M: Halvennettua 12" rytmimusiikkia 35kpl
Yksittäiset levyt 3e/kpl+pk, koko paketti 50e (n.1.4e/levy)+pk. Koko paketin ostoa tuetaan ensisijaisesti + noutoa Turusta (lähialueille kuljetus onnistuu). Listaa:
clubhouse - do it again meets billie jean
source attack - zero 447
sendezentrum - utopia
radium - only a test
radium ft dj inside - universe of dreams (pieni naarmu)
eamonn fevah - your turn
isis - quadrant
jay cox & nik denton - sound of the underground
mario ranieri - tanzbein
chicago loop II - wav.style
tom wax - laut&leise
andreas kremer - my love is hot
brain 20 - acid motherfuckers
dumonde - let me out
dean facer - fun&games
chris c - freefall
aztec vs too strong
sub2 - the anxious
david roiseux - steady state
electrowave - zygomatik
mat silver - sensory / lost in time
mat silver vs endymion - violet skies
bambuddah - sheppard moon
marco v - v.ision
marco v - con:fusion album sampler (tupla)
junkfood junkies - the journey
paul glazby - locked up
genlog - mockmoon 2002
alien trax - spiral time / flow
alien trax - off the wagon
stormcatchers - chillout / chillin
milky way - rock
dj jamx - das licht
dj simple - trigger
xzique - your mind
Edit: Pakettihinta kohilleen.
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