RUSH - Trip To Dancevalley 5. - 7.8.05 Amsterdam

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RUSH trip to DanceValley 2005

Paketti 1

Meno lento 5.8. Amsterdamiin

Siirtyminen DV leirintäalueelle (lue tarkkaan alla olevat leirintäalueen säännöt!), majoitus omassa teltassa pe + la

Paluu lento su 7.8.05

hinta noin 350 e

Paketti 2

Meno lento 6.8. Amsterdamiin

DV päätapahtuma, majoitus la + su hotellissa

Hotelli on lähempänä keskustaa (2 min kävely matka Leidsepleinille, jossa on paljon baareja ja kahviloita) kun viime vuoden hotelli ja siinä on paremmat mukavuudet (huoneissa: suihku, huistenkuivajaa, puhelin ja tv). Majoitus 4 hlö huoneissa - tai 2 hlö huoneissa (lisämaksu 25 e/hlö)

Paluu lento ma 8.8.05

hinta 400 - 450 e (tarkka hinta riippuu siitä, miten nopeasti teet varauksen - eli mitä aikaisemmin, sitä halvemmin)


Tarvitsemme varausta varten seuraavat tiedot:

- nimi
- sotu
- puhelinnumero
- osoite

Varauksen yhteydessä maksetaan 100 e varausmaksu (varaus on sitova ja varausmaksua ei palauteta, mikäli matka peruutetaan). Loput matkasta maksetaan 5 viikkoa ennen lähtöä.

Peruutukset ja muutokset

- viimeistään 61 päivää ennen lähtöä 50e/hlö
- 61- 31 ennen lähtöä 130 e/hlö
- 30 - 15 päivää ennen lähtöä 50% matkan hinnasta/hlö
- 14 - 0 päivää ennen lähtöä 100% eli koko matkan hinta

Dance Valley Festival 2005 – Camping Rules

Finally after years of lobbying UDC has finally succeeded in transforming the yearly Dance Valley Festival into a weekend event. Dance Valley 2005 will see the festival transformed into a weekend event with two full days of music programming and a fully operational camping site. Obviously such a permit in a residential area comes with certain rules applied by the local government. One of these rules and maybe most important to you the weekend visitor is that our permit states that Dance Valley Festival weekend visitor’s will have to stay at the camping situated adjacent to the festival site. This means that should you decide to leave the festival/camping area after Friday’s event that your weekend ticket will become unusable, and you will not be able to re enter the festival site on Saturday. The local government has applied this rule to the permit for our weekend festival as a safeguard for the local residents and businesses to fore come disturbances in the area.

Obviously this may seem unfair to certain people, but we will do our utmost best to ensure that your stay on the camping site will be both fun and unforgettable! There will be a full time entertainment program for both Friday night and Saturday night on the camping site, which will feature for example the following:

- Night Cinema (shuts at 06:00)
- Gaming Area (shuts at 03:00)
- 24 hour Café
- Silent Disco (shuts at 04:00 – fully operational and programmed music area that allows you to experience exactly what you will be doing all weekend but with a twist! – everybody will be handed out radio controlled headphones that will transmit exactly what the DJ is playing at that moment to the volume controlled headphones you are wearing! – an experience in itself!!)

Apart from that the camping will include the following facilities:

- Service / Information Desk
- Supermarket (priced at regular supermarket prices not festival prices)
- Camping store (fully equipped + for example mobile phone charging stations)
- Lockers
- Toilets
- Hot and Cold showers
- ATM / Bank cash machines

All in all we will do everything in our power to make your weekend at Dance Valley Festival 2005 an unforgettable one!

Do’s and don’ts for the Dance Valley camping.

So many people together for the weekend on a camping site, means that there must be some rules and guidelines that will ensure everybody has an enjoyable stay. Please take the rules and guidelines seriously, breaking these rules and making somebody else’s weekend less enjoyable will mean removal from the festival/camping site. Your ticket and entry money will then become null and void. This may sound harsh! … But these rules and guidelines are in place to ensure everybody is given the possibility to enjoy himself or herself to the fullest!

