Finland's Best UFO Cases

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March 16, 1979. Suonenjoki, Finland

Jarmo Nykanen, Reijo Kolehmainen.

Winter 1970. Imjärvi, Finland.

Aarno Heinonen and Esko Viljo.

Suddenly they saw a fire-coloured, longish object in the sky. The object disappeared and instead of it they saw something like light cloud. After that they heard strange sounds like hum of bees. Then they saw a lightgrey round disc, about 2 meters wide. It was hovering 3-4 meters above the ground. In the bottom there were 3 half balls, in the middle of them a round pipe. Greyish red smoke started to come out of the object. Then a small ball (diameter 15 cm) came out and in touching the ground it changed into a round disc (diameter 1 m). Colourful rays started to spread from this small disc.
It changed back into a ball and returned into the bigger object.

The climax of the phenomenon came: both men saw a small creature beside the UFO. The creature was a small man, about 90 cm tall, thin body, curved nose.
The uniform was lightgreen with white, long gloves and a cone-shaped cap. He had on the chest a black box with a white button in the middle of it. The box radiated light, which was regularly changing in intensity.

May 5, 1972. Imjärvi, the village near Heinola City (Eastern part of

Aarno Heinonen.

February 5, 1971. Kangaskyla Kinnula, Finland

Two young men, P. Aliranta and E J Sneck, were working in the woods when Aliranta noticed a 15 foot metallic object, shaped like two saucers put together, and with four thin legs, descending in a clearing 50 feet away. As it landed, a little entity just under 3-foot tall glided to the ground from an opening in the underside; dressed in green one-piece "diver's suit," it wore a helmet with a circular faceplate. (Humcat 1971-6, Tapani Kuningas, FSR Vol. 17 # 5)

See: ET Wear - One-Piece Coveralls

September 23, 2004. Kustavi, southwestern archipelago of Finland

Three witnesses.

"A flat round metallic object, and that as it slowly moved in the air it made no sound at all.

A friend of mine had a digital camera within reach, and he managed to take two pictures of the object, before it suddenly took off with an unbelievable pace. In just a few seconds it disappeared behind the clouds."

1964. Kallavesi, Eastern part of Finland, near the city of Kuopio

Mr. Raimo Blomqvist.

He said that it had "the shape of a fishcock"
("kalakukko", a local dish with fish and meet baked in bread). There was one
difference: as the cross section of a fishcock is a quite regular, symmetric ellipse, one end of the strange object was oddly curved.

While the object was hovering above the shallow water of the island (some meters above water, 10 meters from Mr. Blomqvist) he saw something falling from the object. When it broke the water surface, he heard a sound that resembled hot metal touching cold water.

The UFO started to glow brightly and shot almost straight upwards and disappeared into the clouds. Mr. Blomqvist went to the shallow water and found a piece of stone. It was 3-4 cm long, and you could see 5 layers in it.

11 years later Mr. Blomqvist contacted UFO investigators, told his story and gave the piece of stone found in the water. At that time we had a board member in the FUFORA, engineer Olavi Kiviniemi, who worked in the laboratorium of a steel factory. He organized proper lab investigations of the strange piece, also at labs of universities.

They found out that the piece mostly was of iron, but there were also small amounts of other materials: copper, zink, magnesium, mangan, zirkonium, vanadium, titanium and crom. They also found out that the stone had been in a temperature of 650-800 degrees Celsius for a long time.

Note: Physical trace > metallurgical analysis.

Later some investigators have proposed that the UFO piece found in Kallavesi is residue from a traditional iron factory.

December 4, 1969. Pori, a city in southwest Finland

Pilot Tarmo Tukeva was in the air training bombing attacks. He was ordered to go to check out those strange balls. When Tukeva was approaching the balls with his jet Fouga Magister, they started to move out as a formation. They sped away so fast towards the North that the jet had no chance to reach them. It was measured that there was wind blowing 185 km/h, and those objects were flying against it. Very soon the balloons were seen on the radar at the airfield of Vaasa.

Note: Radar trace.

Two pilots who saw the strange balloons in the Pori airfield were Jouko Kuronen and Tarmo Tukeva. Jouko Kuronen, later the head of Lappeenranta airport, has talked about the case many times afterwards in public. Tarmo Tukeva described the UFOs that he was catching by jet in the international TV program "Visitors from the Skies" (Juhan af Grann 1992).

Tukeva died of a heart attack two weeks after telling about the UFO case.

Note: Possible foul play.

