Sahakieli & JockoHomo (Lopsteri Produktio assosiaatio julkaisuja)

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Kokoelma vanhoja neliraiturikyhäelmiä vuosilta 1995-99
(PanuKari:Kitara,Biitit,Syna,Basso JyriLuukkonen:Basso,Syna,Biitit JanneRantanen:Saksofoni)



Recorded at Muurame Cottage, 14.-16. July 2000 by Jyri Luukkonen & Panu Kari ...

Arvostelut: Ron Kristaugau\'s Noise/Experimental CDR Consumer Guide:

Sahakieli untitled CDR Sound: A Finnish duo unleashes 22 tracks of acoustic oddness all named ”Teelma”. Sound concocted mainly from hand-plucked and self-made instruments. Has that ”folk music from Mars” feel that, to namedrop twice in one column, sounds kind of like early Zoviet France. But hey, the great third track- logically called ”Teelma 12” - features what sounds like an amplified rubber band accompanying finger-snapping that reminds me of nothing less than the Residents at their peak. But on the whole I have to say that these folks are true original, real one-of-a-kind oddballs. Clocking in at less than 30 minutes, this release is far to short. To pay them the highest compliment, I\'m actually going to make the effort to seek out some of their other stuff. Grade: A Packaging: Jewel box with interesting black and white B-movie horror image. Oddly fits with the music in a way that\'s hard to figure out, like the release itself. Which is why it\'s good. Grade: A-
