online farming money and materials for potions/flasks for the entire raid and hours trying to figure out own strats or looking up existing ones. For a while he was, together with Lac, our top raid DPS before they finally fixed melee DPS. Also partially because of crafted gear imbaness and that he farmed all relevant factions to exalted in record time. He was a great raid leader and even better friend until it became clear he and Yin had different ideas for where (and how) Wrath was going. With none of them willing to compromise and Yin showing her true colours as a dictator, he decided to leave.
The best horde flagrunner (yarly) and a great killer. The one that introduced the snowman flagcap exploit.
I looked at this name and decided to leave him out, since (not unlike some other people here) all I remembered about him was his name. Just as the desicion is made, I log on an alliance character. And there, right in front of me, no other than Trismegistos. Still level 60 and still in the dark iron stuff he wore last time I saw him, probably 2 years ago. I found it odd. Odd enough to bring him back to my list.
The guy that according to my sources should have been Shadowsong's Scarablord. A master farmer and raider. Almost farmed his way up to standing 1 a few times in the old ranking system, causing much tension in my team.
One of the best lvl 60 shamans. Both as elemental and resto. I disliked seeing him on the list as alliance and was very happy to team with him as horde. After 70 he didn't do much. Some farm/alt raids and keeping Wrath's forum.
Trupiaczacha - Master Linguist
"u know that u cant do shit high then u ass ?"
There was some controversy regarding Trupi joining Wrath. No one doubted his skills, but... Well, we all know Trupi. So we decided to have a vote. Trupi is the only player to be voted into Wrath. And while he was there, I actually started to like him. We had loads of angry arguments in the start (like I often have with people), but eventually I got used to him and him to me. I even missed him when he was gone.
Tspoon - Grand Marshal
Probably the best alliance shadow priest and a great engineer. MC cap and rocket helmet all over the place.
Turiel/Gorefiend - Godfather
In many ways the most important person for my time in WoW. Without him, there would be no premade and nothing of what followed from it. And without him, there would be no forum. The main reason I kept playing this long. I wouldnt even have a son
Turiel the rogue was way better than his reputation. Playing a lot next to Sinar made him stand out less than he would in any other team. He was a great flagrunner and a good BG strategist and leader.
Decent WSG druid. I never knew Tweedmain.
Good druid tank that took over for Saha when he emo quit and did an important job for us when we finally got KJ.
Coming from the land of great players, you have great expectations. And he doesn't disappoint. Impressed a lot early on, but started to lag behind in gear before he left.
[q]Originally Posted by Syeknom:
My personal "nemesis" is Uber, because he spellfucks us so hard. I even coined the phrase "spellfuck" to describe him.[/q]
Being orc warlock in OTD, it's easy to be overshadowed by the two famous ones. And despite being a good player, he was.
A Hive priest that put me on ignore without me ever talking to him or about him. Except the time when he told me I had been on ignore.
The man with the laugh. The loudest most painful laugh in the history of ventrillo.
One of the first 60 priests and one of the first with UBRS key, making him an important person once upon a time.
I've said several times we got everyone we tried to recruit to Wrath except Huga. It's not strictly true in this case. He also turned us down, being happy where he was. Then circumstances made him leave Hive and for the brief period he was out, he was in Wrath before he returned to Hive. It was a pleasure having you, shame you couldn't stay. Many cow shamans from the old WSG days are just that. Another cow shaman. But this one definitely stood out. He's on several old ass kissing "Best of" lists and for very good reasons.
Except some of his former guildies that I've mentioned too many times already, this is the guy I tend to agree most with on the forum. He knows what he's talking about and usually gets his point across in a concise polite manner. I've met him in 2v2 on one of my alts and if I was a better person, I'd say he won because he's a good player. I'm obviously not a better person.
Valýria Gladiator
Wraths, and probably the servers, best or second best PvP paladin. And a very good tankadin.
Nice capable rogue, but a bit of a talker.
With Dan, Wrath's oldest warlock and when lagfree a super DPSer. As most warlocks, angry and opinionated, but I usually supported his opinions. Just don't bring him to Lurker (before he ditches his rubbish Mac).
Never seen in game, but usually nice forum posts.
The Thunderfury paladin.
Ancient and good rogue, and great PvP priest.
Vorian - High Warlord
Good friend and an all over nice and helpful person. He spends a lot of his online time helping others. In raids, hes the master of ninja pulling.
Strict and stubborn GM of RHCP and apparently a good tank.
Took over as warlock after Ashen left and performed as good as anyone could have hoped. All over great DPS and an asset to the guild when it comes to making tactics for new encounters.
Ive only seen him do PvP, something he does pretty good. I know him mostly through others and for being an important person in OTD.