Declassified Russian Navy UFO Files Describe Underwater Encounters

Another place where people often report UFO encounters is Russia's Lake Baikal, the deepest fresh water body in the world. Fishermen tell of powerful lights coming from the deep and objects flying up from the water.

In one case in 1982 a group of military divers training at Baikal spotted a group of humanoid creatures dressed in silvery suits. The encounter happened at a depth of 50 meters, and the divers tried to catch the strangers. Three of the seven men died, while four others were severely injured.

See: ET Wear - One-Piece Coveralls


Michael Cohen: Republic of Kazakhstan building the world's first alien embassy

"Currently it is generally accepted that aliens are making use of an underwater UFO base in the Caspian Sea which Kazakhstan borders. Fuad Gasimov, the head of neighbouring Azerbaijan's national Aerospace Agency has confirmed this to be the case and has gone on record stating the old USSR constantly monitored alien spaceships regularly entering the water but kept this a military secret. Gasimov himself was involved in this secret monitoring of UFOs when a department heat at the USSR's science academy."

March 1, 1971. Saapunki, Kuusamo, Northern Finland, near the Russian

Mauno and Martti Talala

Then they saw that it was a big lightball, so strong that it was difficult to look at the object.

After some seconds the lightball rose up and disappeared.

UFO Organizations In Finland:

The official site of Suomen Ufotutkijat ry (Finnish UFO Research Association, a.k.a. FUFORA).


Valorinki r.y.

June 29, 2009. Kouvola, Finland

Iiwari1 wrote: "I filmed this light-ball last night from my balcony, so its 29 june, Finland/Kouvola 2009. Clock was something 2:00.
Kuvasin yöllä kouvolassa parvekkeelta 28. kesäkuuta 2009."

June 9, 1946. Helsinki, Finland

A glowing body, trailing smoke behind it, was seen heading to the southwest at a low altitude.

From: Project Moondust by Kevin D. Randle

June 30, 1973. Suonenjoki, Central Finland

Jarmo Nykanen. Above the lake he saw a blue light. Suddenly the light started to approach him. It stopped above the shallow water.
Now Jarmo realized how huge the light was. It was twice as big as a row-boat.

UFO Crash Over Finland on Video

This probably has a natural explanation. i.e. rocket test, space debris, meteor etc.

Finland Releases UFO Files

Published: 6:19 PM 11/13/2009

Recent UFO news from Finland:

For decades, Finnish Defence Forces have been interested in the unusual incidences within our air space, things that people usually call as UFOs. Recently published book reveals official UFO studies in Finland from 1933 to 1979.

It is based on three hundred official documents, which has been released for researchers until the last year, when the public military archives was closed down and after that only a part of this material has been released under the National Archives of Finland.

First cases in the book are from years 1933-1937 when hundreds of citizens in the Finland saw mysterious phantom aircrafts or ghost fliers.

It was probably a second wave of unusual mass sightings in the World, which was officially studied. Although some private investigators have found and published much of Finnish UFO folklore regarding to incidents before Second World War, including even more than couple hundred years old events, it is not sure if any other than phantom planes were really investigated or even known by the military at the time.

Official explanation for the phantom plane incidents was that most of them were in fact astronomical objects, meteorites, electrical phenomena or even hoaxes, but still some cases remained unexplained. However, because of the public hysteria, late in the 1937 military concluded that planes are product of overactive imagination and country had no evidence for the Soviet spy-plane regularly breaking into our air space, which was main concern back then.

This was the last time when Finnish Defense Forces was publicly interested in unidentified flying objects, although the truth behind the scenes was quite different. Soviet hysteria even increased before the war, which led Illegal executions and things like that.

Now released modern UFO reports covers mainly period from 1965 to 1973. After the present UFO era began in 1947, first years were apparently quite silent time in the Finland, because only few documents is released from the official records regarding to flying saucers as they were called at this time. Interest in UFOs among the civilian population was also very low at the time, since first private UFO research organization in Finland was founded as late as 1960.

Probably one reason was the war recover and political atmosphere. However, even the Finnish prime minister and later president Urho Kekkonen promoted publicly early UFO research.

Yet many of the relevant reports after year 1972 are still waiting for releasing and some are even burned. Because of so strict classification procedures in the Finnish Defense Forces, any of the possible UFO related documents after year 1980 is not yet officially released except for leaked infrared UFO-film, which famously led to internal investigation at Finnish Border Guard Service in the summer 2007.

