Pablo - Sex Shop 3 (Deep, tribal, progressive)
Eräs ilta tuli laitettua nauhotus päälle ja soitettua fiilispohjalta.
Uuteen mikseriin vielä totuttelemassa joten jonkinmoisia häröjä mukana.
o1.Evanz D - Higher love (TommyBoy & Mannel remix) [Stereo cool]
o2.LeRon, Yves Eaux & Luke Star - Feel safe (Nocando remix) [Vapourise]
o3.Redkone - Fenix (Di Paul & Carrillho remix) [Magna]
o4.Afro Deep - True born king (Original) [Spacecraft]
o5.Angel Lopez - Third rebirth [Solar]
o6.Carlos Morena - When it comes (Eric Morin & Nicolas de Angel remix) [Katering]
o7.David Lara ft. Maria A.Dos Santos - Black rules (Suburban rules remix) [Distinto]
o8.Superblaster - The Insane (B1) [White label]
o9.De Nada - Rush [Nervine]
10.The digital pimps - Tonight (Terranova & Austin Leeds tribe dub) [Terratraxx]
11.Martin H - Tromb (Alex Joon remix) [Suburban tracks]
12.Roland Klinkenberg - Nick of time [Audiotherapy]
13.Simon & Shaker - Zero (Original mix) [State]
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teh hott shiat.
teh hott shiat.
tänks :)