Friday, 4. June 2021

Comèt: The first weekend of summer

13:00 - 16:00

The summer is right behind the corner!☀️
Seems like winter has never been here even..

What we associate with summer - are endless warm nights full of parties, music, people and love in between.
The Comèt crew happily invites you to share the first summer weekend together!



This time we want to take you on a EURODISCO flight with us to one of the southern locations in Helsinki and just beautiful place in the middle of an industrial area called Hernesaari!
You can easily get there with a bus, bike, e-scooter or even walk!

Our friends from @conttibar will serve you their best beverages and we will make sure you enjoy emotional part of the night!

Come early, the bar will be open depending on the restrictions

🦠Safety reminder:
- please be thoughtful
- stay home if feeling ill
- keep the distance wisely
- hygiene rules are made to be followed

See you there❤️