dj rumbus - cocoon compilation f
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cocoon compilation f:
tekno, jotain
01 pier bucci - junk
02 guido schneider - animism
03 adam proll - fetch my blades
04 johannes heil - one
05 2000 and one - tropical melons
06 gregor tresher - full range madness
07 andreas kauffalet - every morning
08 mathew jonson-sub - atomic dream time
09 guy gerber and shlomi aber - sea of sand
10 serafin - liquid daydream
11 david k - dissonance
12 alex smoke - if you mean it
lisätiedot - kuuntele
Thank you, Jesus! *ökkö*
Mathew Johnson - Sub atomic... Minimal alert! Huippu biisi
Itelle toimii tost kokkarist parhaiten toi Serafin, saakelin moodi biisi, ja pari muutakin ihan ok (Heil, Jonson)
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