beoleTM - Where's the Punchline (incl. Karri O. rmx) (LFV15)
beoleTM - Where's the Punchline (incl. Karri O. rmx) (Lebensfreude, LFV15, 12")
The story of the three Daniels...
They were only 14 years old when the three Daniels discussed about how they'd call their first record release. They agreed to "Where s the punchline"? but they never got something going together. The first Daniel moved to Vancouver and the second shot himself seven years ago. So everything got stuck on the third Daniel. The Zurich Daniel aka beoleTM kept his promise and now releases his marvellous debut 'Where's the punchline?' on Lebensfreude.
Karri O. from Finland tributes with a brilliant remix of "Nicaragua." This perfectly tops up the record and in the same time announces the upcoming EP "Dynamite" by Karri O. (LFV16) on Lebensfreude.
Ääninäytteet ja lisätiedot:
Tää tulee ulos 24.5., siis ensi keskiviikkona.
hyvänkuulosta vedättelyy!
ps. on noi decksin suorat linkit vaan melkoisia urlimonstereita. :D
joo, noi suorat decks-linkit on vähän kyseenalasen pitusia... mutta toimii. :)