Betwixt & Between - Japanese Creator -

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minun maine on Betwixt & Between. Japanilainen luoja

07/08/2004 Live @ NRGetic Romancer (movie)linkki
my tracks

I like Alek szahala, Blender, Carbon based, Nomic, Orfeus, Pain on Creation, Proteus, RX and other Suomen Creators & Djs.

sorry for my mistakes.

[muokattu 13.8.2004 12:54]

Nonniin, kuunnelkaahan mitä japanin maasta puskee*joo*

Linkki ei ny skulaa, mut suosittelen tätä artistia kaikille!

Really awesome tracks*pihkassa* Love it!

Wicked tracks! I'm looking forward to hear some more
I think Liberation is the best of the 6 tracks that I could download from the site. (Links to Terrorizer's Song & The Eon didn't work for some reason?)

Keep up the good work!

Nice set of songs can't deny that, also there's that tiny cultural element messing behind the scenes in every song. I think you should stop imitating the uk-scene and concentrate on you own ideas or at least produce the elements in some what different way. Now every song kicked some ass, but after basic Nu Nrg Kevin acid came in the athmosphere dropped hugely. So keep on producing FreeForm but don't byte UK, cause that's an dead end waiting to come to na full stop.

Also City of soiitude was my favourite one, hard innovative music always works for me.

Kuoli viime kuussa
Freeformin lisäksi myös industrial hardcore/darkcore pioneeri Japanissa. Oli suuri kunnia osallistua hänen Total Discommunication lafkansa julkaisulla. Paljon respektiä Kaorulle!
I hope you will find peace bro..