Lunar Vegetarian [ Goa ]

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Lunar Vegetarian ( Also known as Soladria & Other Half of Ascoil Sun ) are a passionate and decicated electronic music producer from Espoo, Finland.

Hes music could be described as a blend of many different Styles and ways to aproach the sound it self. Tracks varying from hippie styled psychedelic psybient, all the way from mountanous melodical soundcanvas to darker, more pressing "chillout"

After experiencing with "mainstream" trance, throught psytrance to chillout and psybient.
Lunar Vegetarian has played keyboards for some 10 years, also playing instruments such drums ( and other percussions ) and even a bit guitar too, he has established guite unique blend of elements and dimensions to present hes musical visions to the audience.

Myspace is been uploaded with several clips, and one whole track.

You can hear them at

Older tracks ( psytrance from the past, some chillout etc ) @ Mikseri

Other projects which Lunar Vegetarian is involved with.

Tune in, stay in. Enjoy the sound.


Upcoming gigs

- 20.5.2011 - UG Goa w. Vibrasphere Live (last Vibrasphere gig ever)
- 6-11.5.2011 - Systo Palty Togathering - Russia
- 23.4.2011 - Jane Doe b-day celebration, Bar Lucky 9
- 6.2.2011 - Avaruusasema @ isoroba 10 ( free entry )

Past gigs

- 16 - 18.7.2010 - Lunar Vegetarian @ Existence, juupavaara

- 18.9.09 - Aura of Goa 2 year parties - playground/helsinki club
- 7.8.09 - Soladria & Lunar Vegetarian @ Bangkok. Organito
- 5.7.09 - Lunar Vegetarian, Chillout set @ Konemetsä, Ollila, Marttila. :

- 13.12 08 / Blow! 13th Edition @ Gloria ( Chillout set ) :
- 8.11 08 / Unfair Funfair 1 year parties @ Turunlinnantie 6, itäkeskus, helsinki :
- 23.7 08 / Goa in Dub, 20 - 02, ilmainen @ Bar Loop :
- 2.7 08 @ Deep Psychedelia, Goa, Rosegarden
- 13.6 08 @ Hiutale - Slow

- 24.12 07 @ Joulujuhlat, Vantaa, rodeoareena
- 19.12 07 @ Goalight, Helsinki, rosegarden
- 1.6 07 @ Hassut costume parties, Espoo, Smökki

- 30.9 06 @ Tsunami 2v parties, Mäntsälä

Uutta settiä näytteen muodossa esillä Myspacessa ja facebookissa. <- Lisäilkääpä myös kaveriksi faceboogiessa, mikäli tälläinen tarve sattuu olemaan. =P

Tännekkin viel Updatea.

Lisäsin kokonaisen biisin "Final Level" Soundcloudiin. - -

Myös keikka update.