- Camping and Festival sites are only accessible for people 18 and over. Make sure you have ID with you; from January 2005 this has become a Dutch Government rule!
- All Dance Valley campers will be required to fill in the camping register when entering the camp site, please save yourself and others time by doing this before the event by filling in the Dance Valley Registration form that will be available soon from Download it, fill it in and bring it with you. This registration form is to ensure that in case of natural disaster, or for example a fire on site, that the emergency services and we know exactly where everybody is, once again this is a part of our permit supplied by the local government! Please be understanding.
- Every visitor to dance Valley festival will be searched upon entry to the festival/camping site; there will also be security cameras on site to ensure your safety.
- The Camping site opens Friday at 10:00 am; you have until 21:00 on Friday to enter the camping/festival site to set up your tent. Campers, Caravans, Folding Caravans, Cars etc will not be permitted on the camping site.
- Saturday the camping site will be open again from 09:00 am for latecomers, obviously you will have to have a Dance Valley camping ticket to be allowed access to the site to set up your tent.
- Sunday the camping site will close down at 15:00 pm, and everybody will have to be packed up and left by this time.
- The authorities will be controlling the area for illegal camping, sleeping in cars etc, as the local authorities do not permit this.
- Entry tickets for the camping (weekend tickets) allow entrance to the festival/camping site once only, after entirely leaving the festival site you will not be allowed back in.
- The camping arm band that you will receive when entering the festival/camping site needs to be worn clearly on your wrist at all times. The armband allows you entrance from the camping to the festival site and vice versa.
- Trading of any kind is not allowed, including drugs, drink, merchandise or whatever it may be!
- The camping site will have a full entertainment program so it will not be permitted for you to bring sound equipment, generators or other sound amplifying equipment on to the camping site, again this is part of our festival permit.
- There will be rubbish bins everywhere, we will be doing our best to keep the camping as clean as possible for everybody, please help us with this!
- The following items will not be permitted on the camping site: Glass, cans, fireworks, guns, weapons, ammunition, barbeques, gas burners, candles, torches, or other forms of open fire, animals, gas compressed containers (i.e. gas deodorants / hairspray) or any other items that could cause danger to yourself and others. If any of these items are found at the entrance then they will be confiscated.

Things you are allowed to bring....

- 3 litres of non alcoholic drink in unopened plastic containers
- Food for the camping – Remember!! You cannot warm anything up! On the camping site there will be warm meals available for a lesser price than available on the festival site.
- Your tent
- Your airbed/mat
- Your sleeping bag
- Your mobile phone
- Personal hygiene products (i.e.: roll on deo - sunburn cream etc!)
- Rain clothing! (Check the weather a few days before)
- Your great attitude and desire to make this the event of the year!!

Aggressive behaviour of any kind or failure to follow instructions form (security) staff, police, fire department or health officials will mean removal from the festival/camping site.

The camping site will contain enough toilet and washing facilities FREE of charge, also warm showers will be available at a small cost, please think about it before deciding to take a shower as obviously everybody can not take a shower at once!

There will be a mini supermarket on the camping site where you will be able to buy all necessities like soft drinks, milk, bread, sandwich meats/spreads, condiments and personal hygiene items. Also everything you made need as a camper will be available should you forget to bring something, from condoms to air bed plugs and tent pegs to flash lights and cookies.

When arriving at the site please follow the directions of staff, also remember you will have to carry your won luggage.

We will try as organisation to make this festival both enjoyable and safe. However we cannot be held responsible for loss or theft of personal property, or any damage to hearing, or any other form of physical damage to your person.

The organisation reserves the right to refuse admission.

Tiedot päivitetty - matka kannattaa ajoissa (eli nyt), koska lentojen hinnat nousevat mitä lähemmäs matkustuspäivää mennään ja suorilta lennoilta saattaa loppua paikat aika nopeasti. Varaukset:

Hotellit alkaa olla todella täynnä - toimikaa NYT tai on myöhäistä! varaukset

Taitaa olla varmaan täynnä jo??*nyyh*

[q]ToNiZe, 14.7.2005 13:58:
Taitaa olla varmaan täynnä jo??*nyyh*

hotellit ja lennot taitaa olla aika täynnä .... en usko että enään saa paikkoja

Täytyy sitten vaan odottaa ensivuotta