Notorious duelist and PvPer. A nice guy Ive talked to a whole lot over the years.
Warcow/Beastrider(/Iraque (wth?))
For some reason hes unable to stand still when told to, and caused about 70 wipes on Aran, but other than that hes a great player. Both in PvP and PvE. Swarms best hunter (til Sloth came) and one of the best PvP hunters/druids on the server.
My second recruit to Sanctuary and probably the best. I met him in Duskwood. He said a couple of things, did a couple of things and I thought he had to be a great player. And I was right, as always. One of the alliance players I liked the most.
Sanctuary PvP rogue. He left to some other guild, then some other server (I think).
Wildhealer - High Warlord
Like many others, got help on his way to rank 14, but he made it so much more obvious than the rest and got a lot of heat for that. Also by me, but that was mostly because he almost messed up for my friends (well
friends) and he was mostly AFK in BGs using a bot or hitting space every 4 minutes.
See Conaxx
A great rogue that we wanted in Wrath. He wanted to join with his warlock, so it never happened.
The cloth shaman that never lost a duel to a hunter. Except to Yin. And Sloth. And probably more
At least he was a good elemental shaman pre TBC.
One of my favourite Swarm healers that used to lead 20 man raids and leading them in a remarkably friendly and cozy way. I always liked the laid back yet efficient raids she had.
Came to Sanctuary with Hevn and Thrane, did some PvP and disappeared.
My first recruit to Sanctuary that sadly remained loyal for too long. A great guy I should have chased off to something decent.
Ycon Grand Marshal
By far my favourite WSG flagrunner and a great feral PvPer. Something he showed in the epic dueling contest outside AB, beating people he shouldnt beat. Like Solkaner, as if druid vs lock wasnt imbalanced already with average warlocks. He could turn the tides of a WSG game like no one else, maybe slightly matched by Spyeyes in his peak. Seeing Ycon join a PuG when we had a pre going meant we had to focus and maybe even lose a flag. Its incredible how much one guy can make such big difference in a BG. In addition, hes one of the nicest guys I know. I dont think anyone dislikes cuddly bear.
Had some weird opinions on what my team did in AB, but turned out to be a nice guy when we started talking.
Co-founder of Sanctuary and former of the very first Crossroad raid. At least the first that managed to kill a guard.
TF tank and one of the two 9 def Automatic flagholders.
A great elemental shaman that we wanted in Wrath, but he wanted to raid with his weird friends instead. But now hes raiding as enhancement, so everyones happy. Except the weird friends.
GM of Mobius and co-leader of Swarm (and Hive now). A pretty good raid leader and a good theorycrafter.
Like Zaya, just without the TF and, according to some Russians, with a good sense of humour (according to some non Russians, just a spammer).
The first Swarm tank with TF, making him my threat favourite in BWL.
I might have forgotten a few. Feel free to poke me if you find it reasonable to think you should have been there. I would appreciate if you did.
Ive been reading through these forums several times per week since I left, and will continue to do so for as long as old friends are still here. I still care about whats going on.
I love you all.
Or, I love you as much as one can possibly love fellow gamers.
In other words, I only hate you a little.
Lilska Tsarina Ayla Estocada Celíce Frostrose Stigmata
trololoo :D fesefeediä
[q]Syder, 12.9.2007 19:34:
Joo kai tosta vois jokusen euron kippasta taskuu et saa sit vaik karkkipussin ostettuu joka lauantai :D
Kerro ihmeessä millasta hintaa kaipaat siitä ni välitän tietoa eteenpäin ;)
fak. asennusongelmia!
Kyllästyin alliancen kakarameininkiin ja kokeilen onneani hordella.
Projektina lvl19 belf-lokki :)
Tulkaa vaan lagscreamille hordelle
[q]ALIEN, 18.9.2007 01:25:
Teki heti mieli liittyä. Olisi äärimmäisen mielenkiintoista seurata tällaisen yhteenliittymän elämää läheltä, vaikka en vielä olekaan löytänyt eläimiin tahi lapsiin sekaantumisen viettiäni. Eipä taida kuitenkaan aika riittää tällaiselle viihteelle :(
Mä oon edelleen klubitus killassa ja level 60. Itseasiassa piti käydä ostaan se burning kohta niin vois mennä 70 :)
[q]Syder, 20.9.2007 11:37:
ezzy, 20.9.2007 01:43:
Kerro ihmeessä millasta hintaa kaipaat siitä ni välitän tietoa eteenpäin ;)
~400eur aattelin laittaa ebayhi hinnaks tolle.
Olihan tää vitsi? Ei pysty kyl tajuun tätä ebay meininkii hahmojen välittämiseen, huhhuh onks jengil liikaa rahaa tjt..
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