Finland's most prominent official UFO incidents include case where Finnish Air Force was trying to chase seven bright UFOs over Pori airport, Western Finland. In April 12, 1969 about twenty pilot and ground staff of the Air Force witnessed the objects, which were 2000-3000 meters above the ground, as the same time they were tracked by the radar.

When the fighters were getting close to the unidentified flying objects, objects climbed above the nearest fighter while its pilot was taking a closer look. After the short dogfight, objects started to move very fast towards the north and only minute later they were picked up on the radar about two hundred kilometers away from Pori, where objects disappeared towards Northern Sweden as the same time their altitude was increased more than double.

The Pori UFO incident has been part of public knowledge for years before this current release, because of the testimonials by brave pilots, who played part in the famous UFO chase. In the 1993 Air Force officially released the incident. After that also Rauno Meri, the former head of the Finnish Air Force finally openly confirmed the existence of this case, although it has been now revealed that as a commander, he has also tried to cover it up, which was kind of conflict with his well-known civilian interest in UFOs.

Another interesting reported sighting happened in the Suomussalmi near Soviet border where local people saw a saucer-like object flying just above the ground. Device was brownish, it had diameter not more than 80 cm and it caused little hum. After first witness tried to get close to the object, he sensed weak electrical shock in his body after the object started to move and three antennas arose from it. He wasn't able to get much closer as the device was moving and his hat, which he threw towards the UFO, fled almost 15 meters away from it because of the strong whirlwind as the device was moving.

Couple weeks after the first occurrence in the summer of 1967, the same UFO was seen again, not far away from first spot. Incidents caused governmental investigations, which ended up to the official conclusion that this particular flying saucer was indeed real, but instead of extraterrestrial origin it was probably man-made!

In the case of the military UFO reports, this new book studies also other sources than official documents, like affidavits of inside sources, retired officers or even lucky civilians. For some independently reported military UFO sightings at the end of sixties and more in the seventies, even if they have more or less plausible explanations, lack of released official documents became soon clear it means that either reliability of original sources is questionable in such cases or then documents are not yet fully released, they are missing, or even destroyed.

There are strong indications for still classified UFO evidence even before 1980 while in Finland, automatic declassification happens after 25 years. There are even some officially confirmed older cases (like the Pori UFO chase in 1969) where documentation is not released. It is also known for sure that in 1968 Finnish Air Force ordered their personnel in various units to officially report any unusual aerial sighting they've made, even in the free time and holidays, which indicates that there should be much more the yet unreleased material.

Interesting example for such independently reported case is recently revealed 1974 incident in the Air Force base near Rovaniemi in the Northern Finland. Main source of this incident came to top of the hill when he was guarding the area there was large storage facility beneath of him, with second guard inside.

Soon he noticed that a strange metallic device with blue glow around it was landed near the facility and finally he fired his machine gun towards the unidentified object when he was only about 30 meters away from it. Shooting caused that the UFO immediately started to glide away and it disappeared behind the ramparts.

Afterwards he suffered severe burn marks in his skin and it was told that during the confrontation, a large electromagnetic disturbance was detected in the area. Before this bizarre shooting there was also rare accident with Draken fighter where its generator burst to fire spontaneously, which put driver's life at risk until almost miraculous landing evidently there was also radar contact with unidentified target following the damaged fighter.

Hoaxes, rumors and merely coincidences or something more, nobody really knows without availability of the official documents. Unfortunately it has been revealed that the Intelligence Office of Finnish Air Force has burned all the relevant documents it had, which leaves researchers with quite empty hands, at least until the release of survived documents from the other units.

In spite of many really unexplained reports, large majority of the released sightings has been explained with quite general causes. Still some of suggested explanations are more surprising, as the nuclear explosions in the atmosphere, U-2 spy plane or conjunction of three bright planets.

Regarding to some rare Finnish cases, military also has got the opportunity to study physical evidence like landing traces, radar data and photographs. Majority of this material is still classified and some are even burned. Besides the burning of important data, published book exposes also other questionable actions within military forces.

- FUFON webmaster

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William Pawelec Interview

Mr. William Pawelec was a U.S. Air Force computer operations and programming specialist with numerous credentials in security technologies and access control systems. He gave this interview with Dr. Greer prior to the 2001 National Press Club Disclosure event and asked that it not be released until after his death. Mr. William Pawelec passed away on May 22, 2007 and we received permission to release it in December 2010.

Vuoden 2010 voittaja:

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