CLUB COROLLA @ Terassikahvila Varikko, Kalajoki 4.8.2006

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[size=200][color=cyan]CLUB COROLLA[/color][/size]

[size=150][color=indigo]pe 4.8.2006 klo 19-02[/color]
[color=violet]terassikahvila varikko, kalajoen hiekkasärkät[/color]
[color=blue]sisään 0e, ulos 0e[/color][/size]

[color=green]Mukana lukuisia huippuesiintyjiä, mm:[/color]

[color=red]- DJ Dominator[/color]
[color=brown][size=75]this crowdpleaser from ylivieska westside will get you hopping with his mindfuck style of progressive dopey shit!![/size][/color]
[color=red]- DJ El Maco[/color]
[color=brown][size=75]this producer from taluskylä puu-c will get you flailing with his funky style of classic primaas makkaraas!![/size][/color]
[color=red]- DJ Hoffhasseler[/color]
[color=brown][size=75]this hardcore rebel from muhos ug will get you looking with his pumping style of dream tuning dance!![/size][/color]
[color=red]- Master "The Pimp" Butch[/color]
[color=brown][size=75]this guy who plays other people's music from nahkahissi tek city will get you running with his thrilling style of tech uplifting hilipili-kilkutus!![/size][/color]
[color=red]- DJ Linnakallio[/color]
[color=brown][size=75]this resident from mehiko mentalheadz will get you telling other people about him with his nifty style of dub 80's hi-nrg!![/size][/color]

...lisää tulossa (ilmoittautumisia otetaan vastaan, kaljapalkka)

[color=darkblue]MUSICCODE: kasari / ysäri / amisauto / finnshits / purkkapoppi / just-ne-hirveimmät-joita-et-halunnut-kuulla
DRESSCODE: kasari / ysäri / v*tun ruma[/color]

[size=150][color=olive]Vuosituhannen mauttomimmat bileet. Tule pilaamaan iltasi.[/color][/size]