Uplifting Beats vol.6

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1.John Gibbons vs. Setrise - The lead we lost (Mark Young & Damo Kay remix)[VVG intro edit]
2.Nick Sentience & Paul Robertson - Sylo (Original Mix)
3.Genio & Trancisterius - Viaggio a Venezzia (2Trancy remix)
4.Aly & Fila ft. Jwaydan - Coming home (Original mix)
5.Ross Anderson - Vipros (original mix)
6.David Rust - Reversion (Johann Stone remix)
7.Filo & Peri ft. Aruna - Ashley (Alex M.O.R.P.H remix)
8.John O'Callaghan vs. Neptune Project - Rhea (Suncatcher remix)
9.ReOrder with Irena Love - Sundown (Original mix)
10.John O'Callaghan & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Ride the wave (Will Atkinson remix)

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