HUGC is Super 21.4.2006 @ Helsinki
This time the wax spinnin' vinyl wizards of HUGC, Grizzley and Jaques are joined by outside reinforcements in the form of Progression (Bass Heroes). Progressive beats to full effect! Now you definitely do not have a valid excuse. Metro mayhem on a weekly basis!!
Progression (Bass Heroes, UK)
Born in London, Progression began DJing in 94. In the late 90s he simultaneously ran two club nights in Surrey, West London and became a 5yr resident playing alongside DJ legends such as Tall Paul, Scott Bond, Jean-Jacques Smoothie and Timmy Deluxe. Now living in Finland, Progressions DJ career continues with his roots firmly established in progressive sounds! Expect a set of driving basslines & uplifting vocals as this DJ delivers!
Metro Maddness
*tähti* The Train In the Drain *tähti*
I'll be there spinning with you lads... Looking forward to it as per usual!
And a valid excuse to watch u demolish a bottle of Fishermans Friend Vodka
See You's...
I do believe you too will partake in this demolishing of the infamous Fisu!!!*känni*
Next stop friday metro madness!!!!*jiihaa*
demolish a bottle of Fishermans Friend Vodka
Oh, god..*vink*
I know that stuff can be deadly!
That's why your night endorses it!
"I have never had relations with that bottle!!"*nauru*
One man one desire....
"There can be only one...................................................still standing after that bottle!"*känni*
Not a great deal left to say! Just this:
"If any of you people cannot withstand another minute without that Fishermans friend Gut rot substance... then fear not... Here is a recipe for home use..."
Buy... Mix... Serve... Enjoy... Hospitalized! :D
fisuuuuu....kohta täällä..*hih*
Olipa taas ilta!!!*aplodit*Meno paranee joka kerta. Kiitoksia yleisölle joka jaksaa kerta toisensa jälkeen tulla nostamaan jalkaa. Kiitoksia aisaparille ja thank you to the evenings special guest star Progression for some quality prog sounds. Ensi viikonloppuna HUGC:tä saa sitten nauttia kolmin kerroin. Joten muistakaa to Zen: meets HUGC @ Volume, pe HUGC is Super @ Super Bar ja Vappuviikonlopun kohokohta Aero @ Helsinki Club. Metro mayhem all weekend long!!!