Real Music for Real People 3.5.2008 @ Helsinki
We have just decided to allow a FREE ENTRY to our show.
Feel free to come and have a piece of real art of Electronic music.
Is anyone reading these blogs? Does anyone really know what we are doing? I suppose this is a forum where people look for music and liveshows, parties... etc.
We would like to give you the best we got, all you need is just to take it and enjoy.
It is the sound that suits nearly anyone who likes Electronic music.
It is not just a Dj performance, but artists who have been composing and releasing their own music,
and do their best to let the music be heard...
By You, People.
With all due respect for your interests, we would not even dare to bring out any shit to the stage,
would not even dare to send you this message.
If you haven't yet heard the music, please visit thes site -
This may intererest You, I believe so, otherwise i wouldn't tell you these things.
We would really like to see you all People on our live show.
I really hope that somebody replies this,
because sometimes it seems that there is nobody here,
or noone is really interested about anything, please tell me if i am wrong.
Best wishes.
- Alexander
Siistii, just tulin Ukrainasta ja teil on keikka!!! Onko nää Vapun jatkobileet vai?
Jotain sellaista.=)
Was it a nice trip?