Etsitään The Dawn of DIMI (DVD) - Erkki Kurenniemesta...

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The Dawn of DIMI (DVD)

The Dawn of DIMI (DVD)

Edited by Mika Taanila
Aspect ratio: 4:4, except Future Is Not What It Used To Be
anamorphic 16:9
Subtitles: English
Dialogue: Finnish/Swedish/English
Stereo PAL, R0 (all regions)
DVD-9: dual layer single sided disc
Booklet: 8 pages
Running time: approx. 180 mins
Release date: June 13, 2003, at the 50th Venice Biennale

DVD Tracks:
The Future Is Not What It Used To Be by Mika Taanila (52 mins)
Pan sonic plays Kurenniemi - live at Kiasma Theatre November 21, 2002 (59 mins)
reconstruction of "Deal" performance (1971) by Kurenniemi (6 mins)
DIMI-Ballet (1971) by Kurenniemi (12 mins)
six experimental films made by Kurenniemi during the 1960s: 'Electronics In The World of Tomorrow', 'Computer Music', 'The Punch Tape of Life', 'Flora & Fauna' and 'Carnaby Street' (altogether 42 mins)
generative Basic II computer animations by Kurenniemi (7 mins)
picture/text gallery of all Kurenniemi's electronic instruments, with his own liner notes + comments
picture/text gallery of Kurenniemi's Tonal Theory. Speculation on the relationship of mathematic and musical harmonies.
The booklet includes an essay by Erkki Huhtamo, full track credits with complete background information plus archive photographs.
