Pe 29.8. Beatformers 5vee UK-breaks-starojen kanssa
Pe 29.8. 22-04 K-18 5 eur
Beatformers 5-vuotis juhlagaala
@YO-talo, Kauppakatu 10, Tampere
Atomic Hooligan UK (
Iain Taylor UK (Airtight)
Infekto TRE (Skillsters)
Dalion TRE (
Tampereen breakbeat- ja hiphop-scenen ylpeys, Beatformers-klubi, täyttää
elokuussa viisi vuotta. Beatformers on Suomen pisimpään pyörinyt ko.
musiikin ilta ja yleisestikin 5-vuoden uraputkea voidaan pitää
klubi-illalle varsin kunnioitettavana. Vuosien varrella klubilla Infekton
ja Karri K:n vieraana on käynyt niin kotimaan kuin ulkomaidenkin kermaa
tyylien vaihdellessa drum&bassista electroon ja hiphopista breakbeatin
kautta discoon ja funkkiin. Monipuolisuus on pitänyt konseptin tuoreena
koko ajan ja klubi vetää tuvan täyteen kerta kerran jälkeen Tampereen
Synttärigaalan erikoisvieraaksi saapuu kaksi brittiläistä breakbeat-dj:tä.
Atomic Hooligan on rankattu mm. kansainvälisessa DJ Mag-lehdessä Top-5
breaks-dj:ksi maailmassa ja keikkailee ympäri maailmaa jatkuvalla
syötöllä. Myös hänen tuotantoaan julkaistaan ko. musiikin isoimmilla
levymerkeillä kuten Botchit&Scarper:illa ja Distinctive:llä.
Keski-Englannin breaks-soundia puolestaan saapuu esittelemään Iain Taylor,
joka kotonaan Manchesterissa tunnetaan mm. Airtight-bileistä ja Faze 2
Synttäri-illassa kuullaan myös klubin omista pojista Infektoa ja illan
aloittaa uusi tamperelainen lupaus DJ Dalion, joka soittaa hiphoppia.
Info: Karri Korppi
Tässä vielä englanniksi lisää Atomic Hooliganista. Terry on pojista siis DJ-keikoille osallistuva puoli.
Matt Welch and Terry Ryan are Atomic Hooligan. Based deep in the Hertfordshire countryside, the lads have been meddling with everything breakbeat since the early 90's. Matt and Terry's attitude towards music is a new and refreshing one, they simply refuse to follow the path already walked!
Vinyl collaborations with Ragga Twins, Aquasky, Tayo, Ziggy, 2Sinners and Maz.
Larger than Life feat. Cousin Vini was Radio 1's One World essential tune of the week.
2002 has seen the Hooligan's profile rise exponentially, with guest DJ mixes on Kiss FM and Roni Size's 'Sounds of Now' on Ministry of Sound Radio. Other high points for the boys this year have been; mixing two compilations for the Hooligan's long time label Botchit and Scarper '4Vini' and 'Botchit Breaks 5', multiple DJ trips to Spain and the current USA tour.
With an album about to drop in 2003 and an upcoming World Tour, Atomic Hooligan shall conquer the world.
Ja tässä vielä meilekin isompi info Iain Taylorista:
From the age of 15 Iain has had the bug for vinyl and four years of hard practice later one of his mixtapes impressed a midweek promoter at The Hacienda and he got his first taste of the big time.
Since then his career has taken in promoting, residencies, studio production and gigs across the UK and the globe. Now 27 years old and a self confessed hip hop fanatic Iain Taylor has been at the forefront of Manchesters club culture for the last 5 years. Through his various residencies and self-promoted parties he has helped to nurture the cities underground breakbeat / electronica scene into the healthy state that it currently enjoys.
Not being restricted to the North West of England, Iain regularly plays at most of the major leftfield clubs in the UK including The Boutique, Planet Breaks, NY Sushi, Beatz N Bobs, Chew The Fat, Chibuku Shake Shake and too many more to mention as well as regular tours of Holland, Finland, France and Australia.
It was in 2001 that Iain had a new idea buzzing round his head. After months of negotiations and planning, AIRTIGHT Manchester's 1st weekly nu skool breaks session was born at Club North, in the heart of the city.
During it's 12 months at the club AIRTIGHT enjoyed a fanatical following and caused quite a stir within the music press with features in every major national dance music magazine plus a recommendation from The Face as well as playing host to every major name in breakbeat including Adam Freeland, BLIM (TCR) and The Plump DJ's.
Airtight had also attracted the attention of Manchesters Tribal Sessions @ Sankeys Soap and it wasnt long before both parties decided to bring Airtight under the Tribal Sessions banner. Iain will be playing an eclectic mix of Hip Hop, Funk, Beats and Breaks helping to extend Tribal Sessions already eclectic music policy and will continue to host his strictly breakbeat Airtight night one Friday a month over the entire club.
Tribal Sessions David Vincent said Iain energy behind the decks and charisma is something that has attracted us to him. He is a true party boy and that is one of the main things we look at when choosing a Tribal Sessions resident. Of course music is the other and his diverse sound will add a different weekly dimension to Tribal Sessions. P.S he doesn't mind the facepaint as well (LOL).
Näyttää siltä, että Beatformers menee muiden työkiireiden takia tauolle ainakin koko syksyksi eli nyt kannattaa saapua bilettämään, kun siihen vielä on mahdollisuus
ääh! harmittaa ku ei pääse viimesiin, ois niin hienoo olla paikal big up beatformers!
22.00-23.00 Dalion (hiphop&funk)
23.00-00.00 Infekto (building up)
00.00-01.00 Iain Taylor (breaks)
01.00-02.00 Infekto (drum&bass)
02.00-03.30 Atomic Hooligan (breaks)